All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others



 The Bible contains the mind of God,

The state of man, the way of salvation.

The doom of sinners and the happiness of believers.

Its doctrines are holy; its precepts are binding,

Its histories are true and its decisions are immutable.


Read it to be wise, believe it to be safe

and practice it to be holy.


It contains light to direct you, food to support you

and comfort to cheer you.


It is the traveller's map, the pilgrims staff, the pilots compass,

the soldiers sword and the Christian's charter.


Here Paradise is restored, heaven opened

and the gates of Hell disclosed.


Christ is it's grand subject, our good the design

and the glory of God, its end.


Without reading what others are saying here on AAG about the Bible,

First tell us in your own words, what the Bible means to you.

and then secondly give your personal answers to the questions below.


What does the Bible say that makes it so special?

If men wrote it, how can it be the Word of God?

If God is the Author, how is this possible?

What does the Bible continue to do for you?

How does one defend the Bible?

Quote one verse, you find especially SPECIAL.

Which of all the Books is your favourite and WHY?

Which Book would you suggest a Non Christian reads to attain salvation?

I know this gives little space, But in 5 lines tell us how you came to be "Born Again".




The Lord Bless you as you give your personal thoughts on this priceless possession we own. 



Your Brother in Christ,







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9 The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, 10 and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, 12 in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
The Holy Bible : English Standard Version. Wheaton : Standard Bible Society, 2001, S. 2 Th 2:9-12

I have heard preachers teach that if one hears the word and doesn't accept Christ before the Rapture, that there won't be a chance afterwards. Somehow, this doesn't sound right to me. If it were true, why does it include the words "for those who are perishing"?

My reason for asking about this is that I know people who are striving to understand the need for a Savior but they "just don't get it". They don't understand. I need some help in understanding this.
Hi Rita,
The passages you speak of in 2nd Thessalonians refers to those who having heard the Gospel many times, yet have refused to believe or accept it.
God in His wisdom knows this and therefore, they who are perishing (Alive, but alive in a life leading to death) are allowed to carry on, rather than believe the truth. God allows them to be deluded into believing that which they have basicly already believed, namely lies. This is happening right now to millions who refuse to obey the Gospel. These are the ones whom Paul refers to when he speaks of those who are perishing.

Finally when the Rapture happens, these same people will not have an opportunity (a second chance) to accept the Gospel.. For them it will be too late. Be sure that together with the Antichirst, Satan will give them a thousand reasons and excuses why Christians have suddenly dissapeared. They will have received and continue to receive those strong untruthful delusions.
Will there be a second chance? For Gentile nations, No! Remember the gospel of Jesus Christ is received by faith and not by sight. Having seen people everywhere dissapearing and then decide to believe, is not of faith.
The old saying: "Seeing is believing" will be too late. They had, had their chance and chose to reject it, just as many still do now. As for those who have continually heard the gospel and are conversant with the way of salvation, but are playing a "wait and see" game, these have already received the strong delusions which Paul writes of.
I trust that this helps.
My concern is for the person that just can't understand the Word. I can't explain what I am talking about but I know several who can't grasp it. They truly don't understand. If a person understands and is playing a wait and see game, I understand them being deluded. But my heart goes out to the one that can't grasp the concept of salvation.

I guess the reason why this concerns me is that there are times when I don't understand things. Verses that don't make their way through to my picture. Of course, that is my shortcoming but I have much sympathy for a person who wants to understand but can't.

I have one particular "friend", (I use that word lightly) that tells me that I am not saved because I am unable to discern some of the verses in the Bible. I put things in my words, not necessarily an exact quote. I can't see where that makes me unsaved, though. My attitude is to stay out of the reach of that person. I think he is guilty of pride when he ridicules others because they don't understand as he does.

I know this is not making sense so will talk to you a little later about it.

Blessings, Ron, in the Name of Jesus...
Hi Rita,

I understand and had similar "Know it all" friends when I first became a Christian.

A verse that all judgmental friends need to constantly remind themselves of, can be found in:
Luk 6:37 Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven.

