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Why are Christians supporting gay marriage and abortions? What is wrong with us as the body of Christ? We are Christian believers who are supposed to be leading the way. We are the light on the hill, the salt of the earth and we are supposed to be conforming more and more into the image of God.

But, it seems that every time something unGodly, perverted, or unethical is happening in the news in this Country (USA) a Christian makes the top story. What is going on?


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Thanks for your comment and i agree our redemption does draw near.

Without a doubt, believers need to be discipled. They also need to be disciples, meaning, I believe we err when we make a "salvation decision" separate from following Christ. Also remember that the media feasts on "fallen" Christians. They love to point out all that is wrong with Christians. Keep your focus on Jesus and those that are truly following him.

I am also hesitant to blame Christians for the ills of society. Jesus' last command was not "Go and transform society," but "Go and make disciples..." (Matthew 28:18-20). In the process of making disciples, individual lives will be transformed. If enough individuals are transformed, perhaps the culture will as a whole also. But let's keep the main thing the main thing.

Remember, not everyone that says they are a Christian really is.
Hi Greg,

Your right in all that you said and you have brought a few things back to my remembrance concerning the word of God.

I don't blame Christians for the ills of society. However, i don't believe that discipleship is where it is supposed to be in the body of Christ as a whole. I'm talking as far as the body growing up spiritually and not being spiritually retarded. I know that satan would love to desensitize the word of God in the hearts of Christians every chance he could get.

So,who's really teaching, and preaching the true world of God that would save souls for real (rhetorically stated) I hear alot of watered down teaching and preaching that's safe (naturally so) so, no one will be offened. You get alot of shouting, Amen's, maybe even some dancing but, when the teaching is over who will have a understanding, changed heart, enlightned, conviction and desire to know the Lord more than when they first came. The Body of Christ need to be revived and a revival need to sweep across the United States.

And your right Greg everyone that say's Lord, Lord may not really be Christians,
Thanks for the comment
I agree with Greg wholeheartedly about the fact that not all Christians that claim to be Christians are. We all have to answer to God about our actions. Galatians 6:2-3-Bear one another's burdens, and so fullfill the law of Christ. For if anyone thinks himself to be something, when he is nothing, he decieves himself. Christians (i'm not going to judge and call them non-christians) who support sin do need prayer as BELLASONUS said.
When I run across a situation like this I don't give into the temptation of unhealthy anger, I point out the sin, abortion for an example...and say something I have heard joyce meyer say: "if i'm wrong...I lose nothing, if you are losing everything". Let's just say I know many people who never had a problem(pro-choice) with abortion who are now pro-life.
1 Corithians 10:24-Let no one seek his own, but each other's well being. I want to see people in heaven....and if a few words makes that one's worth pointing out the sin.
As far as the media...I don't think that has anything to do with anyone being a non-believer..I think it just an excuse.
We do need to reach as many people as we can....if we live everyday with the fruit of the spirit...non-believers approach us. Then many lives are changed...
Walk by faith my friend not by sight. I have the utmost faith that some of these moral issues will change...I am extremely passionate about the abortion issue, and I will be until the day God calls me home. Jesus died for us and we have to do our part which we are totally equipped by God to do.
One day at a time, one person at a time....have faith, we have a purpose and we have to stay focused on Jesus, and pray..
Just sharing my thoughts with you...have a great day!
Love In Christ,

Thanks Debbie for the comment i agree except for the comment about anger. I don't have any anger towards them but the sin i hate. My heart sinks evertime i see something like that. I do pray for them all and i shower Godly love on the one's i do see and God's love is a catchers net for sure.

Well that is simply bible prophecy coming to past, their must be a falling away before the return of Jesus.
II Thessalonians 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come except there come a Falling Away first; and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.

"The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron."
And in 2 Timothy 4:1-4:

In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I give you this charge: Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage-with great patience and careful instruction. For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.

You said a sure truth thanks for the comment

It is true on all this issue and as christian we should be more carefull than ever because the signs of end times is showing. Our enemy the devil is comig on strongly and creates the impression making the people of the world to see that it is their right to be gays or have abortion. As true believers of Jesus Christ we should stand up more firmly and condemn every act of this kind coz ssatan is targeting mostly the young people and in this time of much "democracy" it wil be so easier for them to be lured in to his acts. Also prayers and the Word of God will do much in combarting this kind of evil acts, they( prayers, Word of God) are our weapon in the battle against the forces of darkness and iits rulers. However as christians we should try as much like Jesus and call people in to salvation as this is the way foward. Also remember that not alll who say lord, lord are of The Holy Spirit.
Thanks Morema,

You sound like my husband talking.... and me. I want everyone to be saved and to walk it out but, people have a will and God's not go against that. thanx for the comment.

Well If you look around the world today, our devour the devil is moving around the world convicting people both believers and non - believers day and night. But as the believers we are choosen to stand up against satan and use our weapon prayer to come against every principalities of darkness and to paralyse all the satan strongholds against especially amongst the youth. So lets come together and united we give our prayers as a body in christ.
Hi Irene,

I agree with all that you have said but, we also have to teach the truths of the word of God with out watering it down.


I agree whole heartedly. I believe that is one of our main problems; the watered down version. I think that there has been a change, especially here in the United states that says that we are not to offend anyone. Have to say happy holidays instead of Merry Christmas, etc...
In my opinion I think that Christians get a little confused. We are correctly taught that we are to love everyone. Now add the weight of not offending to the issue, and we have our problem.
I think that we forget that we can still love a person and yet be firm. We can still love them and not waiver. We can still love them and not back down. We can still love them and tell them exactly what the Bible says.
We can not afford to change what we believe just so that we will not "offend" them.
Here is an example: I grew up in a church denomination that went strictly by what the Bible taught. But over the last ten years, or so, there is a group of the denomination that has not only accepted the homosexual life style as being okay with God, they are allowing them to take leadership roles within the church. Now if you understood this major shift in belief, you would be as shocked as I was. But now, because of this, they are becoming inaffective. They have swayed and lost their power. All because they did not stand firm.
Now we can relate this to what God says about raising children. In Proverbs 13:24 the Bible says: He who spares the rod, hates his son. but he who loves him is careful to discipline him.
I never liked being disciplined when I was growig up. But even at that young age, I somehow understood that it was becase my parents loved me.
I think that the same can be true in other areas. If we teach what the Bible actually tells us, instead of a watered down version, those that choose to hear, will understand that it is from God, and that it is right.
Now there will be those that won't choose to "hear". All we can do for them is be examples of God and pray that they "see the light."


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