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I know that as Christians we should have no need to consult mediums in aid to speak to our dead loved ones, but, my sister who is not saved did consult a medium today. After her visit to the medium she came to visit me to tell me about her experience. The medium gave her messages from two of our dead grandparents, telling her things that only we would know, the messages were not long and did not predict the future but they were very personal and very confused and im not really sure what my question is....I guess im wondering that if these mediums can give us messages from those in spirit why is it so detestable to God, as a Christian I know there would be the danger of us leaving Gods path......does the Bible say that those in spirit can't speak or connect with us and if they can't, how on earth can some mediums relay precise information to a living person from someone in spirit????

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I thought I'd bring this up. I've a dilemma of my own. My mother has a friend who wants her to go to a psychic fair tomorrow. I'm not sure when this lady began consulting spiritualists but ever since her husband died from cancer a few years ago she visits multiple psychics on a regular basis. She even requests that table settings for her dead husband be put out for him on my father's birthday as it falls on the same day! Furthermore, she also gave a book entitled 'The Secret' (occult book) to my sister for Christmas. My mother is not as knowledgeable as I am concerning what the bible has to say regarding spiritualists and the occult so I worry that her friend will become a bad influence by bringing this stuff not only to her attention but also bring it into my parent's house. I told my mom that I did at one time dabble in the occult out of curiosity and tried to dissuade her from a scriptural and experiential viewpoint from doing the same. I'm not that strong in the Christian walk myself having backslidden over the years so some prayer assistance would be appreciated. BTW thanks to those of you who welcomed me here. It's the first Christian forum I've ever joined.
If some think it's exciting to hear what the devil has to say through mediums. Why can't these same people be excited to hear what God has to say through his word? Does God not speak to them as well if they seek Him?
I'm not sure but I strongly think that the bible stated that was the devil works in other words, they power to do that is from satan. Remember he was the one who had the keys to hell before Jesus took it back; but you should ask a person who knows the bible inside out and of course a true christian.
Dear Moomins, I pray for your sister. the spirit world isn't anything to play with. I started when i was 12 yrs old. i could walk into a room an a what i call a witch board view finder would move on its own. Praise God He delivered me.Satan didn't let me go easy. The first 6 months of being saved i did a head to head warfare with a satanist. Bible to Bible. All i could do was call on Jesus.Things where flying around the room and it was hot.Don"t give up hope and faith God wins. There are more experiences that Ive had.Jesus sets the captives free! Amen
Dawn, thanks for sharing that. I know it's not easy, once you have been delivered, to discuss the work of the enemy. If you are like me, you find satan's works disgusting and vile. Most of the people I know refuse to mention it, after they have been delivered from such demonic influence and control.
Thanks brother,mentioning about my experiences is delivering. It's part of my testimony. I want to always give God the glory .He is my deliver my strength my shield the song of my heart.Be blessed.
Satan can masquerade as anything he wants. Even as an angel of light. Satan can take the form of our dead relatives. My wife has been visited by her dead grandparents without even consulting them and they proceeded to speak to her on more than one occasion. My niece went to a psychic who told her that her grandmother (who had passed on years ago) was having difficulty crossing to the other side and needed a family member with the first initial of "H" to guide her across. We have only one relative with that first initial, the deceased grandmother's brother. My niece, who although she is born-again, does not go to church or read the Bible much was nearly taken in by what this psychic said.



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