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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I'm just wondering if anyone has gotten to the point where giving up would seem to be the logical thing to do? It isn't depression...I'm just tired. One tradgedy after another since I was 14...I'm not bitter or angry. I almost feel like god is trying to punish me. I know that is not true, but I don't know any other way of explaining it. I know giving up is not the answer...

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Good Morning Debbie,
Reading your post to Dennis, one can see that you yourself are becoming a healing salve for consoling the wounded feelings of others. God does not allow attacks from the enemy, if they are simply meaningless. Our Father allows these attacks so that, having been there, we may know and feel the pain that others are going through.
This has given you the strength to encourage others, which is now gloriously apparent in your post to Dennis.
Praise God for this Ministry that He has allowed to come into your life in order to become a blessing to all who need help and advice.
I believe that you are already there and simply need encouragement to do what God has allowed in this, your Christian experience.

Always remember that God is able to turn every situation into one of victory - Just as He has undertaken in your own life. Consider the cross. For the disciples it was an absolute disaster, until Resurrection morning. What a change this brought about in their lives!

All who have followed the post between you and Carla can see that you are also entering into your Resurrection morning. Make the most of it as you bless others from your own experience, just as you have done with Dennis now.

Yes praise God for Carla, she too has been to the cross and back, hence her God blessed ability and the abundant love she distributes in helping others. - In all things give God praise.

God Bless You Abundantly as you serve Him.

Your Brother and Friend in Christ - Ron
Dear Ron,
After reading that I am shaking and sobbing, I can't stop. You have no idea what you have done!!! You have said something that stirred up a feeling that I haven't felt in 28 YEARS. I don't even know how to explain it...kind of like maybe I have some sort of worth. When you said "simply need encouragement"...I've never had encouragement, I don't know what that is like. However you did encourage me by saying that...those 3 words. Ron I don't know what to say...Thank You isn't enough. That moment when I read that and that feeling....that's what I'm searching for!
God Bless You

Love In Christ,
Amen Debbie!
that's what I'm searching for! made me feel like I did something right."

What a beautiful thing! It is sweet like honey to witness such beautiful Christian growth such as this...

Love in Christ, Carla
Praise The Lord Carla,
You my friend have done EVERYTHING right! Not just something...I mean EVERYTHING. You have been guiding and helping me have given me HOPE, and what a blessing, I had no hope left. I'm still spending all of my time working on this whole situation...I've only been sleeping about 2-3 hours at night. If you want me to be perfectly honest with you going back to the first day I got on here, I knew it would also be the last. That's how bad it was.(circumstances aren't changing but you are helping me change)! Think about it this way, Christian shot himself yesterday...if you could have talked to him and helped him how would that have made you feel? Carla...that's exactly what you've done. I can't stress this point enough, you have done more than you will ever know.

Luke 7:44-48
Then he turned toward the women and said to Simon, "Do you see this woman? I came into your house. You did not give me any water for my feet, but she wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. You did not give me a kiss, but this women, from the time I entered, has not stopped kissing my feet. You did not put oil on my head, but she poured perfume on my feet. Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven-for she loved much. But he who has been forgiven little loves little" then Jesus said to her, "Your sins are forgiven".
This i'm quoting from a book: "We can have better relationships with anyone who crosses our path, but it doesn't happen naturally. Jesus provides both the revelation and the power that free us from our human nature. What may begin as an act of blind obedience-simply doing what Jesus tells us to do-can become a way of life that exalts Christ in every relationship we have.

Love In Christ
This is kind of strange because I'm replying to my reply. I was going to delete my account because I feel I said something the wrong way and I feel absolutely horrible. But then I figured i'm not giving in to the enemy! Carla after reading my reply to Ron again I know I worded it wrong and it sounds like I was being disrespecful to you. I am SO deeply sorry, emotionally yesterday was a very difficult day. However that is no excuse for not rereading what I wrote. The 3 words "simply need encouragement" and you alone have been encouraging me ever step of the way (very gently, that is a gift), Ron made me realize that for most of my life that was what I have needed. The feeling stirred up was "yes, I need encouragement, but it is something I think I have been trying to find within and it can't be found there) When I said I felt like I did something right...You have been so kind and gently, and I have begun to trust you, if I had said something wrong to Dennis I wouldn't think you would call it to my attention. Having a husband for 21 years that tells me everything I do or say is wrong and before that my parents, When Ron replied, I "expected" it to be about something I said that was wrong...much to my surprise...I said something right? I was shocked that was why my response was...WOW! But my response to Ron was generated through you. I wanted to make sure to clarify what I said...because it wasn't very clear. I'm not sure if it was taken wrong, but if it was I am so,so very sorry. I will make sure to be more clear.
Love In Christ,
Debbie.....I did not think that at all....

Let us rejoice over truth.....and Your Victory in Christ. All Victory belongs to Christ..not to me!

Do not let the enemy discourage or confuse you, those are lies.

You are Victorious in Christ....stay in Him.

~With Love, Carla
Sorry, the point of that which I didn't even get to say made me feel like I did something right.
To my two Sisters in Christ, We all spread the love of Christ we have in our hearts

We have all experienced "This".

It is This" that is known as CHRISTIANITY.
It is "This" that the world lacks and it is "This" that no other religion has.

