We all agreed that we are saved by God's grace, not our dead works. We also agreed that those that are saved will walk righteously. But in our Christian lingo it seems our language is all blurred together at times.
So how do we obey God without trying to "earn" our salvation or even keep it? For the record I believe in the preservation of the Saints by our Lord, he is able to keep us.
Is it just a matter of motives? Is fearing a holy and exalted God a "works" mentality, while the motive of gratitude toward a gracious God is the "Biblical" mentality? Or is it that God is supposed to be the originator of good works, and anything done by a conscience deliberate and disciplined decision is just dead works?
I think we agree we must "work out our salvation with fear and trembling" and that "God is working in us to will and act", but how does this work???
Example: I dont like mornings!!! But I know by experience when I dont force myself to wake up and pray I am more likely to "enter into temptation", and since I don’t trust myself and my own strength in face of temptation I wake up and pray (most of the time anyway! Hehe!). Is this dead works??? Is forcing myself to pray that I won’t enter into temptation but be delivered from evil a dead work?
Or: if someone hurts my feelings and I want to write them off, I remember that if I don’t forgive, I won’t be forgiven, so I thru prayer, meditating on scripture and all the will power I can muster force myself to forgive them. Is that dead works??? Is forcing myself to obey a command that is conditional to forgiveness dead works?
Simply put, how do we work out what God works in by grace? What’s involved? Spiritual disciplines? Faith? Our own will and discipline? Our feelings? Etc.?
What is a "dead work"? Pls define it.
What is a "godly grace driven act of righteousness"? Pls describe how it is produced in our lives.
By a dear friend of mine Chris C.