All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I have a daughter that is preschool age and want to start finding a curriculum for her. She will be four in December and we have been doing a lot, most of the preschool stuff seems to easy for her. There are a couple areas that we do need to work on, but she loves to learn and I want to encourage her and give her the best. I have another daughter who is 2, so I need to work on preschool stuff for her as well. I want to get something that is Christian based. Please give me your suggestions!

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Did you find something appropriate when you were looking last year? We use Accelerated Christian Education. What are you using now?
Sister am in Kenya and a father of three 7,5 and 3 , am looking for something i can also do with my kids,please tell me more about the Accelerated Christian Education,

Hello sis

i am onesmus from Pakistan. i am a school teacher. i want to teach my students about Jesus and bible. i really want to know how we can teach them about it.

in Christ .


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