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I AM NOT A DATE SETTER. Let me establish that right away. I do, however, think the time of the Lord's return is near. What do you think? Do you see "signs of the times?" If so, what do you see that makes you think we may be in the "last days?" If you don't think time is soon coming to a close, why do you feel that way? Remember, we are just discussing and sharing ideas. So, let's keep it friendly and God-honoring. I look forward to learning from you!

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yes, it is near. Everything is happening according to what has been foretold in the bible, especially in the revelation part.

And everything is radically changing. All I can say is, ready yourselves my brothers and sisters, for the day that no one can ever be ready. ;D
The truth revealed in the Bible is being unfolded before our very eyes. We cannot know the date, but we can recognize the seasons. The list of events is very long, but they are coming to pass. The key each must ask is "Am I ready?"

To your specific question, near is relevant. Depending who you talk to there can be multiple answers. I teach that His return is imminent

Lord Bless,
Hi there,

The signs are certainly there and it gives me a GREAT thrill to think that the time is near......
BUT, I have to keep in mind that the Lord told the disciples that when you see these things, Know that the time is near....... Near can be how long? With the Lord a day is like a thousand years.

Imagine then, how the discples must have felt as they saw Rome approaching and Jerusalem being trodden underfoot in AD 70. It was barely 30 years after Jesus had warned them of this. They must surely have told each other "This is the end, the Lord told us about".

Then there is the prophecy of the Gospel to be given to all nations before the end. We thought that it meant that the actual Bible had to be given and so immediately started translating the Bible in all languages. We never knew of Television. But now we see that Television has covered the world and the Gospel is being spread throughout the world via television.

Sadly only yesterday our local newspaper had a picture taken from an aeroplane of a tribe in the Brazilian Jungle, that had never had contact with civilisation. The coloumn added that there are still over a hundred tribes that are lost in this jungle with whom we have never made contact with. Who are totally unfamiliar or unaware that there is a world out there.

Another end time prophecy was the Jew returning to Jerusalem in May 1948... The present day church went crazy when this happened. "This is the end" was on the lips of almost every Believer. Disapointment upon dissapointment was experienced by many.

We have to be careful with announcements we make.... In 1844 the 7th day Adventist's believed that the Lord would definitely come. They even named the day. Many sold all that they had and I believe in their simplicity even put on white Robes and climbed to the highest points to meet Him. Sadly it did not happen. Why should we be careful. Firstly. the Bible warns us of the times but adds that No man knows the day, except God. Secondly.
The 7th day Adventists were split right up and many left the Church and Christianity as well, never to return.

Is the time near? Yes I believe it is. Why? Because this is one of the most profound beliefs we can ever have. It PROVES that the church is healthy in that, like the disciples and Apostles in the beginning, like the church through out the ages, WE ARE FOCUSSED ON CHRIST AND HIS RETURN. "Praise God for His faithfulness"
Lotsa Blessings to you.
Your Brother and FRiend in Christ - Ron
Yes i do the time of the Lord is really near last night i 've got a dream about the war if we see in the world now always war the nation under the nation , the people can't feel secure wherever they go.
But we have a peace place we have GOd ( Jesus Christ ) our refuge .
He want that everybody who leave under the sky run to Him & to be convert to Him but the world never listen His Voice .
God send us to shout to the every creature 'JESUS 'JESUS 'JESUS He will be back little bit a while....please turn back to Jesus only Jesus the way of salvation.& the peacefull place.
Thank's God for Your vision last night.
This is a very interesting topic. We should keep our thoughts and feelings God-honoring while considering that signs and fulfilled prophecy indicate that the time of Christ's return is near. What do we feel. Do we sometimes feel confident and secure as God's children that know this truth and can discriminate the events around us? Does this give us comfort, or does it make us sad for those that don't see? Do we want others to see this truth that may now be blind? Each of us has a personal relationship with God and we are all running our own individual race. We are not competing with one another in relationship to salvation and yet, we must be careful when we dwell too much on eschatology because it seems to light up the "us vs them" feelings. Those feelings can lead to a perspective of being "select" and somehow better. We are all sinners. Those that have accepted the grace of God in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ are loved by God and those who have not had their hearts moved to faith by God are still loved by God. If thinking about end-times events encourages our love for everyone including those that we find difficult to love - that seems quite good. Be easy to forgive, slow to anger, and have abundance of love. Because we live in a broken and fallen world - filled with sin, this is so difficult to keep in balance. I find that dwelling on this topic is intellectually stimulating, but does not bring me closer to God either in my prayer dialog or in the actions that reflect the truth in my heart.

