All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Your Spouse Is NOT Your Enemy…

Have you ever wondered who caused your spouse to walk away? Satan
binds people’s minds. He diverts their attention by instilling
wrong values and priorities into their minds; by suggesting to their
minds selfish reasons to reject the truth. He does this in the
following ways: by contrary suggestions, by argument of others, by
social pressures and distractions, and by a huge arsenal of other
weapons that he has to direct against people’s thinking.

From 1 Timothy 3:6-7, and also 2 Corinthians 2:10-11, we learn that
some of satan’s traps are pride, a bad reputation, lust of the flesh,
rebellion, and an unforgiving attitude. Some or all of these traits
will show up in your wayward spouse.

It is important that we correctly and thoroughly understand satan’s
control over people who are affected by him. Your spouse is not your
enemy; he or she has been deceived by satan. He does this in various
ways and to varying degrees, including: oppression, obsession, and
possession. Here again, almost all of satan’s influence over people
is actually exerted by demons, not by satan personally although it is
still satan’s work and he is responsible for instigating and leading

So how has satan been working in your spouse’s life? One of the most
familiar and successful tactics is temptation. He is repeatedly
referred to as the tempter. He has tempted and deceived your spouse,
and if you are not careful he will do the same to you.

As believers, we must put on the whole armor of God, including
picking up the shield of faith, by which we will quench all the
flaming darts of the wicked one (Ephesians 6:10). We are instructed
to resist satan. We do not have to defeat him, Jesus already did

The enemy has been working in your spouse through disobedience and
rebellion. Wittingly or otherwise, he or she does what satan wants
him or her to do. He knows how to manipulate them through their
personal desires, ideas, prejudices, and ignorance. He is “the ruler
of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who
are disobedient” (Ephesians 2:2 NIV).

Who would have ever thought that your spouse, this same loving spouse
who proposed to you or accepted your proposal and made those vows,
would turn around, after all these years, saying they’ve made a
mistake; telling you they don’t love you anymore, saying they want a
divorce, telling you to get on with your life and that you need to
start dating, saying “I am in love with someone else,” etc. Who
would have ever thought your spouse would be saying these things?
Your spouse said these things because YOUR SPOUSE HAS BEEN DECEIVED

Satan is the wicked one in Matthew 13:19. In verse 23 and 28 he is
identified as the enemy. Bear in mind your spouse is not your enemy.
The enemy is called the adversary, the devil. Jesus called him a
liar and a murderer (John 8:44). He is the arch-deceiver and has
lied to your spouse.

To resist satan, we must “be sober; be vigilant” (1 Pet. 5:8). If we
are careless, we will not successfully resist the devil. Verse 9
urges us to resist him “steadfast in faith.” “The faith” is a
definite, revealed body of truth to be believed and lived. It is the
truth of God’s word.

My friends, if your spouse has walked out on you, this is enough
evidence that he or she is under the control of satan. We have been
praying for them to be set free from this evil. Paul declared that
God had sent him to declare the good news to the nations. “To open
their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the
power of satan unto God, that they may return to their vows and
receive forgiveness of sins.” (Acts 26:18).

This is what we have been praying for. These prodigals are like
drunken men sleeping on the railroad tracks. Suddenly they wake up,
feel the ground vibrating under them, look up and in horror see the
locomotive bearing down on them. Immediately they jump up and dive
out of the way.

It is the same with these wayward spouses. Suddenly, their eyes will
open and they will return to their covenant spouse. Yes, they will
return, because greater is He who is in you, than he that is in the

Finally, in spite of the power and authority that these wayward ones
give satan by yielding their obedience to him, he is a defeated foe!

DO not delay my friends, keep praying, DON’T GIVE UP. Marriages are
being restored. Get yourself ready, prepare yourselves, because
suddenly your spouse will awake from his or her stupor and will
return to you. Because, my friends, no weapon that is formed against
you will prosper. If God be for you, tell me, who can be against
you? Tell me, who?!

Be encouraged

god bless

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Thank you that was a very enlightening message for a women whose husband has left the family home(he is not a believer as I), My husband as been gone since March 08 and I must say if it was not for the grace of God and him been on my side I would have been weak and hurting, But the good news is he has brought me thru yet another storm and he will give you DOUBLE for your troubles! I have been rewarded so much for standing on his every word(he said it)! And a faithful daughter he would not continue to bless me with the chance to get myself right with him. Since my husband left I have put the house up for Short Sale, acquired an apartment(credit not good House in my name) That was a break down period in my life I did not know where my boys and I would live and Guess what he made a way(no help, just his), Bills still got paid plumbing went bad in the house he made a way, so since I Have resigned from my good paying job!(In Bondage) I am currently in school to become a myomasslogist(the Father put it on my heart to assist in healer others) new car, Debt free, I'm healthy, and my sons are healthy by his grace and mercy because I am Loved and I love him unconditionally! I never going back because God is good all the time.Deshann
No wonder you call yourself Blessed, because you have discovered that God is faithful. I have found God to be faithful to me also. I had a t shirt that had TO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED ON IT.
Getting Burned -

"But on the judgment day, fire will reveal what kind of work
each builder has done. The fire will show if a person's work
has any value. If the work survives, that builder will receive
a reward. But if the work is burned up, the builder will suffer
great loss." I Corinthians 3:13-15a (NLT)

My business is in a 1900 Victorian home that is beautiful!
Everything seemed normal until one day as we were working someone
came in screaming that the house was on fire. Within a few
minutes three fire engines came roaring down the street. My
business was going up in flames and they could not seem to get a
handle on it. Finally after about three to four hours they got
the fire under control. Little did we know that there was faulty
wiring in the attic.

