All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Halloween used to be my favorite holiday. Of course that was when I was involved in the occult. Now it's one I stay clear of, with the exception of taking my daughters to a alternative to Halloween, a Hallelujah party.

I know the meaning behind carving a pumpkin. We don't need to carve pumpkins to keep away evil spirits, but it's interesting that Pagan's tried to use a light within the pumpkin the scare them away. We as Christians, don't need to use these symbols to protect us, we have Jesus.

I found this pumpkin evangelism link, and thought it good to share with others. Hope you enjoy!

Please be praying for those still trapped in the Occult!

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Hello!! It's funny how Halloween is the favorite holiday of many people. It was also my favorite holiday. Going to a haunted house to get scared... How foolish was that? I agree, we as Christians don't need any of those symbols to protect us, we have the Everlasting Love of Jesus Christ! His light is what shines within us as we go about our lives. I love to be asked the question, "what is it that makes you so happy?" I tell them, "I have the love and warmth of Jesus Christ in my heart." And sometimes this opens the door for me to share Him with them, or they put on their blinders, and turn away. His light is always shining, and its His light that will eventually bring people around. I am seeing His love in action, ONE blessed person at a time at my job. Three of my co-workers have given their lives to Christ in the past year. A few more are either already saved, or are asking questions. Because I am at work, I can't volunteer information, I can only answer questions. God is so good! I love to sing: oh LORD be my light and be my Salvation, cause all I want is to be in the LIGHT!!
Amen! It is so wonderful to have His light shine through us. At one time, I wanted a light to shine in a pumpkin and not have the true light within myself.

That is so awesome to hear about your co-workers. God rewards those who don't hide their light under a basket! To see God transform people is an awesome sight to behold.

God Bless You!
Ahh Halloween. A holiday I celebrated for many years. I was in the occult and my father would feed the spirits a meal on the night of Halloween. I dont know if the spirits ate it or not, but we acknolaged them on that night. Many people think that Halloween is a night where children dress up in adorable princess costumes, or little boys in scary monster costumes. Satan is the deciever. This is his night. We must not become tolorant of that. Just because the Jones's let there children participate in trick or treating. There are many fun christian alternatives that we can do, and did I mention it will make Satan red hot!!! lol If you do some research on all hallows eve , you will read about blood drinking, human and animal sacrifices, ( that still goes on today too) and the reason that the occult would dress up as gobblins and devils is because they would invite the spirits to join them and they wanted to " fit in" As parents, we have a duty to our kids to keep them protected : spiritualy, mentaly, physically, ect. I just wanted to warn you all of the true meaning of Halloween.
God is our savior, our mesiah, our wonderful councelor! He loves us more than you can imagine! It talks about in the bible, not having two masters. You must always know who you serve. I hope that helps.
God bless you all and have a Happy Fall! REMEMBER TO FALL FOR JESUS!
Yes, it is sad to have so many people not know what they are involved in. Satan is very good at making this holiday, look innocent.

When I became a believer almost four years ago, God had me get rid of all my Halloween items. You don't realize how evil it is until you come out of the darkness.

God bless you!
As a kid I loved Halloween. Now my wife and I don't have anything to do with it ourselves. However, we live in the village where there are lots of trick-or-treaters, so my wife came up with an idea. So many people at the door..what a mission field! So what we do is give each child a few hard candies and include a Bible tract.
What a great idea! What a perfect night to share God's light in a night so steeped in darkness. We will do that this year!


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