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I've been thinking about this recently and I have not quite figured it out yet. Speaking in tongues is said to be the proof of the Holy spirit living inside you. My question is..Is it absolutely necessary for christians to speak in tongues, or is it something that comes to certain people at certain times, or is it a mixture? I know as a Christian that when you get saved, Jesus comes to live inside of you and helps you to become a better person from the inside out. Since God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are three in one, the Holy Spirit is in essence the one that is down here on earth and would be that shining light to guide us to righteousness...right? A relative of mine believes that the Holy Spirit is in you only if you speak in tongues. Every Christian I know does not speak in tongues and if the Spirit helps you through your exceptance of Jesus then everyone should speak it right? And speaking in tongues wouldn't be optional, but apart of the Christian walk...or does it happen as your grow in faith? ( Did I confuse anyone? lol) Any help would be great. Thanxs!

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While I have read the discussion, comments, and opinions I have not read anyone's testimony supported with the Word of God. As a Pastor I have had many people inquire with this question quite often. The number one reason why people chose to not believe in a heavenly language is fear. Fear of what they themselves can not explain, fear of what others may think, fear of inquiring of the Lord as to His truth and most of all fear of not receiving the gift because of unbelief. Remember He said if any one ask for this gift that the Father would give it to him. Paul said that we all should desire the gift of tongues, and Paul being the authority of it's teaching should have a really good reason for us to understand this gift. I have taught on the gift of tongues and if anyone tries to talk you away from it be weary because Paul first said in 1 Corinthians 14:2 we speak to God and not to man. This gift is one of the most incredible gifts for the believer's life that now having the revelation on tongues I now know why Paul said he wishes everyone to speak in tongues as often as he did. First, is this a sign that you are filled with the Holy Spirit? Yes, my love it is. However as you wrote every Christian has a portion of the Holy Spirit upon receiving Jesus as Lord but not every one is baptized or immersed with His Spirit. As you Study it's true the scripture does not lead us to believe that every Christian spoke in tongues but the Word allows us to see in full view that EVERY PERSON that was used of Almighty God in a powerful and dynamic way had the evidence of tongues (acts) was filled. You see not every one wants to be used mightily by God and it takes a power that's greater than yourself to be a witness. The gifts of the Spirit are always, always accompanied by the Holy Spirit. These signs shall follow them that believe they shall cast out demons in my name, they shall speak with new tongues, they will handle snakes, and they shall drink any thing deadly and it shall not harm them and they will lay hands on the sick and they will be healed. Jesus said when the Holy Spirit comes upon you shall receive power to be my witness. Acts 1:8. Why would He say this to people who already believed? Because they had a greater call on their lives and they needed the power to do it. I have a heavenly language and it is a most precious gift from Him and let me tell you why. Remember I taught on this and I'm going to give it to you short. When we pray in tongues it is the only time we can pray a prayer that is absolutely perfect! There is no fear present because the Spirit prays for us Romans 8:26 He knows the will of God and He prays exactly that. Many times when we pray in our own language we are fearful of something maybe God isn't going to give you what your asking for or maybe you thoughts tell you God isn't even listening. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. If that’s not great to have a prayer were you don't have any fear then I don't know what is. Now when you pray in your heavenly language you have activated your angels and God's angelic host to war on your behalf. Yes the angles hearken onto the Word of the lord. Paul said although I speak with the tongues of men and of angles...1 Corinthians 13:1. The Angels understand what the Spirit is praying and they must and they do the word which is spoken. I have seen a many of times I have prayed in my language and later I can see what the Spirit prayed for. I make it my life to pray in the Spirit every day because I have seen God at work greater than any other time in my life. I have been led to pray in tongues and within minutes seen miracles take place. Again when you pray in tongues you access heaven immediately. You begin to pray out your destiny the exact purpose for which God has destined you to live. You ask how is that? You maybe a babe in Christ and have not learned much about the life of Paul but let me tell you no one suffered greater than him but Jesus. Paul encouraged us to all desire the gift because praying in the Spirit is tongues and He makes intercession for us like nothing or no one else heaven begins to aid us in ways that no other prayer could assist. You can pray in tongues for someone when you don't no what to say for them. Have you ever had that happen? Even for yourself there are times when you can't say a word and when you pray in your heavenly language your help has come. Your not limited when you pray in tongues especially when you have this revelation that I'm sharing with you. Lastly, you worship God perfectly in tongues. This is so powerful in corporate worship and you will indeed sense the very presence of God in your worship. Remember Paul said we sing in our known language and sing in tongues. Why would God want to stop worship and why would God allow Paul to teach us how to use this wonderful gift? Things begin to happen, situations turn around, answers come, peace comes, and revelations come. You become stronger in you relationship with God and your ability to hear from God is greater. You absolutely become more powerful and affective in your prayer life more than any other time in your life when you apply this in you life. This is why Paul wanted this for us all. He overcame so much pain and suffering and had so many mighty deeds, signs and wonder in His life that we know he was able to communicate with God in more ways than one. Their will always be haters even in the body of Christ, when someone tells you this gift is no longer in existence then you ask them why did God not cease from all the gifts given to the body? I will not try to tell you every thing about tongues like when are you to speak them in church and when someone must interrupt them but I will tell you to ask God with all of your heart for this wonderful gift if you are to fulfill His calling on your life. Not everyone wants a full measure of God in their life. If you want more than your salvation and all of God on the inside of you to do and to be His witness then seek after the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues. With much LOVE, Pastor Tara Lewis

