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I heard that Christians can have demon, if they allow it to happen. What are your views on this and why?

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HI I am not sure if that question was directed to all of us or to me personally. You can do searches on google to find the areas of interest. Read Derek Prince, Don Basham, and if you are interested in personal deliverance, THE TRANSFORMATION OF THE INNER MAN by the Sanfords. There are other authors as well, but that is a few good ones to start off.
i am a christian i have has been baptized with the fire of the holy ghost with the evidence of speaking in toungs one year a go and i have been possessed with 7 demons as i remember and my wife and mother in law prayed all of them out i cant remember every thing but i know its true its rare but true if you back slide from god and inch the devil takes ur heart a mile when u back slide in any area of ur life you open a spiritual portal in ur heart and mind for devils to enter in to and then they stick and make it almost impossible for you to kick them out becouse u loose ur faith ur desire for christ and u just dont care it hurts ur marriage ur kids ur house ur friends etc so yes u can
I agree with you, I had demons in me to and at the time I was saved. Had to have them cast out a few times. So yes a Christian can have demons if they open themselves to it.
Man is a tripartite being. The spirit, soul, and body make one whole man. In a sense, we are created in the image of God who is also a tripartite being, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. But One whole God, that can't be separated. With that in mind, when someone is born again, it is because they had a dead spirit as a result of the fall. Man's spirit, which is man's organ to commune with God died on the day that Adam ate from the wrong tree first after God had told him, "On the day that you should eat, you shall surely die." So the Holy Spirit indwells man's spirit and quickens his human spirit life, thus he is "born from above". The Holy Spirit dwells in man's innermost being which is his spirit. If you look at the temple, God dwelled in the innermost sanctuary. In someone who is "born of the Spirit", an evil spirit can not go in and dwell in his spirit because that is the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit of God. God desires that man should walk according to the spirit where His Spirit operates so his spirit should be buoyant and free and he should know how to use his spirit and to distinguish the difference between his spirit and his soul, which is his mind or intellect, his will, and his emotion. If man's spirit cooperates with the Holy Spirit then the Holy Spirit will lead him and guide him and empower him for service. The enemy's objective is to prevent a Christian from working, walking, or speaking in the power of the Holy Spirit. If the enemy can keep a Christian from using his spirit where the Holy Spirit dwells he knows that Christian is not much threat against the powers of darkness. They do this by getting the Christian, who is a true Christian, to live and walk according to his body or his soul. They do this by attaching themselves, whispering, teaching, hindering, frustrating, and all sorts of different ways that are too many to name here. But I will make a few recommendations in a minute. It's never too late for this, but the first thing a newborn Christian should do is just what Jesus said, "Take up your cross and follow me". The cross is the instrument that the Holy Spirit uses to put to death all that is not of Him. Our own reasoning, intellect, affections, human wisdom, self-will, human strength, etc. All those things are of the flesh. The Holy Spirit desires to be our governing force. Actively allowing the Cross of Christ to put those things to death is the only thing that can deliver the Christian from ground of the enemy. It is not anything to be scared of but rather to stand up and take courage. God wants us to take back all ground from the enemy actively. Christ said, "He who loves his life(psuche), which means the soul life, will lose it, and he who loses his life(psuche) for My sake will keep it unto life(zoe) eternal. Which means divine life. That's as thorough as I can be for now, here, but I will recommend a couple books that will help guide whoever has a desire to move into a spiritual life. The first is called, "The Spiritual Man" by Watchman Nee. The other is called "War on the Saints" by Jessie Penn-Lewis and Evan Roberts. I do not recommmend "War on the Saints" to someone without a good foundation because it can cause someone to get a little too introspective but as far as the wiles of the devil it is very good. And does show the way of deliverance. But "The Spiritual Man" does also and is more thorough in guiding towards the spiritual life. One of Satan's big deceptions is making Christians believe it can't happen to them. Those who think that are those who have already been deceived. But God makes provision and will deliver all who want delivered. It only takes a genuine desire for truth in God's light instead of man's opinion or our own reasoning. "He who does the truth comes to the light, that his works might be manifest, that they are wrought in God." Just ask God for light with a willing heart and trust in His love and faithfulness.
If you want a completely scriptural answer to this question check out


By the way, I don't believe Christians can have demons. I think this is one of the most atrocious "doctrines" that is making the rounds of Christianity. And I use the word "doctrine" very loosely.
I have had a good read through this discussion. Many of the links in it are no longer available. I was highly interested in the addition by Bev in regard to Paul's thorn in the flesh.

I have just got through listening to 1-3 utubes by a gentleman - interesting viewing:

This topic is of some interest to me. I have read all of Neil T Anderson books and you will note that Rod is now reading one and that being "Victory over Darkness". I have always understood that Christians can be oppressed and sometimes possessed but I have since been challenged by another and would like to discuss it once more.

The utube above raises some interesting scriptures....

Any takers on this discussion 2 years on....

Linda Ruth
This is also interesting (you may need to go to the link and login or register to view entire video):

I am listening to Rod now, good stuff Rod, very courageous of you and unselfish to spend the time to go on here and explain this to people.  If I were not so vain about being a chunky monkey lol I would go on You Tube myself as you have and teach the Word because so many need to be set free.  Kudos to you brother keep up the work.
Another thing, I have seen demons flee during praise and worship.  I had people also tell me when I sing sometimes they get delivered.  Think about it during the wars the singers were always sent out first.  Amazing.  I wonder what would happen now if our military sent out singers in the war zone....amazing!

I don't think possesed, but a demon can oppress a Christian. I turned my life away from God, and opened the door to demonic influence. And WHAT a spiritual warfare battle, for over a year.

Now that I'm on the straight and narrow,serving God, I had to stand on God's Word. So, a Christian who sins, like I did, open the door to this.

But God is in control, what I went though taught me to NEVER go back to my old ways. I am fully commited to the Lord Jesus Christ.


Well, I need a prayer tonight, I had a weird dream. It got me up at 4am, It sure wasn't from the Lord.


Lord, guide me, protect me, show me, whatever I must do, to be fully free of this. Amen.


I have good news, Satan is defeated, Isaiah 14;vs 15,16.


And God used me to help another person in church, Amen to that.

Praying for you beloved.


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