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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

All in white she stands, Earth's dark night is over!
She turns to face the Son of Man,
With a look that shames the stars!

Pure & spotless, holy, clothed in Love & Glory!
What has made her beautiful?
What has made her ready?

Her garments sparkle, with the jewels of martyr's tears,
The faith-filled prayers of saints~
Throughout the ages, her sweet perfume.

His heart is beating faster, His eyes burn with Love's desire.
All the water in creation,
Can't put out this holy fire!

What has made her beautiful?
What has made her ready?
She gave her life away~
To be One with Him.

She gave her life away, to make Him known.
To reveal His love & mercy,
Flowing from God's throne.

She gave her life away, to proclaim salvation's plan;
His gracious blood's atoning,
Reaching down to sin- cursed man.

So, that ALL may enter in,
Heaven's gates are opened wide!

A Worthy, Glorious King & by His side,
A Victorious Bride!

Tried in the fire, Now shining as gold,
They gave their life away & gained a wealth untold!

(It will be worth it all, when we see Jesus! By D. Schenfeld 2008. A gift to the Body of Christ, copy it if you like.)

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I was looking for a place this 'fit'. It's not exactly a discussion, but I leave it open;
What kind of people do we need to be, as the Bride of Christ, who is waiting for her Bridegroom?
What does it mean, 'She gave her life away?' I know what it means to me, but I'd be interested to know how other's interpret it.
"I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me. Gal. 2:20
For me I have put my desires, my hope, even my dreams aside, I have as the poem says given my life away so that Christ can live through me.
The scripture says Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. Rom. 12:1.
It is as binding as marriage and just as in our marriages we do not live for ourselves any more, but are commented to our spouse.
That does not mean that we loose our person hood, but we live our lives out in the constraints of the marriage bond. In this since we have died to our old life of just living for our selves. that is why the scripture talks about the mystery that the whole marriage covenant represent.
the Poem is wonderfully and beautifully written keep up the great job and write more, lots more! I enjoy your writings!
It's AWESOME to realize that our 'Bridal price', our ransom from sin's dominion~ was the very life & blood of our Beloved! It was the highest price in all the universe and it was paid for you & me! Jesus said that it was expedient for us, that He go away for awhile, that He might send the Holy Spirit to live in us & lead us into all truth! Then He promised to come back again, to receive us unto Himself. How exciting!!!
I believe that while we are here, we are meant to be a display of His glory upon the earth. To funtion in the gifts & abilities He has given to His Bride. To Him, each one is unique & blesses His heart. Please ask yourself, what do I have to give, as an offering unto my King?
Deborah check out the forum on JEWISH MARRIAGE CUSTOMS, this really helped me to understand Jesus teachings much better in light of the culture He lived in. You will find it on the main page of the Bride of Christ.
Beautiful poetry


~ Longing Bride ~

"The Spirit and the bride say, "Come!"
And let him who hears say, "Come!"
And let him who thirsts come, whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely."
Revelation 22:17

~ Longing Bride ~
The Spirit & the Bride say, come
I love this verse Silvia, the Bride of Christ and the Holy Spirit co-operating and working together calling the lost to come to the waters of life. This is true evangelism and is so beautiful.


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