All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Hi, I hope that you all have a blessed, safe and prosperous day. First of all I have a question. I have a digital camera. I was wondering if anyone could give me instruction on how to get my picture on my profile. I know that with a digital camera there has to be a way.
I want to say that I have noticed that when I seek first his kingdom I have a better day. I also have more peace. The word of God says we must seek first his kingdom and all thing are added. I am convinced that his word does not come back void.
I just want to connect with others who have the same desire. I want to get back in to the consistant habit of taking all my cares to him. I am also convinced that when the praises go up the blessings come down.

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Hello it is funny that you should even mention about seeking the Kingdom of God. I was just on a fast for the very same purpose. I was led to a few scriptures. One of which says that we should not fear because it is the Fathers good will to give us the kingdom. Also the kingdom of God is with in us. So in saying that meeting you on this net is getting me closer to the kingdom because the kingdom of God is in you. The kingdom of God is in me. It is God's desire that we have all the benfits from the kingdom if we seek it first and his righteousness. So my friend get ready for the all to be added because as you rightly quoted "His word will never return to him void.
How do I seek His kingdom first? By reading His word.. first thing in the morning and pray?

Thank you and God bless!!

Sister Janet DeHart
My personal prayer for myself has been to increase my passion and boldness for Christ. In doing this I feel I am seeking first the kingdom of God. I am also praying for protection. I love when I am able to wake up earlier than anyone else and spend time with the Lord in praise and worship and just feels right, and things tend to fall into place when I first hand my day over to God.

Blessings, carla
I have to agree with you about starting your day with the Lord. It is not good at all to start with out him. I have done it and it seems the day ends up being a very bad day.


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