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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

My son's teacher has shown Harry Potter to his class without consulting the parents. He is in grade 2. The purpose of showing it was for entertainment as a reward for them all getting their work done. My stand on this is that I am quite angry about it as I have been purposely avoiding these shows. I am not sure what to do beyond handing the situation over to Jesus in prayer. Any input/suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you and God Bless.

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Goodmorning Carla,
If the educational system has it's way, it will (in later years) have your son laugh and rebel, when you talk to him about your faith in Jesus Christ. Unless there is a Spiritual awakening in the school system, your son's learning process, concerning faith in Christ, will be found wanting, as is their own.
In my mind, the real problem lies in the fact that our communities, the majority, "our Moms and Dads" are not Christians as we understand the term. IF they were, we could all confront any changes in the curriculum that would deny the presence of Jesus in the schoolroom. But we are in the minority and can expect a poor response when we look to them for support. Is there a "Parent's committee"? "Tread the waters" there and see what response you get. Normally Parent Committees are made up of "Caring people".
Our Lord's words were: "When I return, shall I find faith?"
Speak to your Pastor, ask him to approach the school on your behalf.
Do you hold family prayer time, say after supper at night? Encourage the children to pray and after prayers make a big fuss over the children's prayers and the words they used. Tell them how you look forward to tomorrow nights prayers and what they will be saying to Jesus. The quotation; "The family that prays together, stays together" may be old, but it is true and the presence of the Holy Spirit amongst you, will do the rest.
Our three sons were "Born Again" without any influence from Gene and I, but it happened simply through the natural process of family prayers and the sure conviction of the Holy Spirit in their lives..
The Holy Spirit has just quietly suggested that the topic of family Prayers will be my SUNDAY BLOG to all our friends.
The Lord Love you and Bless you untill you just cannot take anymore in.
Your brother and friend in Christ - Ron
Hello Ron,
Bless you for bringing up a subject for which I have great concern, you are absolutely correct when you say about the parents not influencing the children, because we do our foundational learning from our home environment and we we do not have the basic fundamentals in place, how are we to progress. We have a hugh problem with street gangs in London, I know that I am deveating slightly from your message a little, but I'm taking it a step further, because the youngsters have little or no morals, they do not know how to behave, because belief in God sets standards for us all, adhereing or even acknowledgement of the 'Ten Commandments' gives us values and respect, I'm sure this will be quite old fashioned to some people, but this is my opinion and I've raised my son, single handedly and he's 28years of age, he has never done anything for me to be ashamed of, I always hear complimentry comments from people, on how polite and well mannered he is, I am sure all parents want to hear the same and I'm sure many do, but we as parents have to take control of our children, because the enemy is out there searching for lost Souls, and we have to educate our children and encourage them to know Jesus, otherwise we are going to loose them, the 'Spiritual Warfare' is real, please take notice. Protect the young ones, they are our FUTURE!!

Blessings to all!!

We must let satan know that when we wake up every morning, his demons better start
trembling. Time is short and the time for playing: "But we are Christians" is finished.
We need to put on the whole armour of God and take back the land that we have lost to
Sodomy, Rapists, Liberals, Abortion clinics and Human Rights Committees.
WE MUST INSIST THAT THERE IS ONLY ONE HUMAN RIGHT and that is that a man or a woman must behave RESPONSIBLY - Otherwise they LOSE THE RIGHT TO HAVE A RIGHT.
The sooner we put our foot down and fight back, the sooner we will win our children, our loved ones and our land back to Jesus Christ. Let the above statement be our War Cry, rather than a mere Motto. - Thank you for your input. The Lord Bless you.
Your Brother and Friend in Christ - Ron
Hi Ron,
I can hear the love in your response, thank you. With my husband being an athiest non-believer family prayer time is very to impossible really. We have prayer time at dinner if he happens to be out that partucular evening. However I do pray at bedtime every night with each of my kids individually. I have not thought to make it an event with the three of us (me and my two boys). That is a great suggestion. I am looking forward to reading your Sunday blog this week. God Bless you my dear friend. Carla
My Dear Carla,
When I read of your prayer difficulties, I couldn't stop tear
flow. You should have mentioned it before.
This is on our family prayer list now.
As I mail this message to you I am asking the Lord to take
control of the situation. Where your family will all come to
the throne as a unit in His Love and forgiveness.
Carla there is nothing magical about placing your hand
over this message as you read it. But It will be a simple act of faith
that will be saying: "Lord I accept the prayers that have come with
this mail." Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree
on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done
for them of my Father which is in heaven.
(Mat 18:19)

God Loves you Carla.
As I say to all my friends and family: "May He cause you to walk where the trees
of the field will clap their hands and the mountains and the hills break forth
before you into singing." (Isaiah 55:12)
Your Friend and Brother - Ron
I am speachless.....Thank you. You are a true beautiful reflection of Christ. With tremendous appreciation..and tearflow,

Lord, (with the laying on of hands), I accept the prayers that have come with this mail.

