All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others we go....not sure if my last reply got posted...if so...sorry for the repetition....if we go.

I know from postings in the past that my views will probably not be appreciated or accepted here(if so then praise god)

I am a born and bread US citizen....I have spent 39(almost) years now not really having a political point of view that is represented by our system...both past and present.

I am a strong believer that our country needs strong Christian moral leaderhship......however..what about strong economic Chrisitan leadership??? In my humble opinion...neither party represents that at all. Extremes on both ends yes(possibility exists on both ends), however the middle ground never meets in our system.

I have done limited research..however have found that many countries in the world have Christian political parties that are morally conservative...however also meet the economic needs of the poor and working class(rather than atheistic communism).

Maybe its time...time for a third party movement in the United States.
Please forgive me if I opinions...

I think it is absolutlely insane that abortion rights and legalization are tied to health care for all and a decent working wage for should be the other way around....we should have an ideology that supports chrisitan familes....that promotes a prosperous economy with healthcare for all....a decent living for all...and supports family values. That should be the healthcare bill...I am no economist..just my political theory.

In my humble opinion....I think the rich should pay more taxes...they should want to support the society(and hopefully god) that blessed them.

I think that we should want a society that supports christian families....that realizes the killing of the unborn is a complete abomination.....and not link it to fair and equal pay and affordable healthcare.

I believe we should have prayer to Jesus in schools....we should insist upont it.
I believe that things that are so detremental to, drugs, prostitution,etc, etc...should be banned...and should be dealt with more strictly than it is today(I believe it does offend God and it is no surprise that this nation is falling because of it),

I believe that economic greed and immorality is just as bad as the social immorality that is bringing the United States down.

I believe that we need to go back to supporting Israel....and not her Arab adversaries.
We need stronger immigration policies...."Not by might...not by power...but by my spirit says the Lord of Hosts" Then why is this country letting people in who oppose that spirit???

Should we be enviromentally aware??? Of course. I mean....the earth is of God just as we are.

We are to be stewards of the earth...not destroyers.

These are my points of view.... I wont lie...I am not poli-sci major...I dont know how all of these issues and more should be implemented....but I know neither of the major political party we have in this country represents all of those points of view.

I realize that life and government is more complex than this...I also realize that to me...these point of view are consistant and right..........and flow together better to make a better world.

Well...there you go........I hope someone other than me agrees with what I have said...I hope others here than me see that this world can still be saved........

God bless....and no offense.....just my views....

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Replies to This Discussion

I'm about your same age and have the same disapointment of both parties but I have a better solution.
Third parties will not win and will only bring victory to the other party by pulling votes away from the closest one. This is what gave us pres. Bill Clinton. Ross parro as an independent took enough votes away from Bush Sr. to win. This will happen everytime.
These are issues that can be passed through the Republican party. Sometimes in politics it's the lesser of two evils.
The Republican party is not where I would like it to be on Christian values but the Democrate party is the home of the Liberals and the atheists.
Sarah pallin and others have launched a revolution in the Republican party that is pulling it back to the right.
Let's get to work challenging our politians who are supposed to be representing the people. Because lets face it, they just want to be re-elected.
Oh, the rich pay more taxes than you think. I think it's the top 10% earners pay 60% of the taxes collected and will soon pay more

God Bless
Ken O.
I am not a lay down and die type of person at all and I am a firm believer that we should contend for the truth as scripture teaches us. I am a Spirit filled child of God who prays and hopes for the best, but I am also very aware of what the bible tells us the progression society will take or is taking.

That said our society will get worst, yes we pray and vote for laws that keep that from happening, scripture teaches us that iniquity will prevail before the Lord's return, that may be in our live time or 500 years from now and we continue to pray and fight for our constitutional Christian rights, but the reality is that: Romans 8
22 For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now. 23 Not only that, but we also who have the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our body. 24 For we were saved in this hope, but hope that is seen is not hope; for why does one still hope for what he sees? 25 But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance.

So we persevere, but to think that we can turn the country into the world you described in theory up above, I think is unrealistic. This world and society is decaying and we do well praying and contending for the truth, but more than anything we should focus our efforts in evangelizing the walking dead among us. we have to start with self, living in holiness and then impact our immediate surrounding, as we do that our families will prosper and our communities can be improved, but we know it is written that things will get worst, so we hope for our Kings return to be soon.

Again I am not saying not to do all we can to keep the decaying process of our political system from being expedited, but our efforts should be balanced between our fight for freedom and bringing souls to the kingdom.
Templar...Thank you for your post, and I like you do not think either party is doing thier is about we the people not special interest groups help the poor and the needy....People need to read Acts and what the early Church did...everyone sold and it was equal for all....oh but many holler that would be socialism. I am sick of what has been done in the name of is not is not bibilical...and neither is either one of the parties niether one are the one who represent values or morals....jmho.

I above all want to see our men and women in unifform come home ...I have son in Afganistan now. He was shot two years Iraq by a sniper. I Pray for President Obama....he inherited a MESS and all I hear is praises for the very poltical party that helped give us 2 wars,jobs gone overseas,deregulation,lost homes,more homeless and unemployed.....and yes the Democrates share in the "Blame", but they were not reigning party.

Excuses are the skin of truth stuffed with a lie.

Pray for ALL OF OUR LEADERS....not just some ALL~
We are not asked to pray for them we are told to in the WORD OF GOD... and it does not have any cutesy remarks about keeping an eye on this one or about praying and trusting God unless everyone think thier opinion is more powerful than God's Word....God is still in Control....and he can change hearts and minds today....he has not changed..but some act like he has....


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