All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I have woman in my Bible study who has over this last summer lost her husband. Now she wants to consult with a psychic and talk to him. I have told her it is wrong. And quoted to her the warnings in Lev. Her resonse is that that is Old Testament law and doesn't apply to us. Any suggestions.

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Excellent thank you for you input.
Hello Norman,This lady needs to know God our Lord Jesus, i carnt give you bible scripture there must be loads, but being led by the spirit, that might be old testiment THE WORD OF GOD none the less, but God does NOT agree with spirtulisiam full STOP! that is of the enemy, he who lives in us is not of the world, look that up and tell her she is makeing a big mistake. Paul
Thank you!
Thank you.
Hello Norman, as Jake say's she needs to be disipled by some strong Christians and lead her in prayer to open here eyes that we trust in God not man and that God alone will meet her needs. Amen.any thing else is of the enemy, be blessed brother Norman!
Thank you Paul. We are discipling her trying to encourage her in her faith and pointing out that God is the only one who will answer her. So far we are running into all kinds of road blocks. The enemy is not happy about this Bible study to start with. We are having it in a mobile park that has many disfunctional families and disenfranchised people. BUT the Lord is good and He is HAPPY that we are sharing His word. I am glad I am getting this feedback it is greatly needed. Thanks
It is not unuseual Norman for this disfunctional behaviour in young Christians, but gently gently, by the word of God in fellowship she will overcome, and she will then trust and have that wonderfull intamacy with our lord Jesus in person.Job done!! luv ya..Paul, it's great to see you in the mobile car park. I can see a bright light that many will follow.Amen


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