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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Hello brothers & sisters,

Today, I'm the lost little lamb.

I am very confused about what God has planned for my life versus God allowing things to happen in my life whether it's good or bad. How can I tell? For instance, if I was struck with a serious illness, was this part of God's plan for me to be ill or was it because I didn't take care of my body that He allowed for me to be ill? Is His plan for us always good that only the bad things that happen were something He allowed to happen?

I will be praying to God for answers but I am really interested to see your responses.

God Bless,
Nancy :)

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Hi Nancy,
The Lord told us that we are not of this world, even as He is not.
But Nancy WE ARE IN the world and while Jesus has promised that He would never leave nor forsake us, we have to live here as part of the great or grand scheme of things.
As Christians we have a tremendous advantage over those who are simply living with no future hope whatsoever.
Keep focused on Romans 8:38-39
"For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

From there go to another great promise:

"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him."
1 Cor 2:9
Your Friend in Christ - Ron
Hi, Ron!

Thank you for your response!

Summarizing what you have said, and please forgive me if I misinterpret in any way, is that no matter if God has planned or allowed anything to happen, while we are here on earth, one thing that rings true is what God has prepared or waiting for us in Heaven, because of my love for Him?

God Bless You & Your Family
I want to answer some of this questions.
It is called free will to chose your owwn destiny. You can not put God in a time line that we are in. It was never in Gods plan for you to be Ill or even die for that matter but because of Adam and Eve disobaying and eating of the fruit of that tree it has been a down hill even every since. God doesn't allow you to be sick you do. If he wanted you to be sick Isaiah 53: 5 wouldn't be in the Bible nor James 5 13-16 and many more scriptures concerning illness. We as a people of Gods family have lost something since the first century Church. We have gotten away from the whole truth and accepted a watered down version of it. Mainly so we can fit into the worlds view of what or who we should be. An if you follow the news everything that is bad is Gods fault. There is no bad in the Trinity only love for his kids this includes those that are and those that will be. Yes God knows who is wrote in the Lambs book of life. But we don't We have to live in the now and chose how we will walk or not walk in the Lord if you get out of the will he has for you then you are going to be sick, fall down and so on till you come to the light Jesus never leaves you ever if you were the only one lost in all of time Jesus would have still came to die for you so when you look at the cross know that he died for you personaly. He knew you needed him to stand in the gap for you. We as his kids need to learn how to accept this without condemnation. No we wern't worthy of it but he thought so so I have to believe that we are worthy then. God wishes that not one person dies but if they choose to then he allows it. Hell was reserved for the fallen angels not people. but some insisted on going there because they rejected his son so he let them. I know I have been all over the board on this but some of the Laodiceans (REV 3;14-17)churchs always seem teaches that healing went out with the last Apostle and that God rains down fire on you cause he is the big bad Policeman and not the loving God that he is. If you look at the whole Bible you will find that it wasn't God that caused it all the bad stufff but man and his grumbling, so they brought down death and distruction on themselve's and we are still doing it today. We have the Bible, "the how to book" they did not have the road map so to speak. So they wondered around in circles. Maybe none of this make any since to you. That would be because I do not articulate to well to get a point across.
Read the book called " The Shack" by William P Young it sure changed the way I looked at God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. The Trinity.


Thank you, Bill, for your response. I totally understand what you have said. I will definitely purchase the book and read it. God Bless you and your family!

Nancy :)
Sister Nancy, i have no family but the family of God. Thank you for speaking a blessing into my life. I am blessed to have so many brothers and sisters in the Lord and you in particular.
Before you buy the book I would encourage two things. 1) Know that it is "fiction"and cannot be taken literally. 2) There are concerns regarding what it does try to teach through the fiction. The link below is to a lengthy review of the book. Then, if you choose to read it, you will be aware of what you are reading and not directed by the emotions that the book will cause to arise in you as a response to the story.