Until you put the word "corporate" in you message above, I thought you were talking about an individual praying in an angelic language to God. But if you are talking public worship, you should explain to the novice what all Paul really said about speaking in tongues.

First of all, when the Bible mentions speaking in tongues, the predominant meaning is speaking in foreign languages, not angelic ones (1 Cor 14:10, Acts 2:4). Everything Paul discusses in chap 14 fits much better if one interprets 1 Cor 14:5 as Paul desiring everyone to be able to speak in foreign languages (not angelic ones) so they could tell anyone about Jesus, regardless of their dialect. He does recognize angelic langauges, but disciplines it heavily ... during public worship at most three people speak in tongues (one at a time) and ONLY if there is someone there to interpret the meaning (1 Cor 14:26-28).

I agree that one's prayer life becomes more powerful as you rely more on the Holy Spirit, but there is no Scriptural evidence that a prayer in tongues is more effective or reaches heaven sooner than any other prayer in the Spirit.

Two key points: Speaking in unknown tongues is meant for a supernatural sign for the unbeliever, not the believer (1 Cor 14:22) and the spiritual gift Paul wanted ALL people to have (way beyond speaking in tongues) is LOVE (1 Cor 13:1,2).

Hi Pastor Tara,

I was just reading through your comment again... you had said this:
While I have read the discussion, comments, and opinions I have not read anyone's testimony supported with the Word of God,

I would have to disagree with that...there have been many people here supporting scripture in what they have posted.

Also, you have said: Yes the angles hearken onto the Word of the lord. Paul said although I speak with the tongues of men and of angles...1 Corinthians 13:1. The Angels understand what the Spirit is praying and they must and they do the word which is spoken

Are you saying that we pray to angels? Could you please clarify with scripture?

Aren't you taking this scripture out of context? This is referring to Love being the greatest gift! Could you please show me somewhere else in scripture which speaks of the importance of speaking all the languages of earth and of angels. I am not a pastor, I am certain that you know the bible better than me...I am truly looking to learn. Please back up everything with scripture. Thank you.

