My daughter Mary needs alot of prayer and healing in her body. She went to the doctor last week cause she's been having shooting pain like burning in one of breast every now and then and the doctor found 2 lumps on her right breast and they're bigger lumps and he found a small one on her left breast. Please remember Mary Friday morning Feb. 6th as she has to have an ultrasound on both breasts to see if they're cysts or what it is. She'll be 21 yrs. old in April and the doctor told her she might have fibrocystic breasts cysts but he's not for sure, and he's concerned about those 2 lumps on her right breast cause breast cancer usually starts at the tailspin of the lump under armpit and that's where one of the lumps are on her right breast. Mary is real scared and worried about this and I'm real worried about this also. She's in her 2nd semester of nursing school and its real strict on missing classes, only allowed to miss nomore than 4 days per semester and if you miss more than that, you're kicked out of the nursing school program and its very hard to get back into the nursing school program, if you get kicked out. If she does real well and passes all her classes, she supposed to graduate from nursing school in May 2010 as an R.N, We also don't have health insurance, and my husband hasn't worked all that much lately, his drywall business is real slow at this time, not alot of drywall work right now and please pray that he'll get alot of calls for drywall work cause he's sitting home right now till he finds more drywall work to do. Thanks so much for praying for my husband's drywall business and for Mary on Friday morning that everything will be okay anbd that the ultrasound comes out okay. It means so much to me for christian people praying for needs.