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I am sure most have heard it or what not but what does this scripture mean to you.
Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added to you.

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To me this scripture means to do things that God would do, to build a closer relationship with him. If you put your everything into God, to have faith in him, to let him handle your problem and glorify him in every way possible everything you ever wanted he will give it to you.
Thanks Amanda,My self I was wondering a few things about this scripture if your seeking God for the desires of your heart then he will give it to you.And also thought well what if your in a right standing with God in your relationship your doing the things of God then he will add everything else to you.
This is beautifully written, Thank you Veronica, Its exactly what we must do everyday; todie to self, and ask Him to fill us with His conscience
Blessings Si
In His shadow,
It means to seek HIM and HIS word, to write them on your hsart, and not waver from the paths He has choen for you,
He wants OUR Love; and All " consuming " Obedience to HIM, to live wholly Moral lives, (Not as the world woul have us live-like they do) and then He will give us the desires of our hearts; for it isb His grace that we are saved, by theCross ofJesus His Beloved son, and not by the world shall we be accepted; but through the cross.....;)

In His shadow,
Whenever we read the bible, we have to read it in context. We cannot anachronistically superimpose our own Christian doctrine on it and then say that it is true. Whatever it means to us is irrelevant if it is not congruent with the purpose and intent of the author and also within the context of the time, place, and situation.
The verse you are speaking about comes from the book of Matthew. The book focuses on the Messianic Character of Yeshua and in it Yeshua is addressing Jews, for there were no Christians yet.
The concept of the Kingdom of God that he is referring to comes out of his declaration to the Synagogue that he had come to bring in the Eschaton of the God of Israel. Paul's entire ministry in the Epistles speak of this idea.
Yeshua says here that whatever you think you need is not as important as seeking God's Kingdom on Earth, as that is what Yeshua came to bring. (Luke 4:18)(Isaiah 61:1-3)
That Kingdom, which Yeshua demonstrates in all his miracle working, being initiated in his life, death and resurrection, is the time that the Gentiles will now be allowed into the covenant God was renewing with Israel as outlined in Jeremiah 33 during the Babylonian exile. God always intended to restore His people Israel. Yeshua was bringing in that prophecy. It was good news for Israel.
What Yeshua is saying to Israel in the Matthew passage is that the hearts of the people must be focused on what God was doing on Earth, and not to be focused on whatever little things that they worried about individually. He was comforting not condemning His people.
Thank you:)i looked at this at all different ways.thanks for the clear up
I never thought of it this way but basically your saying that this passage was sort of a prophesy and that we or the Jews back then need to stop focusing on the little things that distract us from God?
To me, it means putting God first in EVERYTHING. Not just at church on Sunday, or whenever I have a problem. It is seeking (actually looking for God in every area of my life for answers to every dilemma that I face) first (asking God His opinion before I go to anyone else by studying His word, fasting, and praying) the Kingdom of God and His righteousness (God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit [and know that God loves us so much that He gave His son and He empowers us by the Holy Spirit] and remain righteous [in right-standing] in His sight) and all of these things (everything that you need and want through Christ) shall be added to you (comes with Him).

Be Blessed!!
2 Corinthians 4:4

4The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

Praise the Lord. I am so much thankful to God for the opportunity to read this. I am so blessed for all you have shared about the discussion in every ways. Indeed, we must seek first the presence of God before anything else or everything because our God who created us and owned everything in this world is very faithful and merciful in all He does.

to God be exalted.

God's honor,ladyhumble
2 Corinthians 4:4

4The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

Praise the Lord. I am so much thankful to God for the opportunity to read this. I am so blessed for all you have shared about the discussion in every ways. Indeed, we must seek first the presence of God before anything else or everything because our God who created us and owned everything in this world is very faithful and merciful in all He does.

to God be exalted.

God's honor,ladyhumble
Hi Shauna,

From my personal experience I have always imagined the Kingdom of God as a beautiful place to be that only accepted people in perfect Holiness without blemish living only in Peace love and joy. Every person in the kingdom is sparkly and so I found out how to be sparkly with the help of my Friend Jesus Christ.

He taught me how to get rid of all the dirtiness in me and purified my heart.

from there things just came and now I live the kind of life I am living now :) <3

Hope you enjoyed my short testimony
Stacey, I appreciate your testimony, but I hope your words don't mean that you think you must be sparkling all the time to be worthy of the Kingdom.


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