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Hi, I'm just wondering - is Allah the same as our God? Or are they two different Gods?

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Thanks for the story which is an encouragement to us all about the power of the God we serve.

As someone who worked to share the love of Jesus with Muslim people for ten years, may I make a suggestion?

Please, I beg you, do not call your evangelistic outreaches "crusades". The word "crusade" is a very ugly term for Muslim people and reminds them of the time when so-called Christians came to their lands in the middle ages and waged war upon them in misguided zeal. This was a terrible sin against Muslims and merely referring to the word causes un-necessary offense. Let the only offense you create be the fact that you preach Isa Almasi (Jesus the Messiah) crucified for their sins and the way to heaven.

Befriend Muslim people, do not offend them with the language you choose, and show them the love of Jesus Christ. Multitudes are waiting to be saved.

Your brother,
Brothers and sisters,
Might I be allowed to exclaim, WOW! I learn so much in here!
To me it is clear, there is only one God (Jehova) as you will.
I have looked at many faiths. Me, I choose Christianity because it shows to me a God who loves me enough to die for me and bother to know my name.
Muslims see God a little diferently, to me in some very fundamental ways. I pray that someway, somehow they might see the benevolent and loving God that I see.
Thank you so much for all of your sharing. Stephen
Thanks for your advice to encourage our fellow brothers to know the Christ we serve.We all know many are now accepting him as the Messiah-Whom Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing his day; he saw it and was glad."

Be blessed
I think the Muslims believe that they are worshipping the God of Abraham, but Jesus said, "No man comes to the Father but by Me". We do not come to God through Abraham and I do not believe we can come to God through the prophet Mohammed any more than we can be saved by St John or Mary. However, Jesus said "the merciful will obtain mercy". If this is true, then this is also an attribute of God the Father. How His mercy extends to others is not for us to judge. As God say's in Jonah, "Where were you when I laid the foundations?" It is not our job to 'close the gates of heaven' to anyone. It is our job to welcome people in. As in Revelation 22:17 "And the Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely." and Revelation 21:6 ......"And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely." We need to just let people know this free gift is available...what they do with it is between them and the Lord. To many 'christians' walk around telling people all that they are doing wrong instead of encouraging others toward what is right. ( I also want to say these are my opinions and subject to change)
If you allow me,
for us as muslims and since we were kids and our shaikhs tells us that our Allah is the same as christians and jews God, a God of all mankind whether people believe in Him or not.

and as a reply to inibehe, Arabs name God "Allah", muslim arabs and christian arabs too

But what you or we believe is God, I know differs somehow. Allah is the creator of everything and is only one for us and 3 for you, but I guess Allah is what you call as the "Heavenly father" but not sure. A lot of yours and our teaching are similar since they come from the same "heavenly father".
Dear only a friend,
Yes you are correct. We do call him heavenly father as we see him as the father of all humanity. He is indeed our creator. We also see him as a benevolent God loving in nature and wanting his children to be likewise. In fact we believe this love is so powerful that it manifest it self in the person of Jesus ( the messiah). Jesus as part man, part God teaches us that we are all brothers and are to love one another. I extend that love to you friend. In his love Stephen
Hi Once again "onlyone" after some months.

If God and Allah are one and the same God and there are two Books, wherein this God has given the rules and requirements of worshipping him. Then this God is totally confused.

I do believe their can only be one God and that this God is definitely not the author of confusion.

The Quran and the Bible are poles apart. The only excuse that the Islamic world can give, is that we rewrote the scriptures to suit our theology. They say this despite the fact that archaeology has turned up scriptures (I speak of the dead sea scrolls and others) which are in their original form and written hundreds of years before Christ, and the contents are untouched.In other words they are exactly the same as our present day Bible.

