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Please tell me what did Cain mean when he said ------whoever finds me will kill me(GEN 4:14) and he also got a wife from the land of NOD. Does it mean that there where people already??

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Hi Kuldip,

Genesis 5:4 gives the answer: And after the birth of Seth, Adam went on living for eight hundred years, and had sons and daughters: Gen 5:5 The blood line of Adam and Eve were genetically pure. As the first people on earth they had not accumulated any blood disorders as we have over the centuries that man has been on earth. Inter-relationships therefore were common place and Cain married his sister.
As all the inhabitants of the earth were at that time of the same family, the parents themselves still alive, and each would have had a right to kill this murderer of his or her relative. Hence the reason for Cain's fear of being killed.

Have a good day
Thanks Ron,
So there was a big age gap between Cain and Abel. In between that time Eve had many other children? But Abel seems to be the second child.
Yes, there could have been a large gap between the births, but not not necessarily.
It would appear from the way scripture relates the birth of Abel, that "Yes" Abel was the second child
and was born shortly after Cain.

Gen 4:2 Then again she became with child and gave birth to Abel, his brother.

But I don't think that age counted for much in those days. Remember Adam lived for 930 years and had fathered many right up to the age of 800 years. WOW! What a sex life.

No doubt their children must have had the same ability as seen with Seth

"And Seth was a hundred and five years old when he became the father of Enosh:
And he went on living after the birth of Enosh for eight hundred and seven years, and had sons and daughters:"
Gen 5:6-7
I get it now. So between the the birth of Abel and the time of his murder there were other children who had moved away to Nod.
Yes it appears that other children followed after Abel's birth. Naturally the Bible is quiet on many things, leaving a lot to speculate about. As long as we don't insist that the speculations are a God given fact.
Thank You very much.
yes the Hebrew makes it clear that the races were created on the sixth day. The English uses one term Adam when the Hebrew makes a point that mankind ("adam") was created and Eth-Ha-Adam was a seperate people (the Adamic man) which Israel would later come from.
Many are blind to this fact by nothing more than traditions of men and myths. Just as many would swear that the Word says they ate of an apple but that can't be documented anywhere.
You are at the door of going into the physical context of the Key Of david which further reveals much more that the masses are blind to and is the reason why we have begates listed. Also note: Gen. 1:28 Replenish the earth(Earth ages are mentioned as early as Gen.1:1-2), or verse 27 male and female he created he THEM. This is mankind and the emphasis changes in Gen.2 to the Adamic man of which gen. was first written to so we have to embrace all these concepts and Many many more.
gen. 15! Two different seeds and these two seeds have different fathers medically called heteropaternal superfecundation (ferternal twins) two seperate fathers (water sacks). And Adams seed is listed in Gen. 4:25-5 and Cain is not listed other than a murder of Able one of Adams seeds. The Ungodly line of Cain is listed in prior verses. Christ taght these things and the two churches Christ found no fault with in Rev. taught this.
There is MUCH documentation on the subject and I will wait to post more if I see any interest from others.
Just to touch on a few more areas. (we can also document these peoples lived through the flood and even document the mark of Cain is mbraced by Cains seed after the flood. We only need to let God's Word Speak without traditions of men or mistranslation.


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