"Fire tests the purity of silver and gold, but the Lord tests
the heart." Proverbs 17:3 (NLT)

"For everyone will be tested with fire." Mark 9:49 (NTL)

People showed up to support me in my time of need, telling me how
sorry they were…and that they would do anything they can to
help. Whatever I needed they would be there and they were, at
first. Everyone worked very hard to get my business running and
get me back on my feet. Then the time came to rebuild and a few
people came out to help in the beginning, but as the work became
difficult, all of the ones that were so eager to help lost hope.
Everyone started to say, "You can't rebuild."

Then there was one person that said "Yes, you can rebuild and it
will be better than before. It will take a little time and a lot
of hard work but if you are willing, it can be done."

"When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you
go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you
walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up;
the flames will not consume you." Isaiah 43:2 (NLT)

This is the same with marriage; everything seems just fine on the
outside and then suddenly you are taken by surprise. To your
devastation, your beloved has decided to take a walk in the
wilderness. Again, everyone is there until you decided that you
are standing for your marriage. They were all willing to help you
move in a new direction. However, they are unwilling to help you
rebuild. Everyone begins telling you, you're in denial, you need
to move on, you need to date, and find someone else that is
better. You find yourself alone...left to clean up the mess that
the fire has left.

Then there is One, Jesus Christ, who says, "I will rebuild and
restore your marriage, if you will believe. It will be better
than before! Have faith in Me; it will be a lot of hard work but
if you are willing, I can do it."

"But if you pray to God and seek favor of the Almighty and if
you are pure and live with integrity he will surely rise up and
restore your happy home." Job 8:5-6 (NLT)

Christ restored that house back to even better than it was
before. Even the color of paint was the Lord's choice, "Refuge
Blue." God will take care of every little detail if you will
trust Him!

"God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times
of trouble." Psalm 46:1 (NLT)

"In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory
by means of Christ Jesus. So after you have suffered a little
while, He will restore, support and strengthen you, and He will
place you on a firm foundation." I Peter 5:10 (NLT)

That house is the exact same structure that it was before the
fire, but the inside is completely new. You are the same vessel
on the outside, but He wants you to be completely new on the
inside. Christ can do that if you are willing, with a little
hard work He will do it for you...if you let Him.

God wants your marriages to be completely restored, but more than
anything, He wants "you" to be completely restored. The good
news is that through Jesus Christ you can overcome any obstacle.
When you stand firm and walk boldly with Jesus "all" things are
possible. Trust Him and have faith that your home and the homes
of others will be restored!

"Create in me clean heart, O God. Renew a right spirit within
me. Do not banish me from your presence and don't take you Holy
Spirit from me. Restore to me again the joy of your salvation,
and make me willing to obey you. Then I will teach your ways to
rebels, and they will return to you." Psalm 51:10-13 (NLT)

"By standing firm, you will win your souls." Luke 21:19 (NLT)

God bless,
Thank u 4 ur uplifting discussion.i used to struggle to understand my spouses actions at times but now i understand.this had actually helped me
you are most welcome my dear sister,remember that at all times we need to put on the full armour of god and that jesus is out there waiting for you to reach out to him

god bless
My marriage ended three years ago by mutual agreement to end the marriage.The marriage from the beginning was built on shifting sand and no spiritual foundation.Altough we knew of God and I attended church;my spouse refused to attend or have anything to do with Christian fellowship.Even when I knew the marriage was collasping and I asked her about seeing my pastor;she wanted nothing to do with the church.In the end I had a break down and she said it was better to end the marriage.Today I have nothing to do with my ex-wife;I went through a bitter court battle to have some rights to my children,but do to her influence I have been denied access to them.I have put my marriage behind me and even my Christian therapist says it is time to move on.I am going for a divorce and maybe in time meet another lady.
Thank you for much for this encouragement. I really need it.
As currently undergoing the exact situation myself.
My heart is broken into millon pieces.
Though I know GOD is around me, still I am still fragile & alone.
I ask for GOD strength daily, but I still broken down easily.
For I am only human, sucumb to sin(fear) easily.

Dear bros/sis, though we may not know. But I ask for you all to pray for me.
For I am so alone............
greetings in jesus mighty name my dear sister

trust in god at all times my dear sister for god knows whats best for let his will be done in our life nit our will but his will

god bless


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