There are many verses that I still find difficult to discern or understand. You may tell your friend that the whole Bible is a mystery and pretty difficult to discern when we first become Christians.

Praise God for the Holy Spirit who for the duration of our lives on earth undertakes the following.
First He convicts you of sin and when you ask forgiveness and accept Christ as Lord and Saviour, He takes up residence within you and confirms in your heart that you are a child of God
From there on He gives you a hunger for the Word that basicly you are unable to discern, but as you continue in your Christian walk and mix with other born again believers, the bible become clearer each day. As a Christian of some years I am still learning and the delighful periods are when suddenly a verse jumps right off the pages and says: "Isn't that great? Isn't that wonderful?"
The Holy Spirit will continue in your life until the day, determined that He will present you faultless at the throne of Grace.
Sadly the enemy is always with us. He cannot break us down, but he does try to discourage us, just as he is doing this now, by using another person you know..

Rita, simply quote to your friend, and to yourself and the devil on a daily basis: For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Rom:38-39

Your concern for others who are unable to grasp the Word and the way of Salvation, is understandable. But let them see the change that it has made to your own life. This is the "Proof of the pudding". Pray for them rather than "Brow beating" them. Your example as a Christian is far better once people continually reject the message.

The Lord continue to use you
Your friend and fellow Christian
First tell us in your own words, what the Bible means to you. The bible is Truth! It is God's Word to us..a rebellious people whom He loves. Reading it and understanding it has filled an emptiness in me..I know have something that was previously missing.

What does the Bible say that makes it so special? The bible tells me that regardless of how sinful I am, and rebellious I have been, that God loves me..and He forgives me...and wants me to be with Him Eternally---This is too great for my mind and heart to comprehend.. By God's Spirit testifies with mine that it is true.

If men wrote it, how can it be the Word of God? God's Spirit wrote it...he used human hands and fingers. :)
It is inspired by God. God is always relational and He desires to include each one of us in His Story.

If God is the Author, how is this possible? The words are not that of just any person...The bible was written progressively over 1500 years. It is 66 books...40+ authors..perfectly cohesive. There are no contradictions. There are misunderstandings due to language translations..but no contradictions. It has changed countless lives for that last 2000 years. The only explanation is that God wrote it.

What does the Bible continue to do for you? The bible continues to renew and transform me. I am growing continually in my faith and compassion and love for people as I learn more and understand it better.

How does one defend the Bible? Live it!

Quote one verse, you find especially SPECIAL.
Isa 41:10 'Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.'

Which of all the Books is your favourite and WHY? The book of Isaiah is my favourite.. but gee...I also love the psalms, the book of John...I love Colossians.. (Christ in you-the hope of Glory)....Genesis tells us how it all began... Isaiah is my favourite though! The verses are so very poetic...and they always seem to speak to me personally.

Which Book would you suggest a Non Christian reads to attain salvation? The book of John (the love book). also --Hebrews (Christ is Superior)

I know this gives little space, But in 5 lines tell us how you came to be "Born Again".
I was afraid of death, and I suffered severe anxiety. I was abused as a child by my dad.
I called my mom (a believer) and talked to her about my fears. She offered to pray for me with other believers who 'happened' to be at her house at 12(midnight)...what are the chances. :)
Anyhow...during the prayer God lifted me (it felt physical) and released me from my personal prison. He set me free and assured me of His Love. I repented from my sin, rebellion and unbelief and He saved me.. I was light and giddy! Praise God! I don't remember 'knowing or understanding' that I had to repent...somehow I was lead to do that!

hmmm....I would have to say it is the same as Rita...It is regarding 'post rapture'. I have heard conflicting opinions that people can be saved after the Rapture. I have heard that the Holy Spirit will be removed from the earth....but that seems to conflict with other things I have read. We know there are no contradictions in scripture, so I guess I would like more clarity on this issue.

Thanks Ron... God bless, Carla
Which Book would you suggest a Non Christian reads to attain salvation?
These verses answer the question...'Who is Jesus?'

