To my brother's And sister's in the body of Christ. When we check the scripture's in the book of Genesis(History)or 1 book of the Bible(John is the beginning).
We find that God said it is not good that the man should be alone(Gen.1:18).We have been taught and we in turn have taught our children that sex was bad.
This is not true!
Because God said to replenish the earth be fruitful and mutiply(Gen.1:28), In Gen 1:31 God saw everything He made was good.
So then Biblically speaking we are passing along false doctrine.
We should teach them that within the marriage bed(not outside) i apologize with your own husband and your own wife,That God is with you in agreement of your union(Gen.2:24) in marriage. In marriage a man is to leave his family, Mother and Father's house and unite with his wife.
Wait i got ahead of myself here let us first see that Adam & Eve are full grown Adults.So stop the boyfriend and girlfriend stuff it leads to touchy feely baseball games(1st base home run)Movies etc. that is why we see young women of today being so upset because their boyfriend has slept with either her cousin, best friend.or worse sister.and now days even thier mother's. O my God!!! you got the picture!
I will not sugar coat nothing God put's on my heart to give a testamonie too.Amen!!!
Women give their all in the union with man.Where as we men for some of us we only see it as five minutes of pleasure.Where as the woman it could last for 9 more months.(Gen.3:16).
God's plan for a man and a woman to unite was for the purpose to bring forth life.
When this is really looked into again neither Adam or Eve were teenagers, pre-teens,pre-Adolscence.
So we need to teach our youth Godly values so use the book of wisdom(proverbs 5:15).Not your past down from generation to generation.It may or may not have worked with you.
But the Bible say's Train up a child, in the way he should go an when he is old he will not soon depart from it(proverbs22:6).
So don't give a little worldly and think everything will be alright.
God intended for marriage to be always(Matt.22:23-30).
I know that some of you will want to quote the Apostle Paul to me(1Cor.7) any of it.But in rebuttal to that i give you (1Kings13:11-26)