All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others


After the children went to boarding school, annually we made many gift items (knitted toys, Handcraft items, etc. etc.) and gave it as a donation to the school for the annual fund raising Fetes.
One particular occasion, Robert worked on a pair of framed silver paper pictures very carefully and he could only to do this of work very late at night. It took some time to finish and on that morning before he could leave for the School that night, I wanted to have a look at the finished work.
I very carefully removed the heavy books on top of the pictures to see the colour scheme he used but what a shock I got at my first peep. The glass on one picture was cracked and the depth of the crack could be seen and immediately fear griped me. I carefully placed them back under the heavy books and came out of the room very upset.

I thought of all the hard work Robert had put into making these pictures and now one has broken glass so it cannot be sold as a pair of pictures. Another sad thing was he would say I broke the glass for having gone in there to have a look for there is no one else in the house. If I say I did not break it, it would seem like a lie for he had placed the finished pair of pictures under those heavy books himself but I took them out to look at.
I remember I was doing mincing of meat at the time and as I was mincing I was crying and crying so much as though I had broken the glass. I kept crying out to my heavenly Father to help me in such a way that this would not be a sad loss.
I explained to the Lord if a daughter went to her earthly father for help when she was in trouble, her father would do all he can to help his daughter. Then I said, “You are my heavenly Father and I am your daughter and so I’m asking you to do something to help me to avoid the loss in this situation. Please Father help me.” As I kept sobbing before the Lord, I began to think what can He do to help me? I asked the Lord, “Could You heal glass – I do not know if that will be right to ask or You could blind the people concerned and have the pictures sold so there would be no loss to the school funds and Robert could be pleased that his labour was not in vain.” I do not know why I cried so much until I could not cry any more. I know I did not break the glass.

Later I had visitors to minister to and soon forgot about this situation. However, when Robert came from work and was rushing to get ready for his train journey that night, I remembered about the broken glass and again became fearful. When he went into the room to do his packing I did not even dare to go into the room but I kept pacing up and down outside the room crying out to the Lord that Robert would not see the crack. True enough he did his packing and he left and I was praising God and rejoicing over this. There was a sneaky thought that it could break while he was travelling so I could not be blamed for the crack in the glass.
I had to repent for this thought and knew I would have to speak the truth, if this happened. I prayed much that my heavenly Father would heal the glass or blind the people.
The weekend passed quickly with ministry and soon Robert returned very early on Monday morning and he had to rush to work. I just inquired casually what the Principal said when she saw the items donated. Robert said that all the matrons met him first and wanted to see the items before handing them over to the Principal and so all the items were laid on the beds in the dormitory. I quietly asked what they thought of the silver paper pictures and he said they loved them best of all. I was so thrilled inside of me and I was praising the Lord for this miracle but did not say a word to Robert about me having discovered the crack on one glass picture. I did not know what the Lord did but I just kept praising the Lord for the miracle but did not say anything to Robert or anyone.
In due course after the Fete was over the Principal wrote thanking us for the items donated and mentioned that all our items were sold.. This incident I had again forgotten till later.

A few months later when Robert and I went to the school for Christian ministry there, we were met by the matrons and they were telling me how they had a look at the items before Robert gave them to the Principal and then I remembered about the broken glass. I thought this is the right time to give testimony about the broken glass to all of them, including Robert. I asked them particularly about the pair of silver paper pictures and they said they liked them the best. Then I told them my experience of seeing the glass broken and about my crying unto the Lord and my prayer to Him. They were all stunned and one matron then asked if they were all made blind for they did not see the glass broken. I said, “I do not know if the Lord made you all blind or whether He healed the glass, but I know that my heavenly Father heard the cry of His daughter and gave me a miracle.” What a relationship we have with Father-God because of Calvary!
This relationship we have with God as our heavenly Father through Jesus Christ His Son is real, because Jesus Christ shed His blood to cleanse us from our sins and we are accepted us into the family of God.
Praise God for the reality of our salvation.
Margaret Wright

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Inspiring words! And an amazing event. Thanks Margaret
“But from everlasting to everlasting the LORD's love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children's children- with those who keep his covenant and remember to obey his precepts.”- Psalm 103:17-18

wow, how amazing God to show His miracles to us, really God do the best thing for you in that way. you can come to God in complete honesty about your failure, and ask His forgiveness. Remember, He knows all you have done, even what you've been thinking. There are no surprises with Him. But you need to take the initiative in returning. God's response when you humble yourself and come before Him. Praise God for everything He has done for us.

God's honor, ladyhumble
Truely the Lord works in mysterious ways..we just have to have faith in Him..
Good one!!! The truth is that we live in testimonies. We overcome by testimonies and we win others with testimonies.I will update as soon as I through reading the testimony.



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