My daughter-in-law is 6 months pregnant with her 3rd child. She is on complete bedrest until the baby is born. Her and my son are planning on getting a divorce. She had an affair with a man not once but twice and she says he is the father of her baby girl. One time was on Valentines Day. My son had brought her candy, roses and a bracklet and she was sleeping with this other man that was in there wedding. That was this year. She feels that god is punishing with problems with thre pregnancy because she committed adulty. I told her that God would not do that. He looks beyond out faults and sees are needs. She is bi-polar! Can not take medicene and she does not want to even when she is not pregnant. She needs the Lord. I love this girl even though she has hurt my son verbally . She has times where she will do nothing but yell at her kids and husband and she will throw things and hit my son. She so needs help. Please help me to pray for safety for the baby girl and that she will somehow come to know Jesus has her personal Saviour. I am being as nice as I can to her because, that is what the Lord wants to do . to continue to show Love and to look beyond her faults and sh her needs, like the father does for us. Thank you for your prayers/
Dear Carla,
You are correct, God loves us UNconditionaly and will forgive ALL sins. Sin is sin and is forgiveable. We are imperfect people living in an imperfect world. We are going to make mistakes but thanks to the cross of Christ those mistakes can be removed, now or in the future. I will pray for all. God bless :)