All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Man is a tripartite being. The spirit, soul, and body make one whole man. In a sense, we are created in the image of God who is also a tripartite being, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. But One whole God, that can't be separated. With that in mind, when someone is born again, it is because they had a dead spirit as a result of the fall. Man's spirit, which is man's organ to commune with God died on the day that Adam ate from the wrong tree first after God had told him, "On the day that you should eat, you shall surely die." So the Holy Spirit indwells man's spirit and quickens his human spirit to life, thus he is "born from above". The Holy Spirit dwells in man's innermost being which is his spirit. If you look at the temple, God dwelled in the innermost sanctuary. Not the Outer Courts or the Holy Place but the Holy of Holies. In someone who is "born of the Spirit", an evil spirit can not go in and dwell in his spirit because that is the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit of God. God desires that man should walk according to the spirit where His Spirit operates so his spirit should be buoyant and free and he should know how to use his spirit and to distinguish the difference between his spirit and his soul, which is his mind or intellect, his will, and his emotion. If man's spirit cooperates with the Holy Spirit then the Holy Spirit will lead him and guide him and empower him for service. The enemy's objective is to prevent a Christian from working, walking, or speaking in the power of the Holy Spirit. If the enemy can keep a Christian from using his spirit where the Holy Spirit dwells he knows that Christian is not much threat against the powers of darkness. They may look real busy in Christian service or prayer or whatever, but if it is not in the power of the Holy Spirit it is useless and a dead work. Therefore no threat to the enemy. So they do all they can to press or suppress a Christian's spirit, but cannot possess his spirit. The Holy Spirit possesses that. They can however attach to the body or the soul and make us live or walk accordingly so the life and power of God is not released from our spirit. They do this by attaching themselves, whispering, teaching, hindering, frustrating, and all sorts of different ways that are too many to name here. And may even counterfeit the Holy Spirit in spiritual gifts, which are still real in our day, to make the believer think that he is spiritual while he is yet carnal and has not yet come to the place where he is walking according to the Spirit to prevent him from truly walking in the Spirit. Thus we need to test and prove the spirits. Spiritual Warfare is inevitable in the Christians life. The Christian who has allowed Jesus Christ to make real to him that he is "seated with Christ in the heavenlies" will encounter the warfare that goes on in the heavenlies where the warfare is. Ephesians shows this. If being seated with Christ in the heavenlies is not the Christians experience he will not encounter this. There is no need for attack. Because that is where the power is, with Christ in the heavenlies. Satan's target is Christ in us. That is what he is after, to destroy the tesimony of the fulness of Christ. I will make a few recommendations in a minute. It's never too late for this, but the first thing a newborn Christian should do is just what Jesus said, "Take up your cross and follow me". The cross is the instrument that the Holy Spirit uses to put to death all that is not of Him. Our own reasoning, intellect, affections, human wisdom, self-will, human strength, etc. All those things are of the flesh and ground for the enemy. The cross is where the powers of darkness are defeated. It has to be made ours in living and vibrant experience. Not just a thought. If it is just a thought and not our real experience we are in danger. God provided all the grace we need to be laid hold of by faith. To have victory over sin, the self-life, Satan, and worldly pleasures. The work has been done, but if we don't respond to it it can never be ours. It is our choice whether or not we lay hold of it by faith and allow God to make it our real experience. If we don't then we trample His grace under foot and that is what the Great Apostasy will produce. The Holy Spirit desires to be our governing force. Actively allowing the Cross of Christ to put those things to death is the only thing that can deliver the Christian from ground of the enemy. It is not anything to be scared of but rather to stand up and take courage. God wants us to take back all ground from the enemy actively. Christ said, "He who loves his life(psuche), which means the soul life, will lose it, and he who loses his life(psuche) for My sake will keep it unto life(zoe) eternal. Which means divine life. That's as thorough as I can be for now, here, but I will recommend a couple books that will help guide whoever has a desire to move into a spiritual life. The first is called, "The Spiritual Man" by Watchman Nee. The other is called "War on the Saints" by Jessie Penn-Lewis and Evan Roberts. I do not recommmend "War on the Saints" to someone without a good foundation because it can cause someone to get a little too introspective but as far as the wiles of the devil it is very good. And does show the way of deliverance. But "The Spiritual Man" does also and is more thorough in guiding towards the spiritual life. One of Satan's big deceptions is making Christians believe it can't happen to them. Those who think that are those who have already been deceived. But God makes provision and will deliver all who want delivered. It only takes a genuine desire for truth in God's light instead of man's opinion or our own reasoning. "He who does the truth comes to the light, that his works might be manifest, that they are wrought in God." Just ask God for light with a willing heart and trust in His love and faithfulness.

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Hi Janet,
First of all, get rid of all the fear that you may have, the Lord will walk you right through the fighting back period. You have to ask Him for light as to what ground that you probably unwittingly gave. Nevertheless, there is absolutely no need to get overcome with fear because that will only cause you to shrink back. You will soon see that God is going to be glorified in all this and that He has a purpose in the Body of Christ for you.
Start off by praying to Him for light, and standing on the ground of Rom. 6:5-13.
As a wrestling believer you stand on the:
1. Ground of the Blood of the Lamb, which includes all that the finished work of Calvary means in victory over sin and Satan; you
2. Give the word of your testimony in affirming your attitude to sin and Satan, and the sure, certain victory through Christ, and
3. You live in the Calvary spirit, with your life surrendered to do the will of God, even unto death.

