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Greetings in the Lord!!!
I have a question, I am saved and have been saved since 2000. God delivered me from soo much. Too much and too awful to reveal. But anyway, my husband isnt saved, but very loving and supportive of my faith. He lets me do what God wants me to do. But is it true that if I am saved, is all my household? Isnt there a scripture backing that up? I dont get it because God gave us all free will and we all need to choose who we will serve, God or man. Do my kids need to accept the Lord again when they get older??? Hmm, inquiring minds need to know! Thank you!

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Sorry, Karin, contrary to what you say, there is no Scriptural support for your statement that an entire family is saved if one of the members is.

The Bible does record Joshua making such a statement in Joshua 24:15, but he was only making a statement as the leader of his family that he was going to lead his family in the worship and service of the LORD. That is a far cry from saying that his faith saved all the members of his household.

The idea of substitutionary saving faith is simply not found anywhere in the Bible.

Paige, by her faith, can certainly have a positive influence for Christ on her family, but her faith cannot save them. They have to choose that for themselves.
Morning Karin,

Greg is perfectly correct in what he says.

Look at your theory in another way, Karin. If the whole family were to follow their parents. It would then go without saying, that if if the head of the family was going to hell, then all the family would follow him. This of course is absolutely ridiculous.

As Greg says, our faith or lack of faith can certainly influence our family and friends. But when the final day of judgment comes, every one will stand responsible, for their own personal salvation or damnation. Sadly Karin, your theory gives people a false hope.

In the very same verse that Joshua pronounces that he and his house will serve the Lord, he first opens his speech by saying: "Choose ye this day Whom ye will serve"

We see therefore, that it is a choice we all have to make.........

Hi Paige,

Please don't be discouraged about your husband.... Don't be angry at him. Just continue to pray for him. Pray for his heart to be softened. Continue to teach your kids.

He will have to make a choice. It's his choice not yours, seek to be at peace with that. Lay him at the foot of the cross and leave him there.

It is important to study the names of God...Elohim, El Shaddai, Yeshua. etc...make sure you know WHO He is...and your faith and Trust will never waver! You will not be discouraged because you are simply putting it in God hands.

Jeremiah 32;17
O Sovereign Lord. You made the Heavens and Earth by Your Strong Hand and Powerful arm. Nothing is too hard for You

Now having said all this...your husband may not accept Christ as Savior, it is his choice, continue to pray and wait on the Lord, never move ahead of Him.

Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, the shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint.

Sometimes we feel weak and weary....this means we are not waiting on the Lord...

Blessings, Carla
Hello sweetie,
God Bless you.
U r sweet for commenting and giving me your advice. Especially when you are going through the same thing. I always pray for you and your husband. I know God is working. He always is. Sometimes, yes, I worry, but thats just human nature. I give it to God and say,"Lord this is your deal".
I love you and I am blessed that you are my friend.
Hello my dear Paige...I know you truly understand that I know what you are going thru.. The verses that I gave you are the ones I keep pasted on my computer at home. God is teaching me submission. Even though Craig doesn't share my faith, I must still be submissive to him as long as it doesn't compromise my beiliefs.

One thing is for certain, Craig knows I will not compromise my beliefs and my faith in Christ. He knows that I put Jesus first---unwavering. He is starting to accept that.

