And so, we see that the grace of God involves both a passive aspect and an active aspect. And while the distinction is not always clear it is important for us to understand both aspects and not to focus on one aspect only while ignoring the other. For instance, by His grace, God accepts us as we are and He forgives us our sins. This is passive grace and may not necessarily require change in us for us to receive it. Neither does it necessarily produce change in us.
Forgiving an offender or an enemy does not necessarily change or make the person behave differently. But the grace of God does not stop at its passive point in a believer’s life. The grace of God also actively transforms us to behave differently. Some believers in Christ relish only in the passive grace of God. They see the grace of God as only forgiving and bearing with them in their constant failures through their weaknesses. This is true about the grace of God. But there is also grace to cause us to operate in the strength of the Lord in spite of our weaknesses. A friend usually points out to me: “God loves us the way we are, but too much to leave us there."
By grace, God also actively changes the old creation into a new creation, the sinner into a saint, the son of disobedience into a son of God. Salvation by grace involves both passive and active grace. The atoning work of Christ involves passive grace and the sanctifying, transforming, and empowering work of the Spirit in us involves active grace.
We have so far in our discussions dwelt mainly with the grace of God towards us in our sinful state, in our weaknesses and infirmities, in our state of spiritual death, controlled by the body of this death. We are now moving on to examine the grace of God in its active form, producing God’s righteousness in us, quickening us from death into life, and empowering us with the perfect strength of the Lord to offset our weaknesses and infirmities.
Passive grace and active grace are simply two aspects or operations of the grace of God. By grace, God designed and implemented the plan of salvation through Jesus Christ while we were yet sinners and in enmity against. By grace, He applies the benefits of the plan of salvation into our lives and transforms us from helpless sinners into powerful saints through Jesus Christ.
Father, we thank you for your infinite grace towards us in Christ Jesus whereby you could have loved us as we are, but too much to leave us in our former condition. Help us to receive the fullness of your grace by which you not only accept us in our sinfulness and weakness, but also transform us imparting into us your righteousness and strength in Christ Jesus to do your will. Amen.