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The Wedding at Cana John 2:1-11

"Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows." Matt 10: 29-31

John chapter 2 opens at a wedding in Cana, the site of Jesus' first miracle - turning water to wine. Not only did this miracle show his disciples and all in attendance that He is God, but it also showed something else - He cares about the little things in our lives. One commentator wrote this, "There is a lesson to be learned from this miracle. God is concerned with our "non-critical" problems. Prayer is not like calling 911. Some may have the idea that God is like the President of a country -a person with too many demands on His time, so that He cannot possibly respond to them all. Who are we to "bother" God with our problems? If this is our idea of God, we are wrong. God is all-powerful and all-knowing. He is never overtaxed by our calling upon Him for help. He has a "help line" 24/7... He is also a compassionate and merciful Father, who cares about His children. God is never annoyed when we come to Him with our "petty" problems. I am greatly encouraged that our Lord's first miracle is one that many would consider non-essential, but this shows how God cares about the smallest detail in our lives."

This is a great encouragement to me, especially right now in a time of a recession. Even more difficult is that I make myself feel it's frivolous to pray for my little business' success... This is highlighted when you watch those you love go through much more serious, life and death sufferings. Yet, even though we know our life and identity is in Christ, not in worldly needs , it is still very difficult to watch some of my sub-contractors going through times of frustration, and I feel powerless to help. The truck drivers' strike which cost many a transporter their livelihood... and has brought them to their knees and bankruptcy... I try to remind myself every day that the trials of this world is not the most important aspect of our lives, but sometimes this is little comfort when things aren't going well.

However, when I read again of this first miracle, it encouraged me because Jesus did not have to do this specific act at that wedding. He could have performed some other grand gesture to show He was God. But He chose to show himself by doing a small, practical thing that was needed at that time. If Jesus did not care about our small, daily events, then He would not care about the majority of our life, because our life is mostly made up of these small, seemingly mundane moments. But He is interested in our "daily grind" and desires to be a part of ALL our life, not just the serious events or trials. Scripture tells us that the Lord knew us in our mother's womb, and He knows the number of hairs on our head. He loves us inside and out, in spite of our weaknesses and short-comings. In His ministry on earth, Jesus restored hope to a hopeless world, and He continues to do that every day in the life of the believer. Jesus is calling us to give Him our little stuff as well as our big stuff because He cares about everything. What a personal and wonderful God we serve. What a privilege to have a relationship with such an awesome Savior..

Prayer: Thank you Lord for caring about all the aspects of my life; there is nothing too small or unimportant to bring before your throne. Help me to seek and be content with your will.

Your Friend
Ramona P.

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I really needed to read this post, and it's truly confirmation to a discussion that I had with my mother last night. She and I was talking about God and his love for us. What you wrote here is exactly what my mother was saying last night!


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