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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I AM NOT A DATE SETTER. Let me establish that right away. I do, however, think the time of the Lord's return is near. What do you think? Do you see "signs of the times?" If so, what do you see that makes you think we may be in the "last days?" If you don't think time is soon coming to a close, why do you feel that way? Remember, we are just discussing and sharing ideas. So, let's keep it friendly and God-honoring. I look forward to learning from you!

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I hate to use gamling terms, but in your response to Christine.. BINGO! COuldn't have said it better!

Of Course we all know the Lord's warning that "No one except God knows the day and the hour".

Imagine the excitement amongst the Apostles and Christians when Titus destroyed Jerusalem in 70AD. They must have taken the words we have in Mathew chapter 24 and said to each other excitedly; "THIS IS IT"

Then in 1844 The Seventh Day Adventists had leaders in the group who counted Biblical years and days and was adamant that in 1844 the Lord would come. Some even dressed in white and stood on a Mountain top waiting........ Nothing happened

In 1948 when the state of Israel, the return of the Jew as promised, came about. Christians went "Gagga" (Purely a South African term) and were sure that the Lord would appear or the Rapture take place at any moment. Sermons on the coming of Christ was preached every Sunday with much excitement......Nothing happened. Lots of Preachers with red faces.

From all appearances of world events and the way nations and everything is setting itself up, it certainly looks as though we are living in the last days. One well known Preacher (I won't mention his name in case he is embarrassed should nothing happen) said that 1912 would be the year.

I also believe that we are so near, but to save myself embarrassment I will venture to say, that we are nearer today than we were yesterday.

It is an extremely healthy sign when we the Church of Jesus Christ, continually looks up with full expectation, hoping that today will be the day...... Until He comes, this is how we should live day by day. The Lord Bless us all.

Maranatha - Ron
I think God will come back in the year 2000110 maybe or maybe even before my tutor becomes a christian
some people believe 2012 is the year christ will return.When ever it happens we will all be happy.god bless you.
As I was putting my daughter to bed last night and saying prayers, our conversation lead to this very topic. She is 9 and I was trying my best to explain what the Bible says about Jesus' triumphant return and how we need to be ready and pray that others may accept him and be ready also. I think there are many signs that the world is in moral decay and as a teacher I see everyday, an apathy and an 'I don't care attitude' among the students I teach. They are living sinfully and many have very few people in their lives to to guide them in the ways of the Lord. In our conversation, my daughter, in her excitement in hearing that Jesus would some day come, said, 'I wish he would come now...'. I said there is reason to be excited, but think about your fellow classmates and what might happen if they haven't given their life to Christ. We talked about how important it was for us,as Christians to live the life of Christ by example and how there are many opportunities everyday in our lives to bring the knowledge of Christ to others. I think we need to remember there is hope in Jesus, and for me that is the flip side of what I see at work. Myself and a fellow Christian colleague wanted to start a Christian fellowship at school (Public School). When we approached the administration there seemed to be an ever ending list of obstacles in our way. We began praying and got others to do the same, and God answered our prayers (slowly). Through his grace he opened the hearts of those in authority and we have had 25+ students coming and meeting on a regular basis over their lunch period...Amen. So there is hope and there is still much work to do. I know many see spreading the Gospel to the world and other countries as critical and I believe also, that it is, but I pray that we don't forget the ones from our own neighborhoods and those we see in our everyday lives. Sorry for rambling answer the question...I do have an almost overwhelming sense that we are living in the end times. Perhaps it is because I have been reading Revelation and articles related to it...perhaps not. On some days I get a sense that I am being tested and temptations to lure my thinking from the ways of God lurk around every corner...more so now then ever before. I believe that even if it is not God's chosen time, that He will use these times for good for those who love Him. It will be an opportunity for discussion with others and an invitation for them to grow in the knowledge of Him. I pray in Jesus' name that this site will continue to be a additional source of that Knowledge for all. May God continue to Bless you.
Thankyou and that is amazing
I think things are quite near with respect to the return of Jesus and the Rapture of the Church. What I've come to understand through some pretty deep study and prayer is that Jesus provides us with some pretty specific information on what to look for in the last days. Jesus will arrive to Rapture the church and it will seem sudden and unexpected to non-believers, but to those that are Christ followers, it will be an event that we have clear indications for. I blog about this topic at length for those that are interested. I'm including a graphic that I composed that makes referencer to specific scripture addressing the end of days. I'm happy to chat about this topic for those that want to explore it in depth.

Yeah so Am I
I agree wit you, I believe the Lord's return is near. It is evident in the way the world is changing. It says in the Bible that there will be more earthquakes; earthquakes have increased dramatically through the times, from a few in the early days to hundreds in this time. Crime is steadily on the rise; people killing kids, mothers, daughters, fathers, uncles..Its crazy! The Bible says that people will be lovers of themselves and will care about the things of this world more than the things of God. It has gotten really bad and with Christianity falling in the USA and more polytheistic cultures arriving and making an influence on the people, it is quite clear that the 'signs of the times' are the signs of today. All I can say is be ready..I am definitely trying to be on that trumpet call out of here! May God bless and keep you all..
may God keepyou and bloess you
We know the signs to look for (specifically) that indicate the Return of Jesus Christ. And yes, much of what you have said is a big part of that. For some additional detail take a look at this link

When will Jesus Christ Return?

I'll post more details into that thread since there is a lot there to share...
Ok thanks


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