I emphasize the necessity of prayer to you. Your prayer should be as one joined in spirit with the Son of God, with the will fused with His, declaring to the enemy the authority of Christ over all their power(Eph. 1:20-23).
You are joined in spirit with the Son of God who is on the throne in heaven and seated high above all principalities and powers. All that is put in subjection under His feet. Declare that to the enemy and let them know that it is not your will that you should be under the influence, power, or authority of evil spirits in or over you. Even declaring to them that you are dead to sin and alive unto God in Christ Jesus. And not just say it but stand on the ground of Rom. 6:11.

Print this up and do it! Say it allowed and stir up! You have to fight aggressively. You're fear will soon leave and the Lord will strengthen you by the power of His might. You will soon see yourself emerging into liberty. In the meantime don't accept any manifestations in your body as being from the Lord. Deliver all such over to the Cross. And you have to get vocal. Looking off unto Jesus, focusing on Him on the throne and reigning without getting too introspective.
If you let me know some of the symptoms I might be able to better diagnose this and help you identify the ground that needs taken back for God.

Anyways, if you need further help I'm more than willing to help. And I will pray.

God bless you!

As you may already know from my profile I come from a back ground of the Occult and when i got saved on June 22, 2003. I did not get rid of all that was with me, during the Occult. I don't like to talk about the symptoms because it seems noone believes me or even believes that Christians can be demonized! All I can say is demons manifest through me. I get scratches on me, I see demons ...I hear voices call my name in my room.. I always feel a presence following me. the Occult that I was in was Witchcraft, vampirism and satanism. I still struggle with witchcraft at times. I am not sure what else I can say. But have had demons cast out in the past and it was a very nasty time. I am afraid to say anymore, people may think oh she is nuts! Maybe I am?? if you can help me GREAT!! if not.. thats ok cause noone seems like they can.
Hi Janet,
I certainly believe you. And I don't think you're nuts. If you have determined in your heart that you want to wholeheartedly follow the Lord I can and will help. By what you were into you may have been more deeply deceived than others, but it is nothing that you can't fight back through in Christ. The first step is to consecrate yourself unto the Lord and seek to know Him with all your heart. I can recommend a good book or two that you should get that will help guide you through that you can keep with you all the time. At least until your mind is liberated enough to fight aggressively.
The first one is "The Spiritual Man" by Watchman Nee. It's not so much that you need to focus so much on what is going on with you as it is that you need to get in line with a true spiritual walk with the Lord Jesus. But this book will help you learn what is going on while helping you in your walk with Him. Once you start to get in step with Him then a lot of these experiences will just pass away and what lingers you'll know what to do to fight back. The enemy is going to try to get you to use your body or your own thinking for this and keep you there. You have to forsake that and let the Lord become your wisdom and righteousness and sanctification. This will happen by turning from all that is not of God.
God bless you,
Easier said then done, Rich but thank you. You know after all this time, since I accepted Jesus as my Lord and savior I still believe I am a vamp. I am still trying ti rid that actual thought, very hard to do! I feel like a mental case even talking about this stuff. Imagine me telling a phycolgist this? They would just pump me with all kinds of medication and I don't believe that is the answer! Jesus is the answer to my problem. Demons are very crafty. How can I get in a True spiritual walk with God if I still believe I am a vamp? Some of the effects of what being in the Occult can do after a long period of time. I probably need help in person but prayer that is from afar off is powerful! I believe in that. How can I turn from something that is part of me? Like how can you ignore your arm that is part of you?? You can't! I am not sure you should be involved in talking with me about this, most people that do run away or something happens to them. Maybe we you talk in private?? Don't want to upset other Christian's here. Some are very sensative!
Hi Janet,
You are not a vamp. That thing is for certain. Whether you think you are or not, you are not.
Here's the truth, you were put in Christ by God 2000 years ago. The "old creation" was crucified with Him. You were crucified with Him! That "old person" that thinks she is a vamp was crucified with Christ. And all your sins with Him. He took it all on Himself. Not only that, but the "old person" that thinks she is a vamp was also buried with Him. And you were raised a new creation in Christ Jesus. The Scripture says so, and God does not lie. Satan is the father of all lies. He wants you to think that you are a vamp. But you are not. Simple faith in what God's word says about you in truth will set you free and the Holy Spirit which dwells in you will make that a living reality to you. The enemy would like for you to not know this fact but now you do. You did not put yourself in Christ, you were put in Christ by God. You need to know that. And reckon it so, because God's own Word says so. In Christ you are a new creature, old things are passed away, all things are made new. There are no vamps in Christ. All vamps died on the Cross with Him. And I guarantee there are some who have realized this. Not one thing did Christ not take upon Himself. He knew when He was on the Cross that the moment would come when you would have to realize that all these things were crucified with Him. And the freedom and liberty are yours.
God bless you my friend,


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