Now Islam arrives 700 years after Christ died and tells us that we "fiddled" the books.
No reliable evidence is forthcoming from them and the fact that we have a Bible that is found to be word for word, the same as the oldest manuscripts discovered, is totally ignored and the profound statement once again without any evidence; "Christians changed the writings to suit themselves."
Imagine if you like someone coming 700 years after us and insist that despite the history books, and proof of their present Quran, that Muslims made changes in the Quran once a year from 1854 to the year 2010. To put an end to that lie, Muslims would simply produce a Quran from 1853 and compare it with the Quran of that day and show that the theory is a lie.

Well we have done this . We have produced the ancient and compared it with the present and there is absolutely no difference between them. This then makes the accusation that Christianity, the New Testament as well as the Old Testament are fraudulent books, an outright lie and simply wishful thinking.

Unhappily for all the other religions the God of the Bible claims that He is the only God and that the books starting with Moses and ending with the Revelation of John are the only revelation that He has given to mankind. Throughout the world different religions have been formed that are different to the Old and New Testaments, that claim that only they and not the Bible is right . Islam is one of them having started 700 years after Christ.

Why will we never dare to change the truths found in the Bible? The answer is quite simple. God has warned us:

"For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:
And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book." (Revelation 22:18-19)

Naturally languages are different and also change. So the Bible has been written in different languages (just as the Quran has) and we have also made different versions that are easier to understand (Few understand the English of King James' time) BUT the meanings and the truth of what the Originals say, has never been changed. We wouldn't dare.

Rev 22:18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:
Rev 22:19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

Regarding the Muslim claim, that God is not 3 persons?
Should God want to be 100 persons, He is after all God and be anything he likes.

Read The opening chapters in the Bible of Creation:

Gen 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:
Gen 11:7 Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language,
Gen 3:22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us,

Dear "OnlyOne" Who is the "us" that God kept referring to?

What did Jesus tell His disciples when they asked to see the Father?

"Philip said to him, "Lord, show us the Father; that is all we need."
Jesus answered, "For a long time I have been with you all; yet you do not know me, Philip? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. Why, then, do you say, 'Show us the Father?"
John 14:8-9

These are the words of Jesus Himself and has never been changed by Christians to make it read that way. Ancient and Old scriptures all say the same thing as the Bible says today..

All of the above is also the same when we read of His Birth, His Life, His crucifixion and his resurrection. Muslim's say differently, but bring no proof other than their own writings.
This any clear thinking individual looking for the truth and wanting nothing else but the truth, would say to the Muslims:
"The evidence you bring is your own and cannot stand the scrutiny of thousands of ancient manuscripts that declare all the above."

Only a friend if you still feel that we are wrong, then bring forward an ancient book from the time of Christ that says all of the above is a bag of rubbish. We have ancient books even before the birth of Christ, that clearly prophesied the above events of His life, in great detail.
I can confidently say without any fear of being wrong. Islam can never do it. There are no Books written before and while Christ walked this earth that deny these events in Christ's life.

Your old friend,
Dear Ron

I’m not here to prove anyone is wrong; I’m here searching for the truth. Well, I can’t give you any prove of what you ask for simply because I’m an ordinary person not a sheikh in islam and I don't know it all.
When I say that our God is one, I mean that we all worship that God who created us all and He is the only one who we ask for gaudiness and help when we pray...who is wrong or right that is for God to decide then, and I’ll always ask for His gaudiness as always to show me the truth

