HIV Aids has been existing along time,everything school,churches,basketball didn't stop or closed due to that. I'm sure some people you can into had AIDS. Magic Johnson had it for almost 30 years now and he's still here. There's no cure for AIDs yet this Corona Virus has caused school,churches,basketball and lots of things to be postponed. Everyone we run into does NOT have it and it's NOT that much of at all more serious than HIV,they need to stop using this as an excuse to postpone things. Other tragedies have happened things weren't postponed then. This is causing isolation as well NOT GOOD,don't tell me were going to spend remainder of this year like this. It's off 2020 to terrible start first Kobe Bryant,His daughter and several others killed in the tragic helicopter crash,and now this Corona Virus OMG !
Also why is it hard for women to understand men get hurt by women too,going whatever ,oh well,who cares is not understanding male pain. Hey women certainly want men to understand and respect them it's supposed to be a two way street. Women quick to point out that man came from a woman,but without a man's sperm woman can't get ptegnant,also first woman came from a man find that is facts There's more to a man than being a provider and protector,suppressing his emotions is not good.
Yet you'll ignored the helicopter crash involving Kobe,His daughter and several others that was a tragedy,but Michael Jordan brought healing speaking at Kobe and Gianna Memorial. At 41 ,Kobe was 4 years younger than me another one of my peers born in the 1970s dea d. First Selena,Tupac,Notorious Big ,Aaliyah ,and now Kobe Bryant. I have no fear of death prefer heaven than this world. Jesus and God know when death will strike. People don't know,saying it's not my time yet,not suicidal but welcome other forms of death homicide,accident,illness prefer not surviving than surviving. Those with Corona Virus is one thing,but assuming everyone will get it is a bit of a stretch.
Here is the post I put on Facebook:
Everyone else has thrown their rants & posts out there & I've just sat back & watched. Today, I want to have mine. I understand people’s flippant attitude because I had that same attitude for a while. However, I've made a U-Turn on that stand & consider this very very scary (scary as far as how the numbers have went up so quickly) & we can stop this before it gets out of hand if we all take it seriously enough, aside from all the crazies buying up the toilet paper. It's not that I'm caught up in the media & I'm far from ignorant. I don't get scared by much (other than living in California) but so little is known about this virus. It's the results that keep pouring in at a pace that no one would have ever fathomed. I love the funny memes as much as the next person & post many of them & have my good laugh but I do take this virus seriously. I have an 80-year-old daddy & 73-year-old mother-in-law. I'd hate for them to have lived this long & be taken out because of people's carelessness.
We all hold a responsibility in this & if people keep turning a blind eye saying it's a political conspiracy, a media hype & a way to keep God’s people out of church, it will swallow us whole. Our little church in the small town of Gastonia has 5 who have been exposed to this in some form on the cruise ship where 46 tested positive & 1 has died. They have 7 more days in quarantine. One is a cancer patient & she had to be flown elsewhere to be watched while her husband had to stay behind. She's doing well PTL.
It's not that my faith is lame either. My faith is in my Lord & Savior, but He gave us common sense & expects us to use it. I'm sure many will say I'm not using mine right now & that’s OK. I hope & pray you will be correct about that in the end & I be wrong. In the meantime, we have an obligation to keep our elders safe. Use precautions. I'd rather be over the edge & safe than to be frivolous & play a role in others' illnesses & possible deaths.
As far as the conspiracy to keep us out of church, WE ARE THE CHURCH. That building doesn't hold my faith, my trust or my salvation. He lives in me & where I go, He goes. He doesn't need me in that building for me to serve Him, worship Him or praise Him. Rant over.
Hi Daniel,
I wholeheartedly disagree with you also. I was in Italy 3 weeks ago. I took the trip with my son. It was very special to me because I am 1/2 Italian, and I had never been to Italy. We had a wonderful trip.
I realize that some people are having a hard time accepting that life is changing as we know it. It needs to be realized sooner rather than later.. I arrived in Rome Feb 16th, there were approximately 2-4 cases of the virus. I left Rome there were around 800 cases (In all of Italy-mostly the North)--that was Feb 26th. Now, in Italy.. today's date - March 20th... just over 3 weeks later, there are 47,021 cases. Currently Canada is at 943 cases. Three weeks ago we had 11 cases. Stats show it's growing at about the same rate. I wonder what 3 weeks will bring.
By the way, The stats in USA are as follows for the same dates:
I have a graph that begins on Feb 12th for the US. On that date you had 12 cases. By March 7th you have 401. Now, from March 7th to the 19th you have 13,474 cases of this virus. 125 have recovered. 236 have died... Speaking percentages, that'S 65% of the population catching this disease are dying in your Country.
So YES, I disagree with you.
Stay home people, even just as a sacrifice for our, and your vulnerable health population.
By the way, HIV is an entirely different disease. You can't compare the two. COVID-19 is contagious from touching surfaces, it can also stay airborne for several hours. They don't know the severity of this yet. HIV is not passed on in the same way at all. Corona Virus is called 'Novel Corona Virus' because it is new. Humans have never had to fight off anything like this before, so that means we don't have any immunity to it. Nothing. Even if you get the disease, and recover, there is no evidence that you will develop an immunity to it because it is constantly mutating.
I'm not saying this to be fearful. I'm saying these things so that you will educate yourself and just stay home if you can, also practice social distancing. Seriously!
I totally disagree with you but don't have the time to tell you what at this moment. I have to run out & buy some toilet paper. HAHAHAHA
I truly do disagree with you however.
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