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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I have a serious demon situation! Many unwelcome energy forms in my body and my apartment. I have been praying and asking God for help. I have tried many things to get rid of these demon's. I have been searching for a deliverance minister and there are none in my area. I think these things are going to kill me. They speak. Can anyone help me? I believe my life, my daughters life, her husbands life and their cats lives as well as there souls are all in serious danger! Please help us!

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jody, i had a demon issue i dealt with for 6months before i was actually demonized. THERE IS HELP FOR YOU!! get this book by john brubeck, on spiritual warefare; overcoming the adversary. this helped me immensly. say the prayers in there every night. these are taken right out of the bible; putting on the ARMOR OF GOD; THE HELMET OF SALVATION, THE BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, THE SHIELD OF FAITH, THE SHOES OF PEACE. if you belong to a church, TALK TO YOUR PASTOR and ask for PRAYER from him and others in the church. attend prayer worship everyday. pray alone, but you need the prayers of others that are perhaps stronger in their christian walk. make your house a sanctuary; play christian music. close all doors to darkness; is or has anyone in your family been messing in occult activity? (this could simply be astrology) all darkness doors must be shut!! is/has anyone been depressed? drug use? harboring unforgiveness? YES YOU DO NEED DELIVERANCE!!!! i can help you...there is much more that needs to be done. i have been thru deliverance ministry thru my church, and God healed me from demonization, drug addiction, lifelong depression, unforgivness of 29yrs. CONTACT I WILL PRAY FOR YOU. you need to know that SATAN IS ALREADY A DEFEATED FOE!! THESE DEMONS ARE USING WHATEVER CONTROL YOU HAVE GIVEN THEM...YOU NEED TO TAKE CONTROL BACK. SPEAK TO THEM, DEMANDING THAT THEY "FLEE IN THE NAME OF JESUS!' SAY"YOU HAVE NO POWER HERE! BE GONE!" dont talk to them other than this. ignore the voices. when they come, PRAY TO JESUS. after your deliverance, you must get your house blessed. my pastor and some members came and annointed the doorways and blessed each room, bringing the spirit of GOD in and over our home. i know what youre going thru and its terrible...stay strong, and keep your faith! they will go!!! you also need to repent and confess....there is something that you need to repent this sincerely with all your heart...the demons are holding onto somthing dark inside you. once you give that to GOD, they can no longer work on the inside of you. nancy
I too have expeirenced these things of satan, becasue I was ignorant at that time of satans devises. As we are growing up we play games that we thought were innocent, such as Quaji board, watching movies on the occult. As a teenager, I read books on the occult, witchcraft, and how to cast spells. I was saaved but I was hungery for the supernatural things of God, but, had no one to explain the miracles in the bible. That those same miracles are still available today. But, I went about it the wrong way. I was saved and no doubting about...I loved Jesus...didn't understand the Holy Spirit...and His gifts. So, after I was in my adult years, and after the death of my first husband at the age of 24(me)...I went 16 years of soul searching, depressions, opperssion and had no idea how to deal with this. At 38 I was delieverd and set free from all of these things...was I possesed?
No, but I was oppressed, and if your a true believer in God and Jesus is your Lord and your filled with the Holy are NOT possessed, but sounds like you are oppressed...but, you can be set free. It is a spiritual war going have the power along with all of us to be set free. You have to believe and rebuke in Jesus name. I will keep praying for you.
You can plead the Blood of Jesus over you and your family, and believe God to protect you and I pray that the Lord protect you and yours right now in the Name of Jesus and I thank him for doing it and setting you free by the power of His Spirit,Amen!!

In His Service,

Bro. Dillon
Happy Halloween! I have heard that the spirit world is closest to our world today. Recieve Christ, give yourself up and recieve as much of the Holy Spirit as you can. In doing so demons can't stand to come close to you.
Say: Through the blood of Christ our Lord and Savior, I COMMAND Satan and his demons to leave this house, I COMMAND, Satan and his demons to leave my children, i COMMAND Satan and his demons to leave my pets, i COMMAND, Satan and his demons to leave my husband, i COMMAND, Satan and his demons to leave me, i COMMAND Satan and his demons to return to the pit to be cast into the lake of fire. In Jesus' name i command Satan and his demons to leave this place. Jesus lives here and Satan and his demons are not welcome to dwell in this house. Although we walk through the valley of the shadow of death we fear no evil for our God is with us. Have the television channel, Trinity Broadcasting Network on ALL the time. Fill your house with the words of the Lord our God. Demons run from the sound of the name Jesus. Say Jesus' name continually over and over. Ask Jesus for further instruction on how to rid yourself of these demons. Tell these demons they have no power over you. Beg God through Jesus our Lord and Savior for God to instruct you as to what else to pray.