Yes, I believe the return of Jesus Christ to the earth is imminent. There has always been wars & violence in the middle east, but never before has the technology been to the point where one decision, one button push, could wipe out a thrid of the world! Keep your eyes on Jesus, but pay attention to the state of Israel. Search out the end time prophecies.
In America we have little pockets of revival & houses of prayer springing up all over. In other nations, esp. China & Africa wildfires of revival are sweeping the continents! Underground churches florish under persecution. Christians are starting to lay down their differances & predjudices & come together to worship, pray & stategize, listening to the voice of the Lord. (Like this site here!) There's a conection going on & it's a "God thing! "Christian's hearts are starting to burn with a passionate desire to see God glorified in their lives! The gospel must be preached in all the world & never before has that been so easy.
The darkness & immorality, on the other hand, are becoming insanely evil & people seem to accept it all with the apathy of 'zombie's'. The canidates for leadership rolls in governments are become real "slim-pickings'! The stage is being set for a world ruler called the Anti-christ. Before he is revealed, I believe Jesus has to come back for His own! I'm not even going to try to discuss doctrines, or different views. It's enough to say, we need to check our hearts & see if we are born-again & ready for what will happen in the days before His returning! There is only ONE way to be saved, put your trust & your life in the hands of Jesus Christ!
I am in total agreement with your reply! Thank you! I can sense your passion for the study of End Times--and more importantly--for His soon return! God bless you!
Very fun topic to talk about. Not sure I agree with some of your answers. Just a few things to think about....

1. All evangelical Christians must teach the immenent return of Christ because it creates passion and urgency among believers to "walk the line!"

2. Nothing new under the sun...I am not sure that the world is any more worse than thousands of years ago. Maybe the bad news and people are just more accessible on the internet and television. I like to bring up how previous slaves must of felt. I am sure they woke up every day thinking about how bad life was.

3. If we are truely as close to the end times as we all migth believe, why aren't we experiencing a major revival in America. If we all believe he is coming "soon", shouldnt we be preaching like crazy.

Just a few thoughts.....

Yes I think we are closer to the Lords answer the original question.
All we need to do is to look at the shape this world is in. Nothing is getting better! Every aspect of our lives are changing all around us.
Someone posed the question that is the world is truly coming to an end, why aren't we evangelizing like crazy.
The Bible clearly teaches that Jesus coming will be "like a thief in the night" and will catch many "unawares".
Just like Noah, people are being invited to change their ways, but they are ignoring the message. We are given to every vice and degeneracy that happened in Noah's time, and yet the people didn't respond to the message
Hello Dear Friend!

I've been away from here for awhile. When did you join?! I'm so glad to hear from you in this forum. And, of course, your answer is thoughtful and right on. Things are definitely getting progressively worse. And more importantly, the things Jesus named as signs of His return are occurring all together, and with increasing frequency---like birth pains.

I have listened to various preachers of the Gospel who all seem to have an urgency to get people ready for the dark days ahead--that will precede the Lord's triumphant return. As you said, the message is going forth, but it is being ignored. People are simply drowning in decadence and sin--just as people drowned in the Flood in Noah's time.

May many ears and hearts be opened before it is too late.

God bless you, Alan!
In my confirmation group we discussed this and the idea was shared that maybe the second coming is a poetic analogy. Yes we are already in the times of the second coming, but what we must remember is that the bible is very poetic in its nature and the vision of jesus coming on the clouds might just be an image to say that jesus wil return in spirit in the days of the apocalypse. These are just ideas. What if jesus is already here with us? Just some ideas.
Thanks for your reply, Christine. I refer you to the book of Acts, chapter 1, verses 9-11. "And after He had said these things, He was lifted up while they were looking on, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. And as they were gazing intently into the sky, while He was departing, behold, two men in white clothing stood beside them; and they also said, "Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into the sky? This Jesus who ha been taken up from you into heaven, will come in just the same way as you have watched Him go into heaven." (NAS) Of course, the two "men" were angels. Revelation 1:7 -- "BEHOLD, HE IS COMING WITH THE CLOUDS, and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him; and all the tribes of the earth will mourn over Him. Even so. Amen." Amen---So be it. Christine, the Bible is not a book of poetry. It is God's holy Word. It is HIS-tory and prophecy. Jesus will return in the flesh. We will see him with our eyes. We will see the scars of His sacrifice.

"What if Jesus is already here with us?" Of course He is! He lives in the heart and lives of all Christ followers. The Holy Spirit indwells us as the Comforter and guide Jesus sent. But His return to the earth He created will be literal--and I believe--very soon.

May the Holy Spirit guide you as you search the Word of God. May He lead you into all Truth.




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