All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Good evening. I normally read pray request and pray for others but for the longest time I wanted someone to pray with me for me. I'm scared. Really scared. I have been living in fear of God for about a year now. You see I have dissapoint God. I'm so ashamed of myself. There are days that I just want to hide. I can't even write this because I crying. God if you can here me please please forgive me of my shame. I have been such a dissapointmet to you. I'm sorry. Can someone please pray for me. Thank you.

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Thank-you for the prayer. When I read it I cried because I never thought anyone would care enough to responed. I was in a very darl place and I was there most of the weekend. I go to this dark place alot were I want God so much but my fears over whelm me to the point were I want to give up. You helped me and that is why I am here. God just told me that. Its amazing. He's amazing.
Wow, you are exactly where i was a few days ago.
I found out that i was going to be sued. I just new it was punishment for a sin that I did against God that I had already felt bad about. I prayed in tears for God to forgive me, that I felt so ashamed.
As bad as being sued is... it took me one giant step closer to God and I am now closer to him that I have ever been.
When I listen to the radio, I want to hear gosple music. When I watch tv, I want tosee a sermon on any Christian channel that I can find.
Sometimes we underestimate God's Grace. He is eager to forgive and already has. It's time to forgive yourself...I have in my situation and I feel good about it.
God Bless
Ken O
Lina, the Lord has already forgiven you. Christ died on the cross for ALL of us. The Lord hears you when you pray. I have had past moments in my life when I was ashamed of things I have said or done. All you have to do is ask God for forgivness. He is waiting to hear from you. His door is open all day everyday. Forgive all who have wronged. Don't get stuck in the mud like I was. Put your trust in God and watch the miracles that he will perform. He is always working behind the scenes for our good.
Thank-you! I needed to read this prayer. God knew I was hurting and sent me you. When I read this I was like wow. This is what I was asking God for, when I asked Him to send a prayer for me and He did.
I will keep this prayer and when I get to my dark place I will say this prayer and remember all the great people in this room that felt my hurt.
I thank God for each and everyone.
L ina


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