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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

okay this might sound crazy but i think that god talks to me....not in a voice but in my thoughts ive tried to think that maybe i was just making it up but now im convinced its god becuase everytime i try to think around it the voice or thought or whatever gets more intense and i get woozy.....could it be god?

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My bad sis.

I forget I am dealing with the international circuit here. Holler back is simply slang for respond back.

Good thing you brought it up cause others may be taking it as you took it, when it was not meant with that connotation at all.

I live in Los Angeles where it simply means call me or respond back to me.

I am a goofball so you got to bear with me sis. God's joy is our strength and I am always joyful so i never mean any harm with my statements - just so you know but to the question at hand.

How do we discern, what is of God and what is not of God?

Extremely simple - we must align everything to the word. If something does not align to scripture than it is not of God. God does not contradict himself. He is perfect. Sola scriptura - scripture alone is our authority!

I love it!!!! Preach sista,,,,
It could be a thought or impression. Sometimes I see flashes or pictures. God may talk to you in different ways. He can teach you what His voice sounds like. God's thoughts are way above ours. He's very versatile. You could miss something He wants you to know. God wants to walk and talk with you. So He was a little more intense to get your attention.

Also...I learned this in a class about receiving revelation. The first time you receive revelation, it could be really fast. You might miss it. Think of it as a football game. You're trying to catch the football and run it in for a touchdown. You get tackled for the first time in your life. It happens very fast. As the football season goes on, you get tackled more and more. The experience seems to slow down and happen in slow motion. It's not that the tackles slowed down. What happened is that your thoughts have accelerated. Receiving is much the same way. As you get used to talking to God more and more, your thoughts will accelerate. We must rise to God's level.
your answer me and god talk like best i hear him like legit hear him think im crazy thats cool too
Your question was "Could it be God?" The quick answer to that is, yes, it most certainly could be God. God is God and He can do anything He wants.

I'm just guessing that the question you really want answered is, "Is it God?" I'm not sure that anybody can answer that question but you and God.

My personal opinion is that if the message is Godly, if it is something that runs parallel to the teachings of the Bible, then I believe it is God. Obviously, if it tells you to go clean your guns and make a list of those that have persecuted you, probably not so much.

As far as getting woozy, stop and think about the enormity of believing that God is speaking to you in a way that sounds like it is rather direct and insistent, I'm not sure about anybody else but the few times when I've felt directed by God, I felt a little surreal and giddy which doesn't seem so far from woosy. We can believe with all our hearts in God but actually feeling His strong presence reaching down to direct us can seem a little unbelievable at times, not because we don't believe but because God is AWESOME (I know, over used word but...) and we can't, try as we may, even begin to fathom all that is God.

Thank you for making me think about your question.
yes, i believe 100% God is talking to you. but God also blessed us with an intuition...many a times i have this voice in my head telling me that i should do something or not do something, but when i dont listen to that voice i end up wishing i had listened to it! God tells us things to keep us from harm or to benefit us.
Hey little sis -

the better word for the intuition as you describe it, i think is conscience.

Romans 2:15
since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending them.

Main Entry: in·tu·i·tion
Pronunciation: \ˌin-tü-ˈi-shən, -tyü-\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English intuycyon, from Late Latin intuition-, intuitio act of contemplating, from Latin intuēri to look at, contemplate, from in- + tuēri to look at
Date: 15th century
1 : quick and ready insight
2 a : immediate apprehension or cognition b : knowledge or conviction gained by intuition c : the power or faculty of attaining to direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought and inference

Romans 9:1
[ God's Sovereign Choice ] I speak the truth in Christ—I am not lying, my conscience confirms it in the Holy Spirit—

So intuition can be gain through experiance etc...

But what you are describing is more in the realm of the consciense. :)
I know when you first begin to realize that God is speaking to you, there is a fight with your logic and with the world's perception of 'ordinary' let me tell you..our Father is EXTRAordinary :) And he wants so very much to talk to us, his children.

Before turning back to God, I pretty much had a 'play' convesation with him, because I did not believe that God would truely speak to someone who had turned their back on him..apparently he will speak to you, if only you will listen.

There are three voices (not audible) that you can hear..Gods voice, your voice and he voice of the enemy.

What I know is when the enemy speaks, it doesn't line up with Fathers nature, it can make you feel anxious, or other negative feelings or give you temptations. It is often clear and pushy.

When God speaks, the love that comes in those messages from God for me radiates love, gentleness, compassion and I either become delightfully joyful or I can be reduced to tears for the beauty of him.

I understand the woozy feeling, and have been wondering myself if that feeling was me actually being woozy..or if it was his is nice to hear someone else feels this too.

To know God never goes against his nature that is shown throughout the bible and the life of Jesus.

Relax and enjoy Father delighting in you his child as he wants to talk to you and have you delight in him.
Test what is said against what you know about his character as is written in his word. (bible)
If you are ever unsure, talk to an elder or a pastor from your church.

It is not weird, it is natural :)
thank you soo much that set my mind at ease and it was so true as well god bless you!
I know God talks to people in a lot of ways especially his children.If you are his child, I have no doubt about it .


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