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Write for Christ's Comments

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At 10:15pm on May 1, 2020, LINDA said…

Thank you so much!  I look at what's taking place throughout the nations of the world and know this is  a huge wake up call for the Bride of Christ; to  get rid of all spots and wrinkles.  Indeed this generation is the one Jesus spoke about as recorded in Mathew chapter 24.  The Lord needs everyone in the body of Christ to  do as He said to the Apostle Peter; ... to not look around us with everything that's taking place but to fallow Him. Isn't it great to know that with this social distancing due to the Covid19  " thin" ( whatever this really is out there from the pit of hell! ?) that Jesus is as close as the mention of His name? That when HE prayed in the garden He said that HE and the Father are One; and that he was praying for those who came before Him, those who were  alive during His walk on earth and also  for those that would come after Him.; that the Father did not lose ONE  that HE holds His sheep in His protective hand. His Sheep know His voice and they will fallow Him; not just being hearers of the WORD but doers of it.  Thank YOU Jesus that we are saved by grace; every part of the body of Christ just as important to our Lord. One body; ONE LOVE forever.  Amen 

At 6:17am on November 11, 2013, Demika White said…

thank you


At 12:57am on November 11, 2013, Nick Ilic said…

Thank you for welcoming me :)

At 6:50pm on November 10, 2013, heartitude said…

how did you get the back ground like that Heartitudes

At 6:48pm on November 10, 2013, heartitude said…

thank you kindly in Jesus. Maranatha!  heartitudes 7:48   pm

At 1:49pm on August 20, 2011, Andie Lopez-Villalobos gave Write for Christ a gift
thankyou and godbless you too
At 3:41pm on August 1, 2011, a servant (Chris) said…

Wow!!!  I am brand new on this way of talking.  Then to go to your page, I am way out of my league.  Yet, we both love the Lord.  And the ground is level at the Cross.


At 12:00pm on August 1, 2011, Eli said…
How beautiful is your page! :) God bless you!
At 8:04am on August 1, 2011, Ted Christian Quisumbing said…
Thank you so much!
At 4:12am on August 1, 2011, Lim POH Choo said…
Thank you for the beautiful card.I need a lot of prayer,Blessings
At 11:20am on July 13, 2011, Ruth said…
Thank you for your comment . Life is hard at the moment and at times I struggle but I know that god loves me is beside me keeping me safe
At 8:02am on July 7, 2011, Rosemary Ann said…

The present moment is always overflowin with immesurable riches, far more than you are able to hold. your faith ll measure it out to you as you believe, so you will receive.


Jesus christ died for our sins, He passed through so much agony but but He had not commited any sin, He had the power He could have stopped those who did this to Him, but He had decided to save us so that after this life of this world we will join Him in Heaven and live with Him happy with our GOD and yet we continue to sin.....?

At 2:17am on June 28, 2011, Ruth said…
Thank you . I am happy to be here !!
At 10:12pm on November 26, 2010, Heartache said…
Thanks dear heart. As the most hardened atheist you can imagine - Jesus saved me at deaths door, so how can I be anything else but His slave for the rest of my life...
At 7:01am on August 28, 2010, Cynthia said…
Thank you for the beautiful graphic & sweet welcoming! I really like your page! Hope to get mine as decorated as yours soon. :) have a great day!
At 9:06am on August 26, 2010, nan rappaport said…
Thank you so much .. love the happy face ... different than all the others ...
Be Blessed
At 6:53am on July 31, 2010, Amenamen said…
Jesus IS the ONLY One True GOD...

John 10:30

I and [my] Father (God) Are One.

Hebr 13:8

Jesus Christ the Same yesterday, and to day, and For Ever.

Who else is like This but... GOD Himself :0)
At 4:13pm on July 2, 2010, Richard L. Broch, Sr. said…
Thank you for the warm welcome my Brother.I`ll be learning my way around the site for a while. Computerology was not one of my gifts.But we`re getting there. I`m loving this site.
Grace and Peace.
At 7:59am on June 16, 2010, LadyQ gave Write for Christ a gift
But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy." (1 Peter 1:15-16) Lovingkindness Sister Qiniso

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