Dear Greg..I am desperate and seek answers.Me and my fam hav always known God while we were growing up because of my mom being so religious.Although my dad lead a sinfull life he knew God.My mother had prayed for us all over the yrs and commited herself to God.I had many hardships during my life and used God as a spare,and after He pulled me through i just kept on with my sinfull life.As years went by my father changed and became more homely and peacefull.After his first bypass opp we grew closer to him,aspecially me.He always tried to keep me from making the same mistakes,and for the first time i knew true love from a father.It only got beter,but still he wasnt as commited as my mother.I am 38 today and two yrs ago everything changed for me. I settled down after two divorces and got maried to a very special lady who changed me in allot of ways. My father on the other hand,after three bypass opps and many good years became very ill after his little brother died tragicaly. Lung trouble,became diabetic and his heart started to fail him. During these last few months he started praying with my dear mother and asked God and my mother for forgiveness for all he had done. Although he did not go to often,he belonged to the afrikaans NG church. A few weeks ago the preacher of his church came to him on request and my father confessed his sins and prayed to be saved. Unfortunetly i have started a new life far away from my parents and could not always be there. It has been eight months since i had last seen him and i knew he was very ill. We planned to go vissit in Feb,but had to drive through the night three days ago after he ended up in hospital again.We went straight to him on our arrival and he was so happy to see us.He was so brave and loving. Last night an hour after i had left the hosp he passed away at the age of 72. Is he in heaven now? Is it possible that our prayers could still save him if he is not?I am very upset and cant function.I cant bear the uncertainty.I need to know,please help and guide me... Hannes