Blessings, Carla
Dear Paige,
Let us thank the Lord for your salvation and for delivering you from so much and if not for the Lord you and your household and whole bunch of other people will not be saved. let us thank the Lord for giving you husband who is loving and supportive of your faith, this is alone tells me that our God is softening and working on your husband heart, not to worry but to bring him before the Lord with thanksgiving and calling God faithful, the same God that was faithful to you to save you is the same God that is and will be faithful to our loved ones. We need not to fret but to declare God's faithfulness from generation to generation.
God shall perfecteth that which concerns you.
I got this from Pat Robertson book" Bring it on" and to my opinion, it is very helpful, I trust God to give you His peace for your situation.
Pat answers this question and it is found in 1 corinthians 7:14... in the apostle Paul's discussion of marriage and singleness. It is important to keep in mind that paul was writing as a Jew, and his frame of reference was qualification to be part of the Jewish race. Paul is saying, in a similar manner, if a man or a woman who is a believer is married to an unbeliever, the children from that union will be born holy. In other words, they will be part of the family of God because of the believer's faith. They will be under the covenants of God. By virtue of the faith of one believing parent, they will have all the rights and privileges of those covenants. That is the sanctification to which Paul is referring. Paul did not mean that these children are going to be little saints, nor did he mean that they will be born again without making a personal commitement to Christ for themselves. Each one must make his or her own decision.
But they will not be given over to satanism or paganism. One believing spouse has a spiritual claim on the children because of the believer's faith in the Lord. He will honor that and bring them to the family of God. However, each parent must continue to pray for his or her children, raise them according to the Word of God, teach them, guide them, and help them to live for God.
Now this is what I believe for you, God loves your husband soo much by giving him a godly wife that is praying for him, meditate on the love of God for your family and let us call Him faithful who is faithful. Be Blessed my friend.
14He will bring you a message through which you and all your household will be saved.’,
ACTS 11:14
yes,the grace that u gained by accepting the holy spirit through baprtism will come to ur family too,as st. Peter said to Cornilius,have faith u'll be salvaged u and ur family,
but if I wewre in ur place why I do not preach my own family and let them enjoy the love of christ directly,let them also know the christ through u,
dear Paige,the wife of the great Constantine the empreur of eastern roman empire,was the cause of salvation of her husband ( the year 311) ,and after that the salvage of most people of his roman empire, may god bless u and family,maad
Thank you so much for posting your original question.
I am a new Christian, only commencing my walk in late 2007 after 30 years of continual sin and disobedience to the Lord.
Since surrendering myself and my life to the Lord and accepting Jesus as my Lord and saviour I have continually thought 'are my wife and daughters saved?', as a result of my being saved.
I must confess that I, as has been mentioned by some of the many knowledgeable people here on AAG, had misinterpreted the scripture of 1 Corinthians 7:14 'For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her believing husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy'.
I found great comfort in the fact that this meant that they were also saved.
I now believe that my interpretation was incorrect.
So I thank Ron, LT and others for correcting this.
I will now pray more diligently to the Lord asking that He plant the seed necessary that will lead my wife and my girls to Him.
So once again, thankyou for your original post. If it had not been for your question I would have continued to feel secure and gain comfort in something that is incorrect. I think people call this ignorant bliss.
God bless you
No, everyone has to be saved themselves, the bad thing is that if you live with unsaved people satan will try to use the closest people to you to attack you. So keep your armor on.
Amen Mark..
Hi Paige everyone has to except Jesus Gods plan for salvation for themselves, he always gives us a choice he urges us to make the right decision but he won't force us he's not like that. But however I strongly believe that every child is covered until they reach and age of accountability, that is until they are old enough to understand all of this and will be able to decide for themselves who they will follow. So just continue to bring your kids up in the fear of the lord and continue to take your entire family to the throne of God. I think there is a scripture that goes 'teach a child in the way he should go and when he is older he will not depart" God is in control and nothing takes him by surprise, It is no coincidence that you are married to your husband I believe that he is working on his heart through you. Just stay obedient to God and trusting in him. Continue to be to your husband the way that God said in his word that you should be and don't loose faith and watch God do his thing girl.

I have the same concern as Paige.  I am very bothered about something.  What good is it to me if I am in Heaven with all the angels because of my belief in His name (Jesus means God (Jehovah) is my salvation) if my beloved family, all Jewish are in some hell because of their disbelief that Jesus is the messiah and Son of God?  If this is the case then Heaven would be Hell to me without my loved ones. All my family are conservative or orthodox Jews.  My Grandmother was buried in a casket with a Star of David on it.  My mother to the end could not accept Jesus because He was so alien to the Jewish family she was raised in.  Everyday she prayed for salvation to Adonai (the father), but for some reason, she had to pray to Jesus who if you are a Trinitarian is paradoxically the very same God along with the Holy Spirit. Saint Paul is a good example of a Jewish person who killed Christians.  There is no way that he, by his own volition would turn to Christ.  It was that light on the road to Damascus and the words "Why do you persecute me?" and the blindness that turned him, the chief of sinners to Jesus.  I believe that if Jesus is the Truth, the Resurrection and the life, that upon death, all men and women, including those of other faiths are approached by Christ and in His presence, see their life in true perspective and if these people, including my family, do not recognize Him, He says to them "I AM".  When my family members see the truth and how could you not since God is all there is, if they then turned their back on the light of the divine, then and only then would they go into darkness. Isn't this what happened to Saul (Saint Paul)?  He didn't search for Christ, he tried to vanquish Him.  There is no reason why my family members should accept Jesus as their savior and 99% of the holocaust victims didn't believe in Jesus.  But I feel that just as Jesus shined a light on Paul, He was in the gas chambers with all the Jews and He went up the crematorium chimneys with the souls of all the Jewish victims to glory. I repeat that no way did Paul seek out Jesus, no way!  Jesus sought him out.  No way did my Mother or Grandmother seek out Jesus, or my brother or sister now or son for that matter.  I just pray that Jesus will always do for them what He did for Saint Paul who never would have sought repentance in Jesus' name unless Jesus met him face to face and showed Paul the light.  So it be true that Jesus do this for my family members (What is good for the goose (Paul) is good for the gander (the Jews, including my family).  And what is good for the goose is good for people through out the world of other faiths who are not Christians at all.  The Kingdom of Heaven is still inside of them and I believe that a loving God would shine His light into their eyes, just like in Saul's eyes.  Otherwise there will be but a very small remnant of Israel left in the end times and three-quarters of the world will perish...God is Love.  I hope that God lifts the vail when faithful Jews and other sects meet their maker. Stephen Borisoff


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