All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others


Today’s Sermon Message:

Spiritual Gifts for the Believer in the LORD Jesus Christ.

HD Video & Audio

Please join us as we fellowship in the Word of God, listen to Christian Music, Pray in Christ’s Name and Praise the Lord in our Hearts and Minds.


I have not yet been able to code the Church Service properly to look good enough to post here on this blog. Until I’m able to figure out the proper HTML code used here, click the following link to go to the Church Service:

To view previous church services, when the church service pages opens, scroll down just past the bottom of this church service.

The following link is to a good news message describing how one can receive eternal life: Ticket to Heaven, it was written for anyone not absolutely certain about their eternal future.

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A couple weeks ago, Blogger made a lot of unexpected changes regarding the use of HTML code. This is the reason why the posts have been looking poorly and hard to read. The current post for 10-18-20 is back to almost normal. When Blogger makes major changes, they didn't give any notice or what thy changed. I think they are only allowing an older version of HTML code. I've reported it to Blogger but haven't heard back from them yet. Blogger is where I post the church service and bible study using HTML code to make it look nice so it doesn't look like just another chat room., then I link it to about 40 locations on  the Internet.


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