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As a Christian, I am very aware of spiritual warfare, something I never had to deal with when I was into the Occult and involved in Witchcraft. I was driving to Bible study and playing K-Love on my radio and singing along with a song, when all of a sudden, the radio changed to another station. It was playing a song that I wasn’t familiar with. The words were, “Just like witches at black masses.” As soon as I heard these words, I switched it to K-Love. I never change the radio stations, because K-Love is the only one I listen to, so it is the only station that is programmed on our radio.

I told my husband about this, telling him that I was passing the Catholic church that is near our house and I didn’t change the station, it just changed by itself. He asked me if maybe I bumped the controls on the stirring wheel. I hadn’t because my hands where on the upper part of the wheel. So I asked him if he had that radio station programed on the radio. We went out to the car, that station wasn’t programmed on the radio and it wasn’t possible to change the station from the controls on the stirring wheel. It was scary enough when it happened, but when we found that out, it was very unnerving.

He told me it was a Black Sabbath song. I researched it and I guess there are two versions of this song, I don’t know which one it was because I didn’t listen to it very long. When doing further research, I found something on Black Mass. I’m including this in the attached files.

I had spiritual warfare before I left the house, but didn’t pray. I realize that this was a huge mistake. The only way I have anything to do with my Catholic background or Witchcraft is to witness to other people, involved in these religions.

I’ve had another experience where I felt an evil spirit within me and wanted to commit suicide, after witnessing to two Jehovah Witnesses. I felt sick to my stomach, because while we were talking you could feel the spiritual battle. After they left, I felt depressed and like committing suicide. How can a child of God, even feel like that they have something that evil within them? Before meeting with them I did a lot of praying, but still an evil presence was still there and it stayed with me after they left. I had to have my husband pray with me to rid me of this horrible feeling.

In 1 John 5:4-5 it says, “For every child of God defeats this evil world by trusting Christ to give the victory. And the ones who win this battle against the world are the ones who believe that Jesus is the Son of God.” I understand this verse, and understand that I’m going to have spiritual warfare in my life, because I’m sharing His truth with others.

“You have died with Christ, and he has set you free from the evil powers of this world.” Col. 2:20. Why do I feel like I can have such evil, in my body, when I’m a believer? I could maybe understand if I was sinning, but sharing the truth with others?

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The "Closer ones walk is to Christ", The stronger, more powerful and more persistant the attacks will be, because the dark one,(I don't like to mention his name,[for obvious reasons] is especially diligent in seeking after our souls, because he doesn't like to lose @ winning a soul to his side (and a soul that is firmly rooted in God is especially important to him the dark one.)Trust me I know!
We have a 'Spiritual Warfare" going on today,like never before; and we must call on Gods ministering Angels, and 'ALL" gods angels possible,(St.Michael,Raphael,Gabriel,etc; help.We must stand firm in our faith struggle to God. But if we do,& pray with all diligence,and knowing;God will most definately save us if we waver not.I hope this helps you understand a little more.
I will pray for you, -----;--;{(@
Grace4u Hi. Here's a prayer you may find helpful. God bless.

Heavenly Father, thank You for authority to battle against the controlling powers of witchcraft that attack me. In Jesus’ Name, I bind every negative, unscriptural word spoken against my life. I break the power of confusion, torment, fear, control and manipulation. I take captive every vain imagination and high thought that is contrary to the word of God in my life.

I break the power of witchcraft’s deception, seduction, sorcery and intimidation, knowing that at the Name of Jesus every knee must bow.

I decree freedom from dark powers, Jezebel, false prophetic words, controllers, manipulators, sorcerers, witches, counterfeits, soul ties, spiritual folly, soothsayers, lying spirits, lying dreams and visions.

I repent of sin. Both known and unknown and submit myself thoroughly to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and His Word.

I clothe myself with God’s Armour and take up the weapons of my warfare that are not carnal, but mighty in the pulling down of strongholds.

I dedicate myself to the will of Jesus Christ alone for my life.

I repent of rebellion, pride, arrogance, spiritualism, control, manipulation, vain desires, not being in church, and disrespecting the five-fold ascension gifts and my leaders.

I renounce wrong associations, carrying witchcraft’s message, false motives and hidden agendas.

Lord, your Word says, ‘If I confess my sins you are faithful and just to forgive me of my sins and cleanse me of all unrighteousness.

Thank You Jesus that You said You would never leave me nor forsake me, even to the end of the age.

Thank-you for sharing this prayer with us.
You are welcome. It was good for me to read it again. I cannot remember where I got it, so it blessed me all over again.

God bless,
Christians are targets because the Lord has called and you have answered, you are amongst the chosen.

I have had similar experiences. I have dealt with suicidal tendencies since I was 9. In 2004, I found a book (wasn't in the Christian section) that said how to find the name of your Guardian Angel. So I did the exercise and went 24hrs pure. No soda, nothing I was addicted to such as cigarettes. Just had water and fish. I got up, did what they exercise said to do along with a prayer and found the name "Arkiel". I was happy to learn the name of my Guardian Angel. So I did an online search, Arkiel is a real name, associated with Angels but no information. 2 years later, I speak to a reverend friend I had made online and out of the blue mentioned this to him. Because I have seen angels twice in my life, but they appeared as if they were formed from ashes.

He said ashes represented crying or suffering. Then a few days later he sent me a link. It was a list of fallen angels. Arkiel or also known as Urkiel (I think that was it) was listed in there! I thought it was strange I have this fascination with Enoch, and this guy is listed in the book of Enoch as a fallen angel, who doesn't necessarily say if he is good or bad, but does mention he was responsible for leading men to judgment.

Correct me if I am wrong, but by not accepting Christ, or committing suicide would make you then judged before God when you die (unless we all are, but I was told accepting Christ and acknowledging Jesus died for your sins bypassed it). Isn't it strange how I have been dealing with suicidal tendencies and somehow out of the blue, I felt sorry for myself and wanted to do it? God always had stopped me. So regardless how right I may be upon these terms for entering Heaven, this all added up. In short, I learned and beat my suicidal demon.


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