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Hi, I'm just wondering - is Allah the same as our God? Or are they two different Gods?

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Bob and Ron, Amen.

Great Post Jonathan - Thank you!

Would you please consider explaining the typology of the Old and New Testament sacrifice as found in Christ. I am sure that it would be appreciated by all in the group who read it.

"And every priest standeth daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins: (Old Testament)
But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God; (New Testament) Hebrews 10:11-12

Hi Therese,

Here is a correction. Given in order to keep the records straight. Muslims reading your post will say: "You see they don't even know or understand the Muslim faith. If they have it wrong on one point then they will have it wrong on many points. It's therefore better that we ignore them than to listen to them."

The correction Therese, is that Muslims do not believe that Muhammad is God. They believe that Muhammad is God's Prophet.

This Muslim belief creates a problem for Muslims. All the prophets in the Bible, speak with one voice and basically agree with each other. But the words of Muhammad do not. Yes the Muslims say that Muhammad's teachings are also based on the Old Testament teachings, but as we read the Quran, we see that there are just too many differences between the Bible and the Quran.

The Muslim community get around this problem by saying that we, Jews and Christians alike, have changed the Bible to suit ourselves and our beliefs. They never give proof of this in fact they admit they cannot show where we have made so called changes.

They conveniently overlook, forget or even trust that Muslims will not believe that Archeologist's
have discovered that the Old Testament we have today is exactly the same, word for word, as the the Old Testament used, even before the Birth of Christ.

The dead sea scrolls were discovered in a cave near the dead sea and was used by the Essenes. These scrolls date 300 years before Christ.

One can visit the "Dome of the Book" (A Museum in Israel where a number of these scrolls are kept) and see the entire scroll of Isaiah laid out behind a glass showcase. This scroll like all the others are the same as your Bible today.

Islam despite it's claim as being the only true religion has as it's founder Muhammad. Muhammad was born 570 years after Christ and it was only when he was 40 years of age that he claimed that he was receiving revelations, until his death. These revelations form the verses of the Qur'an, and regarded by Muslims as the “word of God (Allah)” and around which their religion is based.

What does all this tell us? Frankly that there cannot be two revelations from the same God that
are in disagreement with each other. Secondly one religion is based on Historical facts relating to God from time immemorial, (Thousands of years) while the other (the Quran) is not.

Originally the words of Muhammad were memorised by adherents. There were also some who had written them down.

The first Caliph Hadhrat Abu Bakr gathered these written records and a choice was made as to which of these writings were in fact the same words of Muhammad as memorised by others.
These writings then formed the Book known as the Quran, while the rest of the writings were burnt so as to not create confusion.

The problems this creates regarding the authenticity of the Quran is legend. It relies heavily on the choice of one man, Hadhrat Abu Bakr, that Muslims have the very revelations as given by Muhammad himself. Furthermore, having burnt all the other writings, there is no way anyone can compare one manuscript with another to look for contradictions or the confirmation of one writing with that of another.

The fact that there were writings that did not agree with each other and were burnt, could also mean that there were memorised sayings of Muhammad that also did not agree with each other.

How different from the Bible. When a copy of the Old Testament was to be made, the Scribe was carefully watched by assistants. Once a sentence was re-written, the words including the spaces, the jots and tittles plus the number of characters and letters were carefully counted in the original and compared with what the scribe had just written. One mistake and the scroll was not corrected, but totally destroyed and started all over again.

This process allows us to realise what Christ meant when He said: "For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." Mat 5:18.

The Lord Bless us all - Thank you Father for bringing us into a knowledge of the truth and the guidance of the Holy Spirit who confirms that the words we read in Scripture are from our God Jehovah Himself and not simply a man. "For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." 2Peter 1:21

Ron. "Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage." Gal 5:1
Thank you Jonathan,
No I have never seen it before, but have now.
Surely he must know that we know that a 2 plus another 2 make 22? :-) :-)

This "chappie" has taken the authoritative position in the Muslim world that the late Dr Deedat had. I used to listen to Deedat's arguments with Christian scholars. He always chose the subject and always spoke last in reply to their input. This was a bad mistake on the part of these Christians. Because he was always able to give the Islamic argument ridiculing what was put forward by these Christians and naturally they could not reply in defence.

Deedat was eventually struck down with a disease where he was paralysed and could no longer utter one word or sentence to anyone including his family. While he could understand what was being said, he could only say "Yes" or "No" by moving his eyes.

Deedat the man, was a like-able fellow and lived in South Africa.
Evangelical pastors in Cape Town S.A. who had crossed swords with him, went to his bedside as a last resort and tried to encourage him to recant all that he had said and believed. His answer was "No!". He died the following day.

Sadly Deedat knew the Bible and the way of salvation, but he used this knowledge to belittle the Christian faith, rather than repent and be saved.

Watching him on many occasions, I believe that he was a very proud man, loved himself and loved listening to his own arguments as he belittled the Christian faith.
As the saying goes: "He thought he was just the man"

I have also listened to this man in the video, who has taken Deedat's place (Can't
recall his name) and he too believes that he is Allah's gift to Islamic theology.