Hi Jody,First I recomment putting or buying some christian music.Annoint your house with Oil and cast out and rebuke all demons by the name of Jesus every day ask God to cover you in the blood.I guarantee once you get that worship music and follow this you will see demons tremble.Remember Greater is he that is in you then he that is in the world.I will be praying for you as well.

Heavenly father,
I thank you now you are a father of love I thank you for your son Jesus!Lord I come before you now on behalf of Jody and her family Lord I ask you to cover them put a hedge of protection around them and we demand any demon around them to flee in the name of Jesus Amen.
GOD rest ye merry gentleman let nothing you dismaaaay, remember Christ our savior was born on Christmas SAVE US ALL FROM SATAN's power...and something da da dunnnn ohhhhh tii-dings of co-omfort and joy comfort and jooooooy..oh tiding of comfort and joy.......MERRY CHRISTMAS!!~ and remember Jesus is the whole reason for the season...May your Christmas be Bright and Glowing...may angels surround you and protect may the blessings of the almighty father descend upon you and remain forever.P.S. Based on Mark 11 22-25 according to Jesus' words this is how I answer every challenge that comes up in my life. I have faith in God I say to this mountain of __________________(whatever it is) Be removed and cast in the sea. I do not doubt in my heart, but I believe Jesus----what ever things I ask when I pray. I believe I receive them. I have them now!And I forgive anyone whom I"ve held anything against, receiving my Father's forgiveness for my own trespases.amen
Hi Jody

I know that demons exist and I know exactly what you talking about.

In my experience before Jesus Christ rescued me from that horrible attack,

In my case the demons used to attack me at night.

In 2009 Jesus Christ worked in me tremendously to an extent of prophesying.

I never set an alarm to wake up at 12 midnight, but I always wake up at 23:55 with the help of the Holy Spirit. Due to that I never ignored that moment as I will pray even if I do not feel like it.
Mind you the devil does not want any prayer at that moment.

One monirng @ 00:45 after praying, I slept.

There are these attacks that we normally call them nightmares.

It used to hapen once off, but I never ignored those attacks as I will always pray after every nightmare.

But there is this day when I started to realize that there is more to these things than just being nightmares.

What started to happen was that while I was asleep I would feel it when a nightmare is coming, cause it is an evil spirit that supress you and you can't move no shout no anything, its like all your powers are being hold.

Then this one night, I felt that evil spirit coming, and as I tried to wake up fast before it could attack me, it was already there, the there was a woman strangled my throat to an extent of not beathing.

Again with the help of the Holy Spirit I have started to call the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth in my dreams.

The woman said: you are saying there are no other gods, still in the dream I said yes in Jesus Christ of Nazareth thre are no other Gods. Then the woman flee from me. I woke up and I prayed, I slept again and th second time came a python and rapped itself around me, again I couldn't breath, I said by the Blood of the Lamb and then I woke up, I wnt lie that time I becae so scared, I prayed and then I took my bible and I did not know where to put it to cover my body. I prayed for protection, I appliedthe Blood of Lamb and asked God as the consuming fire to fight the devil. I went to sleep again and te third time came a man with a spray in his hand, h sprayed my mouth and that was so hot as he said I wont call upon Jesus Name again. I called Jesus NAme though my mout was sealed but by the power of God my mouth was opened. I woke up so tired and I said this was a real spiritual warfare. After that I could not sleep again.

I called my Pastor and other brethren for prayers.

They came into my house and prayed for me and with me, I became scared of paying at night noticing that the devil is watching me.

But I thatnk God th devil did not get a chance to put his demons on me and he will never.

Keep on praying Jody. God is in control
Hello, You have some wonderful insight already, but may I speak from experience? I too had demons follow me around for over 12 years! I understand your terror and fear, and this something this is a serious nature. I just want to tell you that this is going to ba a process, and that these things take time...

Resist the devil and he will flee- this is a wonderful scripture that you can trust. If it wasn't true, scripture wouldn't have said so. The resistence and stance you need to take against this evil is to ask yourself some very hard questions that only you can answer.

There is so much to say on this matter and the best tool you have against Satan is to equip yourself with bible knowledge, because after all we know that Satan has that- he tried to use God's word to tempt Jesus. But the one thing Satan doesn't have over us is that there is power in our faith and power in prayer.

We have been given authority over snakes and scorpions and you, through faith have what is called the "title deed" to the kingdom of God. You are allowed to boldly stand before God's throne and take your rightful place as a child of God and say NO! to Satan- In Jesus Name!