God BLess you! Your sister in Christ, Carla
HI Carla!!!
I know alot of people have had to deal with this issue about Harry Potter and it being viewed in the public schools classroom. I wouldnt be too happy about it either, so I agree with you and your opinion.
Have you ever listened to Calvary Satellite Network? Its on 90.5 here but I dont know if you can get it out there on your radio, but anyway, there is a Christian man named Jay seculo(I think thats how you spell his name) hes a lawer, a very well known and devout Christian, who works for and represents Christians who feel like thier rights have been violated, or that they dont have any say in anything. There are alot of issues in the public school system now adays that are just driving Christian parents crazy!! Not allowing anyone to talk about Jesus or God, which violates the free speech movement, the taking down of the ten commandments, and the pledge of allegiance, teaching kids about sex and how to use condemns, birth control, promotion of free choice on abortion, the list goes on, and on. I have heard Jay take phone calls and help many parents across the globe with these issues. I suggest you call Jay seculo @ACLJ and ask your questions and what you can do. I do know that you can talk with the teacher and request that he not be involved in or see something that you dont agree with and see if there is anything else he can do during the time of a movie like that, if he can be taken out of class, or if its a paper or something that needs to be written by the student and you dont want him to write about it, you can simply tell the teacher no, and see what other options there are to write a paper about. I think its just a matter of the parent stepping in and seeing what else the child can do to rather than the subject at hand. Does that make sense? There is always the option of homeschool, which is not that bad at all. In fact most of my friends homeschool and thier kids are awesome and they actually have just as many activities available to them and oppurtunities as the public school. I want to, but I dont know If Im "cut out for it". Anyway, I would give you the phone number, but I dont get Jay seculo anymore out here because my radio wont pick it up!!!!!I have recorded sermons from when I lived in SLC on tape, so I will listen to them and get you the phone number asap., and he or his staff can tell you what to do. Okee Dokee????????? Hey, you can ask Greg Hamon!!! I bet you he knows thier #!!!!!
Thank you for your suggestions. I am going to respond to the teacher, i'm praying on it, and 'sitting' on it for the time being. Thank you dear friend....God Bless
To my dear friends, you know I am so tired of our society allowing unGodly things to go on around our children; yet they get in trouble for mentioning anything about christianity. One of my daughters friends (was), who claimed to be a believer; became mad at my daughter over a boy. The girl told my daughter that she hated her. I later told the girl, that if she really was a true beliver that she would not allow room in her heart for hate. She took that what I said to the school principal. My daughter and I where told that we were inappropriate in saying anything like that. But it is ok to allow: violence, majic, stories with sexual conotations and the like. I think we have to take a stand against the schools for taking away prayer and allowing evil. I think one thing you could do is to e-mail the superintendent of the school and let them know of your disaproval, and cc: it to the principle as well. I have done this and they act. Because they don't want the media involved. "Oh forbide they would have to deal with such a touchy subject"!
I hope all gets better. But if you have your child pulled out of class during the showing of films, the other children will make his life misserable. I have been there. Love and God bless, Mandy
Mandy...thank you also. Your can be so cruel....we as Christians are placed in these difficult predicaments....God Bless! Carla
Good afternoon Mandy,
Please read my reply to Muriel higher up in these discussions - I believe it is meant for all of us
Your friend and Brother in Christ - Ron
I believe what you are saying to be true and yes we need to take a stand. But a 2nd grade child get be very discouraged and turn away from his learnings of Christ to just fit in or worse so kids won't bully him. I have been through this myself with my children. That is why I have taken it to the superintedent of the school. Because I want to take a stand. I just worry about a child that age being put to the test. his peers are very cruel even at that age. and he could crumble. I would not want to see that happen to any child who is being brought up in Christ, to have things done to him at such an early age, when he has not yet learned all he needs to stand up. I am not sure if you know what it is like in the schools these days, but even the administrators of schools will come down on a child concerning Christianity. I feel it is better for the parents to stand up for what is rite and allow the child to learn from the parent. I don't want Carla's son to become discouraged at such a tender age. My 4th grader use to ask me last year, if God is so loving of us, why does he allow bad things to happen to us. She is slowly begining to understand why. But a 2nd grader, I don't think can really understand. I know Carla will do what is in God's plan. But do we have to do it at the expense of such a young child? Maybe you can give me insite I don't see; but I can surely tell you kids these days already do everything they can to make God seem to be "uncool" to some. It is difficult times for Christians. Maybe I am not as strong as I should be, but I don't want my children to be subjected to the cruelty of their schoolmates and have a negetive impact on them. God Bless you. Mandy


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