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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

...........i learnt somthing good from my friends on this net ...and .....i would like to say thanks to them ...with all my heart ..:) and one more thing never be offended when peop correct you ....:) its coz they all love you .:) ....jesus may help you through them'll never know:) .....tata.....:) JOSHUA 1;8...... " DO NOT LET THIS BOOK OF THE LAW DEPART FROM YOUR MOUTH ..MEDITATE ON IT DAY AND NIGHT , SO THAT YOU MAY BE CAREFUL TO DO EVERYTHING WRITTEN IN IT .THEN YOU WILL BE PROSPEROUS AND SUCCESSFUL"

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You are playing on VERY dangerous ground. I am not sure how old you are, or what experiences you have had in life. Be it 20 years or 90 years, but you are competing in a game of wits against an evil entity that has had thousands of years experience. If you think you have won, ONE DAY YOU WILL WAKE UP TO FIND THAT YOU HAVE LOST.

Do you not think, that Satan can encourage you to read the Bible just as he can encourage people not to?

He sits around biding his time and like the snake he is, he will strike...... and having played with the devil you will find that for some reason or other you will become the most miserable and unhappy person, you don't want to be. also you will find that whatever interest you have had in the Bible will dissappear.

The devil knows the Bible better than any one of us. Listen to him as he attacks Jesus and tries to encourage Jesus to jump off a mountain:

"And saith unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone." Mat 4:6

He gave Jesus a rough time, so much so, that when the attack was over, Angels had to help Jesus to recover. "Then the devil leaveth him, and, behold, angels came and ministered unto him. Mat 4:11. Now Candy, conside what has been said. If Jesus needed to be ministered to, what chance, I repeat what chance will you have?


I say this candy to help you. It is not intended to frighten you to the point where you will go into a panic. I want you to know that when we confess and ask God's forgiveness, He does not go half way but he cleanses us completely: if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. 1Jhn 1:7
Not only does God completely cleanse us but he separates us from our sins: "As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us." Psa 103:12
In fact he promises to never remember them again:" For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more." Jer 31:34

Therefore having repented you need not worry about the pact you made with the devil anymore. GOD WILL HAVE PUT YOU AND THE SIN FAR APART FROM EACH OTHER AND GOD WILL NEVER REMEMBER IT AGAIN. I tell you this because there may come a time when the devil will try to frighten you back into submission, to believe that God has not forgiven you. THIS WILL JUST BE ANOTHER LIE FROM SATAN. It will be for you to remind yourself of God's promises to you and even quote them to the devil, just as Christ did when satan attacked him.

I and I am sure all here on AAG will pray that God upholds you in His word and in His strength.

Your Friend in Christ - Ron

I encourage you to listen to the sound advise Ron has given to you. He has stated this truth to help you, because he and others here care about you. Satan is never to be toyed with and spiritual warfare is never to be taken lightly. In the book of Jude we see the following:

Jude 1:9 But even the archangel Michael, when he was disputing with the devil about the body of Moses, did not dare to bring a slanderous accusation against him, but said, "The Lord rebuke you!"

If Michael, the archangel, was careful in how he dealt with Satan and was careful in what he said to him or about him, we need to heed the same advise.

The Bible gives us clear understanding regarding dealing with the enemy and it is not to invite him in to a contract, but rather as the following verses state:

JAS 4:7 Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 8 Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. 9 Grieve, mourn and wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom. 10 Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.

These comments are made because we care about you and what happens to you.

Lord Bless,
hello sir ......:) i know its serious ..and ...i may have made a mistake ..well just for that i ...prayed last nite sayin ...lord if i have done anything wrong to forgiv me ...coz i respect what you say ...ya elder to me ..:) way small.....i told my friend about whathappened ....she told me the way i put it was wrong ..ill tell you what happened ...k so ...satan was always tempting me not to read the bible ...and i really got upset ..that day ...coz i kept falling into his traps ..i just said dat ..i bet you ..ill not fall in it ..i will read my bible ..ill resist temptation ....ill prove my faith ...sir i never put this up with out knowin as you said... "and having played with the devil you will find that for some reason or other you will become the most miserable and unhappy person, you don't want to be. also you will find that whatever interest you have had in the Bible will dissappear..".. sir ....i was al this before ......i started reading ..i dont consider this as a game ...wit him ...i dont have anythiing to do with playing gamez ..its just when ....a person ..say someone i hate ...tries to ....make me do something bad smoke ...she says you will giv in cant make it ..and i say .....i sure wil i can bet ya..i will not do that bad thinge .....again ......its like that ..and ...its been long ...since all this happ i totally forgot about the ..and i love the word so much ..that i just cant be without reading .....and even now satan tries to stop me ...but i just cant coz i love the much ...and az i keep reading it ,...everyday really good ......well lets ...say ...."PROVE YA FAITH .....DONT FALL INTO HIS TRAPS " ....DZ Is totally tested on me so not afraid .....coz the more i read ..the more my faith grew:) small ....sir ..and if i have done anything wrong ...jesus would forgive me moving more close to jesus ...:) satan still tempts me ...but ...i make it a point to read sir:).....cause i realised ...the word everything ..:) and i love all the stories in it and keeps me strong ....:)sso is it a sin ....i love the word very happy now ..:) sorry if i said anything wrong sir ...:)....i just said what happened.............
what im trin to say why be afraid ...why fear temptation ..take is as a challenge ..!!!...iv never enjoyed sunday ...mass so much as i did this sunday coz iv read the word ..i love him more ........:).......
...hey i love you all to ...:........if im wrong please correct me ...:) ...........i did ask forgivness ..:) ..i also had a wonderfull dream ..were mother mary spoke to me ...? she answered the questions i asked god before bed ......awestruck!!!!!!!! will tell you that dream ..after ...ya reply:)
Good morning Candy,

