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There seem to be a rise of racism not only in the secular world but also among christians.You have always had seperations by race on Sunday mornings during worship services(why is that?).You even have it on the christian airways that is becoming more evident as I listen daily.This is something that vexes my spirit greatly.There are those that make racist statements on commentaries,blogs and yet claim the christian faith. Let's not let this rise up any more than it has...God help us to love no matter what color someone skin is...Amen.

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Agreed, we as a people can't help the way that God created us. He created all races and there is nothing we can do about what color our skin is and where we came from.

Every Sunday, Our church had one of the white members lead in the Hymns and Chorus' before the sermon.

It was felt that people of colour were left out. In other words they came to church, always watched the "Whitey" lead the singing and certainly without a doubt, started to feel that it was a church for "WHITES ONLY" and they really did not belong there. (Lord forgive us)

This of course was done in all innocence and without deeper thought. Suddenly someone switched on the lights.

Now we have all colours of the rainbow leading the service and it gives the feeling that each one of us are a part of our church.

I would strongly recommend this for your church if it appears to be "WHITES ONLY"

Blessings - Ron
I will not fellowship among people who are openly and unashamedly racist.

That being said, racism is indemic to all people at some level. In general, people tend to fear those who are not of their culture or ethnicity. I don't agree that racism is increasing. That may be a local perception, based on isolated cases. In general, people are becoming more accepting of outsiders than ever before in history; Especially in western nations. The statistics demonstrate this, across the board.

I have seen distrust and fear from people of different "races", in every direction. Our call is to overcome that. We do so not by pointing at others, but by seeking God and humbling ourselves. We must be willing to confront those closest to us not to live in fear and hate - but in grace and the Love of Christ toward those who are most different.

Our challenge as believers is much higher than being "color blind", but rather to love our fellow man with the love of Christ. The Gospel transcends all limitations and boundaries - so Christians ought to do so as an act of intentional obedience to Christ's command to take the Gospel to all nations and people. We can't preach the Gospel if we're not willing to love.

In the Church - that is among the community of people who follow Christ - we must be bold enough to challenge those who "look like us" not to offend our seperate from those "who look like them". It doesn't work any other way.
Thank you for your thoughts on this issue but I have to disagree that it's not increasing racism that is. You made a point about not fellowshiping with those that are openly racist,well thats one of the problems it's hidden,sugar coated,etc.Of coarse you have those that don't care who know their racist but then you have those that hide it behind closed doors,comments,etc.Statistics can say anything but when you see it and hear it then you know whats really happening.Also I know the bible is true when it says that in the last days perlious times shall come and that sin will be abound and we as believers need the knowledge of the truth. And the truth is racism is on the rise where at one time it was decreasing but not now.As fellow believers and followers of Christ let us pray for our nation and others concerning this matter.Open your eyes and heart to this situation.And yes we must be willing to love no matter what, not just with our mouths,but with action.Love is a verb not a noun...God bless
Trellis, I suspect that you may be confusing an increase of racism with an increasing political polarity. That is politics; the nature of which is that politicians and political hacks who have their own interests in mind spend a great deal of time to demonize those who are on the opposite of their beliefs and making accusations of racism is one way that is often done.

As Christians, we must not be drawn in by this. We are people of the light. We do not fellowship with darkness and anything that seeks to divide and confuse people is of the darkenss. If you suspect that people who are different than you in church are dividing, you must overcome that by praying blessing upon them and then actively and openly seeking to embrace them with an attitude of blessing.

I was raised in a community where I was the minority. In that community, most of the churches divided. God led us to a place where all people were welcome and the divisions were fiercely discouraged by the Pastor. I had occasion to visit churches that were not integrated, where I was the outsider - a guest of someone of a different "race" than myself. (I regard only that there is one race - the human race created by God). Although I thoroughly enjoyed visiting and experiencing the culture - I was treated with glares and suspicion. Apparent discomfort was obvious, from the way people treated us.

What those events taught me is that racism is based in fear and suspicion. And that racism is not something that is the exclusive domain of one ethnicity. Every group is capable of this and some are worse than others within various groups. As Christians we must overcome that. Fear is the tool of the enemy. We can become unwitting agents of Satan through allowing that fear and suspicion when we begin labeling others as "racist" because of their political or cultural views.

If we are to be people of the light, we must look to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith and obey his commands. He commanded us to love our enemies and to bless those who curse us. So, if someone is different than us and we believe them to be an enemy of us, we must bless them. If someone curses us, we must bless them and pray for them. Mercy triumphs over judgment! (James 2:13).