Lord Bless,
Hi There,

I read this book 'The Shack' almost a year ago. I am in agreement with LT that it is a totally emotional response to a fiction novel that is well written. As well, I have recently looked up some of the names used in the book as they were not sitting well with me.. Once I finished reading the book I initially loved it, then I started to feel sick to my stomach over reading it...something felt really 'yucky'. It wasn't until recently that I researched it further and discovered what it is that was bothering me. My son attends a public school behind our home. One of the mom's there is a hindu lady...she doesn't know about this book 'The Shack'...but after I had done some research on the internet and found some hindu references, I decided to ask her what some of the names meant (remember..she doesn't know about this novel..and has never read it). I had looked up 'sarayu' which is an indian holy river, and 'Papa' which is a hindu name of one of their god deities. I asked her what they meant, and she confirmed what I had already found on the I pressed further. I asked more questions which lead to her telling me one of their Indian Epic's...the story of Rama. I asked her to write it down for me so that I would not misunderstand anything she was saying. Here is what she wrote: (This is a very shortened version.....but it is the gist of the story...very similiar to 'The Shack'.

INDIAN EPIC. RAMAYAN. Story of Rama (An Incarnation of god of protection) Belongs to race of Sun.

Rama lived a life a normal man to show the ways of leading a righteousness life. He was sent to the forest to live for 14 years. He went with his wife. There, his wife is kidnapped by a demon king..the demon king liked his wife's beauty. He is in the forest to learn forgiveness. He searches for her, on his ways he meets many incidents. He saves many from their spells and destroys demons. The place he lived in the forest was on the banks of "Sarayu River". So the river is blessed as Rama took his bath everyday in this river.

Papa (Baba)-
There are 3 dieties in Indian mythology.
god of creation
god of protection=Papa
God of destruction
Sarayu is a holy river

I would personally not be recommending this book to anyone. I have written the author to ask him if he has written this according to hindu mythology....I have not heard from him yet...and I don't expect I will.

How does the saying go 'wise as a serpent....innocent as a dove' (did I get that right?), careful what you read and pray for discernment.

There are many warnings against false teachings. This is one that has stood out for me over the last few days as I was researching this:
1 Timothy 1:3-7

God Bless, Carla
Hello Nancy,

I have often wondered the same thing myself especially when things in my life turn out bad (believe me, I have had my fair share these past two years!). But these past 4 months, I have learned so much and have received so much encouragement. I have learned from several people that even in the midst of the hard times that God is still there. I use to believe that I was being punished ( and somedays I still feel that way), but I am learning that God loves me and he is not punishing me. For a long time, I truly believe that God was very angry with me and he was allowing me to go through this because of either some sin that I committed in the past, because I wasn't praying enough or going to church enough. And to be honest with you, I still struggle with this sometimes. Several good friends that I have met here have gave me scriptures regarding God's love for us and his forgiveness. Some days I have to go over and re-read over them.

A friend told me that sometimes God allows us to feel the "sting" of our bad decisions in life for us to learn something, to teach us something, or maybe he just want to us to depend totally on him. ( I am by no means saying that you are being punished or anything).

I have learned to just keep praying and expecting God's goodness, favor and blessings everyday. My new motto is this
" I didn't get what I was expecting from God, but I am thanking God that I am one day closer to my breakthrough".
I am slowly trying my hardest to try to reprogram my thinking from being negative to being positive. I realize now the power of words and the power of thinking. I never knew that we had the ability to change the course of things by being positive and speaking positive over our situations. Instead of being mad and angry now, I get up and say several quotes and scriptures regarding my situation, when I feel myself getting depressed I try to sing a song or say all the things that I am thankful about.

I really don't know why tragedy happens to us, whether it is God's will or not. But I do believe now that he is able to bring goodness out of it. And I am believing that he will bring good things out of the bad things that happen to us in his time.

I read a lot of books myself, especially at work and I read the "Shack" earlier this year when it was really bad for me in life.
When I first read it, I was really shocked myself. Especially when he actually goes to the shack and meets God, Jesus and the holy spirit in person.
I spoke with a person here in my home town and this pastor truly believed that the Shack was "anointed" and was actually a blessing to read. I know that it did help me feel better about losing my brother at the time that I read it.
I haven't researched it yet, but i have heard some negative things about it.
Hi again Nancy,

I was drawn back here due to Dee's response... and I am taking another look at your question. God never causes bad things to happen to us. He will sometimes allow circumstances to accomplish His perfect will.