I am glad that you went to the Lord and asked God to forgive you. The fact that you said: "if im wrong please correct me ...:) shows that you are not quite convinced that Christians don't make bets with the Devil. But Candy God, understands and I am sure if you truly repented God is faithful to His word and has forgiven you.

Will you please keep intouch with us as I do not believe the Devil will simply rollover and forget your bet with him. That is the reason why I gave you those Assurance verses of God's promise that when He forgives He will remember your sin no more, because you can be sure that you may well start experiencing doubts. So feel free to ask for help or advice at any time.

There are also two things that still worry me and one is that the Holy Spirit does not seem to play any part in your life. You make bets with the devil when you should be looking to the Holy Spirit for help and you are experiencing answers to your questions to God from "Mother" Mary in your dream.

You see Candy, the one you should be listening to all the time, is the Holy Spirit.

"But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. JHN 14:26

May I ask a question please Candy: Have you experienced the New Birth, in other words have you been "Born Again"? Also which Church and denomination do you attend? I am sure that Pastor LT who has taken an interest in helping you, would also like to know"?

The Lord Bless you Candy and we look forward to hearing from you. with your answers.


Ron makes some good points and asks some good questions. Be sure that our interest is purely to help you.

Lord Bless,
Dear Candy,

Focus all your attention on Christ Jesus. I agree with all that Ron and LT have said here. Our desire to read scripture and know God's heart comes from God alone. The desire to read scripture does not come out of making a deal with anyone or anything.....


Satan will try. Satan is a master deceiver. Do not even tread on that ground, you cannot win. Christ Jesus has defeated Satan. We cannot, that's why JESUS has done it for us. OUR FOCUS IS TO BE ON JESUS ALL THE TIME.


You may be can reading scripture be turning away from Christ.... Well, Satan can even use that, and cause Spiritual Pride in any one of us. We are to remain HUMBLE, fallen down at the feet of Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior. It is in our weakness that HE makes us strong. If you are having trouble reading your bible, confess that to the Lord, and pray for an increased desire for God's Wisdom, Knowledge and Discernment. God wants to be the ONLY ONE to motivate us to know HIM. HE WANTS TO BE NUMBER ONE in everything. God will increase your desire to read scripture more...all you need to do is ask in prayer.

Rest in God's Perfect Love which casts out all fear.
In Christ, Carla
Hi Candy,

More excellent advice, this time from Carla.

Blessings - Ron
hey ...:) ehhh i know all about forgiving ...and all ...sir .and yeah i was bon again to //// sorry its just this small thinge i did ...i just got really irritated that day ...but sir thing im not worried at all ...coz az it is ...only if you know its wrong and do stuff its a sin ..but if you dont its not ...well ..............acc to me i just wanted to read the bible and prove it .. i just got sick of him stoping me from reading the bible ........and well thanks to ya adivce im really happy i know thats the wrong way know what ..jesus knowz ..that i never knew what i was doing ..thats why he ...tells me all this through you and all ........see im not scared of the devil ...coz i know jesus will tc of me ...and i knew the very next min ..he forgave me ......iv been through alot sir ..and i just try to bring many to jesus .....well this way was wrong :)....:) jesus showed it to me:) through yal ....and sir i dint expect answers from mother mary ..lets just say god answered them through her well .......i never even seen her in my dream i just heard her voice .................any ways ....i thanked GOD for answering through her ...even wen we pray ....if we just sit quietly ..god may even ans us by giving us a thought .....:) ,,,k apart from all that ...........i really glad .....:) thanks ....:) alot ...and don worry about me ...i will never doubt the lords promises ...he forgave me long time back good az new:) have a great day ...:) love you all alot ...:)
hey ..yal see i changed my title:)
Praise God Candy! Jesus is holding on to you and not letting you go!
In Christ we are Victorious!


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