Col 1:13 For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son,
Col 1:14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
Col 1:15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.
Col 1:16 For by Him all things were created, {both} in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities--all things have been created through Him and for Him.
Col 1:17 He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.
Col 1:18 He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that He Himself will come to have first place in everything.
Col 1:19 For it was the {Father's} good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Him,
Col 1:20 and through Him to reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross; through Him, {I say,} whether things on earth or things in heaven.

tell us in your own words, what the Bible means to you.
Surely, there are so many beneficial books for us to read, but without a doubt in my spirit, none can even come close. the bible is full of love letters from God to His people. the bible is the true meaning of love, grace, faithfulness, truth. the bible when it is truly read and believed, makes the simple wise and exposes the foolishness of people who do not live by it.

What does the Bible say that makes it so special?
I love what king David said to Gad in 2 Samuel 24:14 I am in a great strait: let us fall now into the hand of the LORD; for his mercies are great: and let me not fall into the hand of man. David sums up the whole bible for me, Grace after grace coming from a loving and yet perfect judge and His name is Jesus.

If men wrote it, how can it be the Word of God?
Men were inspired by God and that is why it was written, men heard the voice of God and they wrote what He said, that is why the bible is the Word of God.

If God is the Author, how is this possible?
God is able to do anything. in Him there is no such thing called "impossible", that is why it is possible, God is the One who inspired every author in the Bible.

What does the Bible continue to do for you?
Love the unloveable, forgive the unforgiveable, the Bible continue to show me where to go anytime I need an answer for a situation I am facing.

How does one defend the Bible?
Speak what the Bible speaks, live by the Spirit and not the flesh, do not be hypocrite. Say what the Bible says: You are Blessed, loved, forgiven and accepted because of what Jesus has done for you, by His grace and His mercy alone. I defend the Bible by agreeing with everything God says in a particular situation over what any man says regardless of what kind of facts he or she brings me,

Quote one verse, you find especially SPECIAL.
John 14:6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Which of all the Books is your favourite and WHY?
1 john is my favorite book because in this book I read about Christ love and sacrifice for me and others, the message in 1 John chapters 1 through 5 spoke to me when I first got saved, showed me the importance of loving God and loving those who are in the household of faith.

Which Book would you suggest a Non Christian reads to attain salvation?
Start with the book of John and 1 John. I would suggest for a Non Christian to get a copy of Billy Graham's book, " The secret of happiness" or any book written by him.

How I got saved?
I was given advice to watch the 700 club and believed it to be true after a very short time, the testimonies I heard on this program sticked with me till I gave my heart and my life to Jesus willingly trusting in Him alone to save me.

In Christ,
Hey Ron,

What does the Bible say that makes it so special?
“Jesus loves me this I know, For the Bible tells me so. Little ones to Him belong. They are weak, but He is strong. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves. The Bible tells me so.”

If men wrote it, how can it be the Word of God?
God spoke through the prophets of old and in a similar way guided these men to pen His words. For the believer this is not a hard concept at all.

If God is the Author, how is this possible?
God is not limited and can do as He chooses. God is involved with His creation. He lives in the believer and works through Him.

What does the Bible continue to do for you?
Educate, instruct, reproof and build up my faith.

How does one defend the Bible?
Allow God’s Word to speak into the situations in life. Let truth stand on its own merits.

Quote one verse, you find especially SPECIAL.
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Rom. 5:8 (NIV)

Which of all the Books is your favourite and WHY?
Colossians. It reveals Jesus in a special way, including His supremacy. Followed closely by 1 John as my second favorite.

Which Book would you suggest a Non Christian reads to attain salvation?
1 John. It lays all the basics out there in simplistic fashion.

I know this gives little space, But in 5 lines tell us how you came to be "Born Again".
The Holy Spirit opened my eyes revealing the reality of Jesus and who He is. At the same time He revealed who I am and the weight of my sin. This revealed a great gulf between me and God that could only be overcome through repenting of my sins and receiving Jesus as my Savior.

Lord Bless,


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