However it is, we know with certainty,(Ron already said here)
Rom 8:28 And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.

also God tells us this:
Isa 55:8 "My thoughts are completely different from yours," says the LORD. "And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine.

I was at homechurch last night....One of our brothers in Christ wisely said this...lightly paraphrased...
"While God is concerned with us in this life, He is far more concerned with our Eternity, He already knows the outcome."

So...knowing this and trusting in Him completely for everything, He will work it all out according to His will. One day, He will wipe every tear...and I believe we won't have any questions. We will understand, and be at peace. Come quickly Lord Jesus.

Until then, give thanks in all things..... Praise God that you are His child! That is what really matters!

Oh yes.. one more thing!
These tough circumstances build up compassion for how we are to other people! This life is a rough road! God knows how tough it is.. Trials and discipline build strength and character. There is no better training then this! No one can understand another persons woe's until they have 'walked in their shoes'. These things soften us.

Blessings, Carla
Charles.. You are such a blessing here. I share with you the same 'thought' not vision which you described above. My prayer for the lost is 'LORD...that they may know you'. It is unbearable to know that many will stand before Jesus one day and God's wrath...but yet we know that by God's Word it is true. Until the Spirit of God falls upon them...they will not be saved....then there's that issue of 'free will'.

I too try to be sympathetic as I was once bound by unbelief...Praise God He delivered me from so much. I have found myself crying out to God to stop showing me my true nature because it is often too much to bear... But I then realize that He is showing me for several I repented from asking (begging) Him to stop showing me.. I realized that I needed to be shown, or true Sanctification cannot occur. First, God wants me to know my need for Him because of my sinful nature. Second, God wants to free me from all of it. Third, He is disciplining me.....all of this because I am His child and He loves me.

It is hard when we are shown our nature from God's perspective, but God really carries the burden with us....He is continually getting me to a place where I need to the foot of the cross of Jesus relying on Him to bring me through. He is my Savior...and in my weakness He is strong.

so yes.... this is how we can be of use to God. By being broken and dead to ourselves...It's not an easy road... But His Glory shines so brightly when we are broken and completely dependent on Him..and allow the Holy Spirit to work in us His Sanctification... This walk as a Christian is not for the fainthearted...however, God's Grace is what keeps us going. One day we will be with Him, and HE will wipe every tear from our eyes...

Well... I am now talking on and on.. Our Savior is so beautiful, who would want to stop talking about Him... Praise God for all He has done and is doing.

In His Great Love, Carla
This beautiful timely devotional is for us today.

God Knows Me
June 17, 2009

"O lord, thou hast searched me, and known me." (Psalm 139:1)

Perhaps the most frightening attribute of God is that He knows everything about us. Everything! He has "searched" (literally "penetrated") us and "known" ("understood") us. And since God is both omnipresent and omniscient, it obviously follows that nothing escapes His conscious knowledge about us. He observes our ordinary activities (v. 2) and our innermost thoughts. "Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways" (v. 3). The Hebrew word translated "compassest" suggests that He actually sees the formation of the words in our tongues before we begin to speak them (v. 4). That means that we are transparent to Him; we cannot deceive Him in any way. He knows what we are going to think; we cannot hide anything from Him. God knows what only we know about ourselves, and those things we won't even admit to ourselves.

Furthermore, He is everywhere around each one of us (vv. 7-10), wherever we are or could be. He fills all space, and there is no escape. We cannot hide from God. He is wherever we go. The apostle Paul once observed: "For in him we live, and move, and have our being" (Acts 17:28). This very intimate and complete knowledge about us is what makes God's salvation such a marvelous matter. "For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:6-8). God loves us in spite of what we have become. Yet, since He knows what we could be, He gives us eternal life through His Son so that we will realize, one day, what He knows we shall be. HMM


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