To Carla, whom I respect and love dearly in Christ. You were the first to welcome me to AAG and made me feel that I had come to the right place.
I have closely followed and watched, as you spread the Lord's love to all members on site. It is a gift you have received from The Lord. You in return have revealed how much you cherish it, as you continue to spread His love to all and sundry. Our Father has another gift waiting for you. It is an eternal crown that bares your name on it. The Lord eagerly waits to present it to you on that day, before all the hosts in heaven.

“Athletes work hard to win a crown that cannot last, but we do "This" for a crown that will last forever.” 1Cor 9:25 .

To Debbie, All on AAG have watched you change and blossom into a better understanding of what God has in store for you. There is always a reason when we experience hurt and pain. God allows it for reasons we will see shortly. God has promised that He will never allow you to suffer to a point of no return.

“You are tempted in the same way that everyone else is tempted. But God
can be trusted not to let you be tempted too much, and he will show you how
to escape from your temptations.” 1Cor 10:13.

From the letter you wrote to Dennis, it became apparent, that God was using the very pain you had gone through to help and assist Dennis in his pain. God used the Love that you thought you had lost, in order to show that you can be special to others, just as you are special to Him.
I believe that God has brought All "This” about to reveal the gift of Love and strength you have always had for others. This Love was given to you before you were born, when He first wrote your name in His Book Of Life.
Having given you this gift, He wants you to share "This" His Love which had been lying dormant in your life until He allowed all "This" that you have just gone through.

Never fear that your knowledge of Christ is limited at this time. Know that the Holy Spirit has taken up residence within you, in order to guide and teach you, especially as you turn to help those who are experiencing heartache and pain themselves. It is a special gift that God has given to you both, Carla and yourself. It is special, because it is the gift of Love that was used by God Himself, when He gave us His Son. It is also the same gift that Jesus gave us when He went to the Cross for each one of us.
Having received this gift of Love for others, we need not ask for more.

"What if I could speak all languages of humans and of angels? If I did not love
others, I would be nothing more than a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.
What if I could prophesy and understand all secrets and all knowledge? And
what if I had faith that moved mountains? I would be nothing, unless I loved
For now there is faith, hope, and love. But of these three, the greatest is

Your Brother and Friend in Christ
God Bless us all
Dear Ron and Debbie.....You have both brought tears to my eyes. The Lord has been teaching me and encouraging me....I have been studying and praying over 1 Corinthians 13. The enormous encouragement that you both have given me to walk out in obedience to Christ has moved me to tears..

It is like God is saying to me, and to all of us..."see, you had the ability all along, I have always known it, you needed to know it. go, tell others about me. . Tell them in truth and in Love, I am always with you until the ends of the earth."

Now Let's go forth telling others, walk out in faith. I pray that we will be so closely connected with God, that we will have a simplicity of faith like Abraham did...."Yes Lord, I trust You, I will go."

Love in Christ, Carla
Dear Carla,
My Dear Sister...I hope those were tears of joy. We all need encouragement but it's something we can't give ourselves or even ask anyone for from anyone else. What I have learned here is that God will place the right people at the right place at the right time for whatever our need is. With Christ in have been encouraging me gently, With Christ in Ron...He made me realize just how much you have helped me. You sweetheart have a gift, and you are using it. I feel so very blessed to have ended up on this website and meeting you. I know somewhere in The Bible it says "A brother/sister is born in a time of need", that is something I read years ago and it has stuck in my head...I'm going to try to find where that is today. I want to share with you my morning daily devotional: Fix Your Eyes on Jesus...Eph.1:8 May he enlighten the eyes of your mind so that you can see what hope his call holds for you?

What does it mean to be just like Jesus? The world has never known a heart so pure, a character so flawless. His spiritual hearing was so keen he never missed a heavenly whisper. His mercy so abundant he never missed a chance to forgive. No lie left his lips, no distraction marred his vision. He touched when others recoiled. He endured when others quit. Jesus is the ultimate model for every person...God urges you to fix your eyes upon Jesus. Heaven invites you to set the lens of your heart on the heart of the Savior and make him the object of your life.
"Set the lens of your heart on the heart of the Savior"
It reminded me of you...pure heart, flawless character, and a heavenly whisper. I have been struggling and you have been right there. God Bless You for that. At some point I will tell you the whole story of what happened to me...then you will realize God needed just the right person to handle a very delicate situation. God gave you an enormous task, you have no idea...for now believe that!!
Love In Christ,
Definately Tears of Joy----Driving around in my car even the tears kept coming! I kept realizing How God really does work all things together for good, for those who Love Him and are called according to His purpose...

Oh Dear Debbie....What an enormous encouragement you are to me as well. God is using you for me, just as much as me for you. What you wrote is so beautiful it just gave me chills. so thank you. The task in front of each one of us seems unsurmountable at times....that is exactly why we need a Savior such as Jesus. HE is the only way...The only One! I can't wait to meet you one day.....I'm gonna give you a big hug! Love in Christ, Carla

Dear Carla,
It is amazing just how true that statement is...God does work all out for our good! Also, that he will not allow more than we can handle, even if it is to the limit. I am beginning to feel that in whatever way I'm suppose to serve God...(and he is the only one that knows how), everything has happened as it should to make me perfect (in Gods eyes)...for whatever my service is to be. Thank you for being here for me!

Love In Christ,


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