All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

So I was just sleeping. Before I explain what happened, allow me to share with you something relevant.

I was born on May 31st. During my "Dark Times", something strange began to happen. Since my 13th birthday (which again, falls on the 31st) I started to experience strange dreams that were related to magic, spirits, and figures, that would visit me in my sleep. The problem is they took place in my "location" (the house, outside, or even in that very same room) during the exact same hours of which I sleep. Some could even say this is like an out of body experience.

Now what would happen is that I am sound asleep. Dreams quickly turn into a flash warning, where again, I am brought back to "location" as the dream begins to become disturbing and when I wake, I cannot move. I feel the presence of "Fear" and "Panic" in the room with me. There is a shadowy figure that appears cloaked, appearing even darker than the shadows themselves will then leave me. Once it has left, I am free to move again, breathe, or even speak. One time, I even woke up the opposite direction of which I sleep, with my upper body on the floor, pointed to my open door with my feet where I lay my head, and I awaken to find that same figure standing above me. It almost appeared as if it were trying to take me out of my room.

Once these (sleep paralysis episodes) even disturbed the cats outside my room, as I could hear them during this. If you must know what happened, I was going through a hard time. I had woken up to strange little demons in which I have never seen before and almost appeared as little cherubs but demonic like. There were two. One was jumping on my computer keyboard as it was left on, and the other was racing around my body, laughing and taunting me. I tried to grab him in my hand, and once I did, I woke up completely (I was between sleep yet was able to move, sort of, the blanket wasn't able to be removed from my face, yet I could see what was in my room). As this was going on (not fully awake), I heard one of the two cats outside my door. Once I fully woke up, I looked at the clock (It was a little past 3AM). I open my door thinking someone was awake to make the cat meow in which I heard. I open the door to find the little light from my computer shinning upon an awakened cat sitting up already expecting the door to open (when I woke up, I had not made a single sound) and all the lights off for my roommates were asleep. During this episode, I heard this ugly voice. It was annoyed by what was in my room and deeply hated these things. It kind of scared me, because it was cursing and sounded very, very angry. No man has ever replicated what I have heard, which is why it terrified me. I thought it was maybe me speaking through my head to these demons, because it was referring to them. It surely wasn't Godly, for it was cursing (which I admit I have a bad habit of doing). It came off like the sound of a blood thirsty, violent man full of hate. I really can't the right disturbing picture for you.



In my dream, I said a prayer to the Lord and begin to fall asleep. Then in my dream, I was awakened (so I was still dreaming) and found that a demon was in my room. I couldn't see him, but I could feel him or more in my room. So I began to recite as many of the prayers and Word of God from the Bible that I could remember (which isn't much). Then in my dream, an old neighbor appeared outside and I looked through the blinds to find him rushing to my door with many cars with their doors open and writing on them outside. As I go to the front door, my mother (yeah I had moved back home as of June 2007) was at the door talking to him and I ran past him to see my car is missing and not in my driveway. There were other cars with tally marks on them all with the number 13 (or so it appeared) on them. It appeared as if people were planning on stealing the cars. I quickly yelled "Where is my car?!" and he said "There!" but I couldn't see it.

Now, I admit am obsessed with my car. It isn't anything special, really. But all the hard work, time, and money I had put into it people do notice. I know the Lord didn't want me to be obsessed over it, but He did want me to have it (how do I know? many reasons that I will not list, that is another story). So in my dream I come back into my room and I laugh. I could still feel the demon in my room and I am like "Dude, you are such a liar! I know I am still sleeping! This never happened because the Lord wouldn't allow it to!". Then I actually woke up. Thought maybe it was a warning, so I did go outside and check on it, nothing.

I know this happens when I grow closer to or making sense of how God communicates with me. God doesn't literally talk to me, He shows me things and when I catch on, I am rewarded for it. Or, if I question if that is even Him, I am then visited by "Satan" or these "Demons", which tells me I am on the right track, for they are trying to break me.

So yes, they can take cheap shots sometimes! LOL I just thought that was funny, trying to make me dream something happened to my car. I have had dreams like that before, but this one was very much brought on by a demon, because it was in the room with me in my dream. That one was weak.

Well! If you made it thus far, give yourself a round of applause, because I know I talk a lot in giving background information for what my point is.


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hey read you story and had a similiar experience around the age of 12, i was asleep in my moms bed, had snuck in after my dad left for work, it was a little after 3am when i looked up to face the clock, well next thing i kno something horrifying is manifesting itself right next to the clock but in front of my face not quite on the night table and i oculdnt scream or smack my mom for help, i was so scared i couldnt breathe and the face just kept getting more and more horrible as the minutes (really seconds) passed and then all of a sudden the paralaysis broke and i snuggled into my moms side crying and whimpering and telling her what happened, and it turned out im not the only one it happened to or happens to, it used to happen to my dad and he explained to me the scientific reason they explain for it, basically your body is asleep but your mind is still active and what happens is you may be having an incredibly lucid dream and are most likley about to cause your body harm ie: fall off the bed, bump your head and your brain still being aware iunduces paralizing hormones to stop you from any further harm, not sure if that makes sense a book could prob explain it better, but as i was reading your story this scripture came to mind just wanted to share

Job 33:14 But God speaks again and again, though people do not recognize it.15 He speaks in dreams, in visions of the night when deep sleep falls on people as they lie in bed. 16 He whispers in their ear and terrifies them with his warning. 17 He causes them to change their minds; he keeps them from pride.
18 He keeps them from the grave, from crossing over the river of death.19 Or God disciplines people with sickness and pain, with ceaseless aching in their bones. 20 They lose their appetite and do not care for even the most delicious food. 21 They waste away to skin and bones. 22 They are at death's door; the angels of death wait for them. 23 "But if a special messenger from heaven is there to intercede for a person, to declare that he is upright,24 God will be gracious and say, `Set him free. Do not make him die, for I have found a ransom for his life.'25 Then his body will become as healthy as a child's, firm and youthful again. 26 When he prays to God, he will be accepted. And God will receive him with joy and restore him to good standing.27 He will declare to his friends, `I sinned, but it was not worth it.
28 God rescued me from the grave, and now my life is filled with light.'29 "Yes, God often does these things for people. 30 He rescues them from the grave so they may live in the light of the living.
31 Mark this well, Job. Listen to me, and let me say more.32 But if you have anything to say, go ahead. I want to hear it, for I am anxious to see you justified. 33 But if not, then listen to me. Keep silent and I will teach you wisdom!"
Hello Dear Faust!~
I too have had had way too many Nightmareish dreams much like yours; till I just asked God to please Not to give me any more dreams at all. Sometimes I'd even sleep walk in the house. I fell out of bed often, and woke up too many times where my eyelids were glued shut, from crying in my sleep. I was fighting off demons in my sleep, sometimes I was in a different location, or even point in time. Most of them I remember wearing some sort of armour when doing battle. I dont dream at all any more except when The Father sends me something to pray for; with the Exception of this last week; which was very unusual. It may take way too long to list it here. I shall try to put it in a blog on my page. I had sent a prayer request about it; it had scared me that much, I wasn't wanting prayer for myself; but for members of my family whom I saw in my dream. The Devil attacks me extremely harder the closer I am to the Father. It has been my whole life this way, and I accept it as my burden to carry. I only wish to become the most effective prayer warrior I can be to the Father; whom I can do nothing without him. My existance is not to ever be truly content and have a happy ending, as I have always wanted,; but i have pretty much resigned myself to the existance, much of a lonely drifter. Any way God Bless Dear Faust; Awesome name!(((((<+>)))))


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