His name is not an incantation by any means. The very name causes satan to tremble and shudder. I do not want to make any mistake or cause misunderstanding about this... the authority of Jesus name comes from WHO JESUS is, and What He did for us on the cross. It is his blood shed that makes atonement of our sins, and satan is trusting that we do not understand or know the cross to its entirety. He plays and preys on our misunderstanding of the means of the cross, and the diety of Jesus.

One thing that comes to mind is that scenero of Jesus calming the storm. The disciples and Jesus were on a boat, and the sea was calm, blue sky and birds flying in the air. ( Setting the scene here) It was when ( WHEN) Jesus fell asleep THEN the clouds grew dark, the wind came up and the storm began to rage. The disciples were scared, and when Jesus awoke- the clouds DID NOT CLEAR, it was when He spoke with the authority given to him. He spoke " PEACE, be STILL" and then the sky was clear and calm. The wind stopped, and the waves subsided.
This story was so encouraging to me because even the ELEMENTs obey God. Satan has to obey God.

May I encourage you to read the scriptures of Jesus healing the demonic?
The better you know your enemy, the more you can stand against him.

Now with all this, there is some very clear and hard work you need to do. There are questions that you need to ask, of yourself and your family- What was the one thing or events that allowed these demons into your life? If there were any such things as divination, mediums, phycics, "game boards" then all forms of temptation have to be dealt with- for GOOD.

Next is what are you and your family willing to do in order to see to it that your house remain in order ( Jesus talks about our houses being swept clean. If they are not kept tidy, then what we want gone, will come back- with many more)

Are you willing to devote your lives to God - in every aspect, in thought, character, daily living? It sounds drastic, but isn't this required of us regardless?

Are there any misunderstandings and hangups that you have about Christ, and the cross, about God himself? This may be a hard one to ask, and it does not come with judgement. I myself misunderstood Christ- In fact I thought I knew it all, and I have to say if we are not equipped with more than just knowledge - faith will not stand against satan and his schemes.

Are you willing do devote yourself to a daily relationship to God and allow him to teach and heal you?

These are just some of the questions to ask yourself. Again, walking in the ways of Christ is a journey, and we are all works in progress- but these are key understandings to help you clothe yourself with spiritual armor that is Jesus Himself that will help you resist all the flaming arrows of the enemy. The armor of God is not an invisible suit that we pray for- it is Jesus Christ- as Paul states, but it is the understanding of Jesus Christ and the means of the cross that give us the strength to withstand. It is the understanding that strengthens our faith that equips us with the spiritual armor that causes satan to flee.

Another thing- The story of David is encouraging. By his faith alone he was able to slay Goliath. He actually told this giant what he was going to do to him. Imagine little boy David with his sword at his side, and his slingshot in one hand and stones in the other... The armor of the King was too big for him, so he couldn't wear it, and he choose not to. By his faith in God and the relationship He had with Him carried him through. You can get through this and don't think other wise.

If I may leave you with this:

Lord, We stand united boldly before your throne and take our stance against Satan. He is trying hard as he may to over throw your children, and Jody and her family and we ask for your intervention, your hand of healing and justice to come upon this family and against satan. We ask that you allow your Holy Spirit to minister to each heart and replace their fear with courage and conviction! I ask Lord that you help this family - where they are seeking you, let you be found! Let them know you and your ways. Let them sing a new song in thier hearts and let them praise your name in victory amoung their house hold! "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!" Let this banner rain truth to all who enter thier house and let peace leave each person as they leave. Let Satan flee and never return, in fact if it be possible, enable evil to be bound in the chains of the abyss, unable to inflict any more harm!
Allow the cross of Christ to be revealed in truth and entirety to this family so that your love will be poured upon their heads like annointing oil! Let your truth and your ways guide them in all ways.

Restore their hearts to YOu oh God, and cement their family together in unity and love. Let them seek you out in prayer and supplication for all things, and let them not be afraid to speak to you. Let their thirst for you Jesus be quenched from your cup. Let your yoke be upon them so that whatever they have yet to endure in their days, they will find it light and un burdensome. Let this family shine a light for you God so that thier lives will be a living testimony towards your good name and works. In Jesus name, AMEN.
Here is a link for a deliverance ministry and they have many books and articles listed online that are very helpful :
Thank you Gayla.
Believe it or not, I am experiencing the same thing, I need a deliverance minister here in my area and cannot find one that I think will fully commit to what might turn into an exorcism.did you ever get that taken care of?


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