I will tell you this: the one who is truly racist is the one who cannot see the other person without considering ethnicity. Those who constantly seek to subject us to hostility among diverse people and who thrive by accusation, are the tools of Satan. They are usually making money or gaining power by creating an atmosphere of fear. Those who are pure are those who seek to judge others by their deeds and not by their ancestry - they seek the common welfare of all people without regard to the ethnicity.

A great saint said, not so long ago, that we should live in hope that we may "be judged by the content of our character and not the color of our skin". That is truly a Christ-like ambition and we, as the church of Christ, have the responsibility to see that it is reality in our own world.

When we hear divisive talk about people of other ethnicity, we must oppose it with truth and grace. I cannot tell the person of the other race to do so - I must challenge those whom I know who, that are of my own kindred and culture, not to live with fear and suspicion. I must make active efforts to live beyond that. I must welcome the stranger (Hebrews 13:2) and live with a heart of blessing for those who are different. I must reach out to the fellow who is most unlike myself and seek to befriend and bless him.

I can say this: my church and my pastor would not allow any talk of racism among our people. He would warn a divisive person sharply the first time he heard it and he would discipline them if he heard it again. My pastor grew up in the south in the 50s and 60s. He saw racial hatred first hand and he will not allow any talk of it in our church. This is the attitude that all Christians must have toward the person of the other ethnicity.

It may be, since you hear it so much, that you are listening and speaking in groups who have a problem with racial hatred. It may be that it is your responsibility to sharply rebuke those people who are most like you, and admonish them with grace and truth. Love corrects wrongs, but keeps no record of them.

Blessings and peace brother.

Scribe :-)
Scribe I don't know what media outlets you listen to nor watcth but this is partly where I get info. there are also christian radio stations I listen to also.Goggle racism across america see what you come up with,and like I said all racism is not open.And yes I rebuke any racism of any kind.But we all must stop assuming things because of the color of skin or name.Your sister in Christ Trellis with much Love.
We know people by the fruit they bear and sometimes that fruit will let you know what they are about.And yes we should be able too come together in worship no matter what our nationality is. The only way that can happen if we open our hearts to accept one another.2 Chronicles 7:14 say's it best "If my people who are called by My name will humble themselves,and pray and seek My face, and turn from thier wicked ways,then I will hear from heaven,and will forgive their sin and heal their land." I don't agree with the President policies which I can seperate from the color of his skin if he were white I still would not agree with his stand on certain key issues.So it does not make you a racist to disagree with issues, but can all take that stand that claim the holy spirt dwell with them.My reason for starting this discussion is that my heart was vexed by certain things I was reading,seeing and hearing and to bring attention so that we that truly believe can interrupt the plans of satan by not permitting him sneak into the christian lives no kind of way;because no matter whether it's lieing,stealing,fornicating,adultery,killing or racism it is a sin.And sin is what is hurting and a hindrance to our spiritual growth,sin of any nature. God bless
We still live in a fallen world, we still live in the flesh , and we still struggle with sin. I agree that judging others because of the color of their skin is wrong but so is unfair judgement for any reason wrong. We need to love and except others because of who they are not by how they look after all while we were yet sinners Christ died for us . God loves us, forgives us and excepts us the way we are who are we not to trust Him to help us do the same ? I try to treat and accept other the way I would like to be treated and excepted.
I write Christian poetry and wrote a poem on this very subject. Judging others un fairly .
We have people of all races at our Sunday services and all are much loved, very welcome and totally equal. Come and live here!! Damask (Australia)
When two true Christians meet, look each other in the eyes,and get to know one another I don't believe that they see race
Race is only an issue to those who make it one. sadly enough many times the victims of racism teach their offspiring the very same hate by steriotyping and labeling certain peoples as racist and as enemies of thiers. There will always be bad good and bad apples.
I will say to me it seems that the most dramatic rise in racism is against whites, Jews (tribal or concept of being of the tribe of Judah), and Palestinians.There are many forms of hate and what is right seems to be wrong these days in many circles, either way I'm not real concerned over the subject and feel someone will hate you know matter what you do and or are. Many immature people post all types of comments over the internet thinking they will never have to be held accountable and I'm sure there are some out here that embrace such hate but personally I never have understood racism and overcome it by allowing each individual to be known by their own fruits. To those who are hateful may the time come when they are a new person if not I hope they get all that they have coming to them. God knows all and is just.
I dont think segragation should always be seen as a negative in every instance all the time. ^1love


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