Blessings, Carla
Hi Jake,

Really don't use the computer much but I would like to respond to whether Jesus did or did not speak in tongues. The scripture does not say He spoke in new tongues. I would think being that heaven is and has always been His abode that when He spoke He spoke heaven's language. Remember Romans 8; 26 say's in our weakness the Spirit searches the heart and knows the mind of the Spirit and prays the will of God for the saints. So with that word we know that as a fact the reason in which we have a heavenly language is to help us as spiritual human beings. Desiring to be filled with the spirit could never be bondage but only a hunger for more of Christ living on the inside of you. When that hunger occurs there is nothing that will satisfy until you know He lives and moves in and through you. Let me share something with you as a spirit filled believer things like this story happen often in my life and I KNOW that it is absulotley because I'm filled. I was doing a business call the other day and the woman I was speaking with was very polite and helpful. Somehow we started talking bout children and the conversation lead to me sharing my love for God and His goodness and kindness towards me. Well, she began to say that she could feel that i was close to God and she really couldn't explain it but it was there. The next day I spoke with her for business again and she started to tell me she see's a therapist weekly, but she also has back problems and when she was speaking to me the other day pain left her body and she knew it was do to talking with me. She also said these things to her therapist and she thought it was strange but the lady new that His presence was in my life. I meet people all the time and similar things are shared but isn't this what Jesus said in Act 1;8 when the Holy Spirit comes upon you you shall receive Power to be my Witnesses...RE-read what i wrote about the advantages of being filled and baptized with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues. I believe Christians should seek for God' best and that does not imply material things but every thing He wants to give us. To many times in the scripture we see and they were filled or after they believed they wanted to know who this spirit is. To many people walk in fear and God does not give us a spirit of fear but power, love and a sound mind. Do you want to live more victorious in your life. Does it seem like your losing battles and grounds? Do you want more power in your life to share Christ without hesation or fear? Do other's see your confidence and desire to know where it comes from?

The issue is not over the gift of tongues, but rather is it "the evidence" of one being filled with the Holy Spirit. Better put, can one be filled with the Holy Spirit and not speak in tongues. There is plenty of evidence that God has filled believers with His Spirit and they not necessarily speak in tongues.

Lord Bless,
Thank you Carla, Rob, Pastor Tara Lewis, Mike, Jake and LT..Thank you all for all of your questions and answers. It has really helped me, as I'm sure many others, to understand the gift of speaking in tongues. As much as I am scared to ask for it, I think that I will ask God for the gift of speaking in tongues. I definitely understand what pastor Tara said when she pointed out that some people may not want to ask for some things or do not know how to ask or don't believe that God is actually lstening to them. With the Holy Spirit speaking for us, it surely is a perfect prayer, and one that has our best interests at heart. I thank you all and God bless!
The Holy Spirit comes to us when we accept Christ as our personal Savior and that has nothing to do with speaking in tongues. Every person is given a spiritual gift (sometimes many gifts) when the Holy Spirit comes, but not everyone gets the same gift. ONE gift is speaking in tongues (but that is more likely to be a foreign language than an angelic language). It is true, a few receive the gift of speaking in angelic tongues. There are constraints on that gift for public use (at most three only when an interpreter is present 1 Cor 14:26-28). Their gift, however, is to be used as a supernatural sign for the unbeliever, not the believer (1 Cor 14:22).

Bottom line: If you want to pursue a spritual gift, pursue the gift of love (1 Cor 13:1,2).

Larry have summarized this beautifully...
I agree with you Carla. Thank you for your response Larry and God Bless!
Hi Charles....I love what you say here...My advice , for what it is worth, is to seek the giver of the gift and let Him lead your where you should go and into all the truth that He has for you.

.....just to add to agree with what you have already said...

The body is made up of many parts ( read 1 Corinth 12:4-11).....imagine if we were all just speaking in tongues. What about the rest of the gifts? wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, perform miracles, prophesy, discernment, interpretation...The Holy Spirit decides who gets what!

The church body needs all of the gifts...Do all of us have all of the gifts?...of coarse not!

Speaking in tongues is one of the gifts...a very beautiful gift which I do not have...I long to have it, and have prayed for it, but I do not!

1 Corinthians 12:31--So you should earnestly desire the most helpful gifts. But now let me show you a way of life that is best of all. 1 Corinthians 13:1-13. Verse 13 says this: Three things will last forever--faith, hope and Love--and the greatest of these is Love.

1 Corinthians 14--goes on to say in verse 1--Let Love be your highest goal!
--then goes on to explain the gifts of tongues and prophecy.

Jhn 13:35 Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples."

Blessings, Carla


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