His argument that Islam will never allow churches to be built in the countries where they hold sway, because of our teachings, MUST surely hold good for Christian countries as well and allow us to reject the building of Mosques.

Thank you for the video, I shall keep it in my "Toolbox" for a later day.

One last and quick thought. Muslims do not have the Quran as spoken by Muhammad, but rather they have "A" set of writings chosen by Hadhrat Abu Bakr who chose what he felt, were the words of Muhammad amongst many many other written words of Muhammad. As I said in my post to Therese, the rest of these writings were destroyed by Hadhrat Abu Bakr in order to save confusion at a later date, in case other scholars found contradictions or differences in all these writings.
Because of this NO ONE is sure just how accurate the Quran really is. One does not have to be a fortune teller to know that Muslims will vehemently deny this.
Dear Therese,
Thank you for the Blessings you pass on to me and your kind words.

There are a number of Christians here on AAG who are truly blessed with Biblical knowledge and have an excellent understanding of the scriptures. All of us here on AAG are fortunate to have them with us.

I would name them but I fear that I may miss one name and that would not be fair.

However there is one, here on AAG, who is devoted to the group and is the most sympathetic and understanding Christian I have come to know.

Her concern for Christians on AAG can be seen by the mere fact that I have "Caught" her working on this net at 02h00. I have "scolded" her and even "serenaded" her on Skype, hoping she would go to bed, but the following morning well after 01h00, (Canadian time) there she is again.

I do not have to mention her name and embarrass her, fortunately she does know who I am referring to. Should anyone need her help..... Don't worry about finding her. I can assure you, she will find you.

To keep ahead of the Signs of the Times keep your eyes focused on Israel. Whatever happens there, never happens by accident. God's prophetic plan for the world revolves entirely around Israel.

The Lord Bless us all on AAG and look up. Once again Thank you Therese.

Your Brother and friend in Christ.
Ron P.
That's right Rev Thomas,

I said the very same things to a Muslim here on AAG.

"I could never become a Muslim, Because:
1. Allah says it's OK to lie when you are protecting the Muslim faith. Imagine that? God needs liars to keep the Muslim faith to be "Protected and Pure" This form of lying is called a "Hudnah"
2. If you Blow up innocent people in a Restaurant while on a Jihad, it's OK and you will go to Paradise where 70 Perpetual virgins will look after your needs. Allah does not seem to care about the pain the poor perpetual virgins experience every time.
3. A Muslim, unless he is killed or dies in a Jihad, can never be sure of Salvation. Their Salvation depends on their works and they never know if they have been good enough to go to Paradise, until they stand before Allah in Judgement."

What a contrast to the God -Jehovah of the Bible?

Thank you my Brother for pointing this out - Ron
when history tells us bout prophet muhammed who spoke bout allah and jesus spoke bout god almighty who is one and the same why people still cannot believe it?

Please visit to find numerous reasons why Christians do not believe that Muhammed was a true prophet of the God of the Bible.

Hi Elza,

There is so much information listed here from different members on this subject.
I believe that you would understand why the God of the Bible and the Allah of the Quran are not the same
should you read some if not all of the articles submitted in these discussions.

Have a good day
Ron - There are hundreds if not thousands of guys also called Ron, but we are definitely not the same.

In your view, relating to Scripture:
1) What is required for salvation?
2) How does one develop a relationship with God?
3) On what grounds does a muslim have to come into a relationship with God?

Mission Islam is an Islamic group promoting Islam.

They have a bold heading in one of their articles on Jesus
“Jesus, a Muslim, was Neither Killed, nor Crucified.”

I have not got the patience to explain or type out their reasoning so I simply copied their mail. This also makes it more authentic in that it shows that I have not made any changes to their beliefs. Their reasoning below is based on John chapter 18:3-6

18:3. Judas, having received a band of men and officers from the chief priests, comes inside with lanterns and torches and weapons.
18:4. Jesus therefore, knowing all things that should happen to him, went forth, and said unto them, whom do you seek?
18:5. They answered him, Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus says unto them, I am [he]. And Judas also, which betrayed him, stood with them.
18:6. As soon as he had said unto them, I am [he], they went backward, and fell to the ground.
From verse 6 above, we notice one strange thing: as soon as Jesus identifies himself, “I am (he)”, the great crowd that had come in falls to the ground. As Judas stood near Jesus (after kissing him) and as the crowd fell to the ground along with the lanterns they brought, the situation was perfect for the exchange of faces, so that those who came to arrest him do not notice it. Then the soldiers, who came to arrest Jesus, take away Judas instead, while Jesus escapes along with his other disciples, who all fled the scene.

They then go on to explain how Judas had to face the Sanhedrin and Pilate in silence and eventually be crucified in the place of Jesus.

They then ask the question:

And where is Jesus (pbuh) when all this happens? Jesus had predicted, in Matthew 12:40
“for as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.”

Where, you may well ask, is the heart of the earth?

Their Answer? You guessed it: “Mecca”

Talk about pulling Rabbits out of a hat!
No proof required, you just simply say it. This then is what the Quran is built on.


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