by the way my name is maha

Thanks anyway
Do remember that our Lord can come in many different forms to different people. Of course if you suddenly carve up a golden calf and claim it God then that's unacceptable after knowing the signs of God, after receiving it (eg: going to church and being slain by the Holy Spirit). In Arabic, God is Allah. Even to ARAB CHRISTIANS, when the refer to God (capital G) its Allah. A singular "god" is just "ilah". It's just a context of language and grammar. Why wouldn't it be the same God? Think about it. I find it interesting that many people pay much importance and reverence to the God that came in a human form, rather much forgot about the God that is Everlasting, Omnipresent. In fact, that human form (God made flesh) came and went. He took a human form. He came in the same genes as his people (the same ones that he preached to). Many Christians revere this particular form of God, why? Why everyone forgot about the God that is still living. The same God that created the Earth, the same God that created Lucifer, the same God that created Adam and Eve. Stop and think once in a while about the deeds of God. And remember, Jesus Christ already came and left. And he did say that he will only show himself to a certain people. Whereas that God, is a Living God. God bless. Amen.
I do not refute that Arab Christians use the word Allah for God. As Christians we refer to God in the whole as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Not 3 Gods, but one who is God. Jesus Christ is God and came and dwelt among us and paid the price for all our sin. He rose from the dead and returned to Heaven, but sent God the Holy Spirit in His place to abide with those who have received the free gift of salvation. Jesus said that He was the only way, the only truth, and the only life. He declared himself God and that was the reason He was crucified. All things were made by Him and nothing was made that was made that he did not make.

So you can say Jehovah, God, or even Allah, but you must never describe God as anything less or more than what is revealed in the Word of God.

How right you are Bob when you say: "but you must never describe God as anything less or more than what is revealed in the Word of God."

I am not sure how many languages there are on the earth today. Be it a hundred or a thousand, they all have their name for God in their own language.

But here comes the rub..... The moment one starts to form a religion that is different from what is revealed in the Bible, then a new and different religion has been started. Believers in this new religion can no longer claim that they are worshipping the same God.
They may call him God in their language, but because the new religion has selected to make changes to the original God, their God is not the God described in the Bible.

My name is Ron, I am tall, grey haired, and live in South Africa. The moment someone says: "I know Ron. He is a short guy with blond hair and lives in Australia." They may be using the right name but they are definitely not talking about the same person.

The God of the Bible left us instructions about Himself. He has also left instructions about what he requires of us. One of those instructions are: "I am the Lord thy God, besides me there is no other God and me alone shall you serve and worship. God then went on giving more instructions: "The soul that sins it shall die." God then goes further and explains that there is only one way that mankind can be saved and that is through Jesus Christ.
As we read further into the Bible we find that God tells us that Jesus is in fact God Himself who having taken on the form of man, is the only way to salvation that we have spoken about earlier.

Now with what has just been said in mind, to preach or teach anything different to what has already been instructed by God, you are no longer talking about the same God, even if you call him by the same name. Neither will you be talking about the same religion should you be following anything different to what the Bible has already instructed.

The Bible clearly says: "Choose ye this day whom you will serve." and the choice then becomes ours. We can give Him the names that we are taught in our different languages,
ie. "Itiko" - Zulu... "Here" - Afrikaans.... "Yahweh" - Hebrew.... "Allah" - Arabic... etc.
But He can ONLY BE THE SAME GOD as the God of the Bible, when we give Him the same attributes as given in the Bible.... Therefore when the Muslim's speak of "Allah" they may have the Arabic name of God, but HE IS DEFINITELY NOT THE SAME GOD AS THE GOD OF THE BIBLE. Just as there are many with the same name as Ron, but he is definitely not short, definitely not blonde and does not live in Australia.

FINALLY! Here comes the MAIN point. The fact that there can only be One God, means that there can only be One Plan of Salvation, which means Everyone of us, ONLY HAVE ONE CHOICE. Make the wrong choice and you will have to face the consequences.
The God of the Bible has told us so much about Himself , starting with Creation in Genesis and the end times in Revelation, that we are left with no excuse other than our negligence of not having persued the truth to discover God, His Mercy, Grace and His way of Salvation..
Should you not be saved, then on that day when you look on the scarred body of Christ and what He suffered on the cross in your place, so that you could share Heaven with Him. You will surely say: "I DESERVE TO BE PUNISHED."

Dear Reader, should you not know Christ personally and not sure whether you are Born Again, saved, or not, please send a personal email to in order for you and I to discreetly search the scriptures that will lead to your Salvation.
The Lord Bless us all - Ron.


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