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Why is this statement always thrown out about.....with people who claim to be Christians???

"So heavenly minded no earthly good".  

So Heavenly Minded You’re No Earthly Good?

JULY 16, 2014 

C. S. Lewis, in Mere Christianity:

A continual looking forward to the eternal world is not (as some modern people think) a form of escapism or wishful thinking, but one of the things a Christian is meant to do.

It does not mean that we are to leave the present world as it is.

If you read history you will find that the Christians who did most for the present world were just those who thought most of the next.

The Apostles themselves, who set on foot the conversion of the Roman Empire, the great men who built up the Middle Ages, the English Evangelicals who abolished the Slave Trade, all left their mark on Earth, precisely because their minds were occupied with Heaven.

It is since Christians have largely ceased to think of the other world that they have become so ineffective in this.

Aim at Heaven and you will get earth ‘thrown in’: aim at earth and you will get neither.”

Just such an icky statement....I don't really understand how those who live for Christ Jesus can possibly say it.....  I believe that if you are NOT heavenly minded you will be of no earthly good.  I kind of think that it is a definite ploy of the propaganda and a way for satan to seek, kill, and destroy our beliefs yet again.

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The only ones in a relationship with the LORD JESUS CHRIST are those who follow him.

Sometimes those who only follow Him fall away. John 6:66 is an example. There’s much more to the relationship between God and His children. 

 Amanda, I believe most of us haven’t learned to enter into the rest that He is speaking of in Hebrews 4.

Still living under the Law, struggling not realizing that the works were finished from the foundation of the world. Heb.4:3, we Christians do, by believing in Christ Jesus, actually possess. We have peace of conscience, and joy in the Holy Ghost; are saved from the guilt and power of sin; and thus enjoy an inward rest.” Adam Clarke's Commentary. In part.

Similar to Ro.10. “They being ignorant of God’s righteousness going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God, For Christ is the end of law for righteousness to everyone that believeth.”


I agree JB to an extent....we all want to be pleasing to the LORD don't we?  That is our first and last consideration....we do not need to be pleasing to everyone else, for that is not what we are here to do.  We are here to disciple, not to please.  All of us should do good according to His beautiful Word, but we are not compatible either, meaning we don't have to get along....we need to get it right.  We don't stand on the fence in order to "win" people, what we do is be kind, but stand distinctly apart and speak only the truth.  I never witnessed any of the LORDS  disciples ever changing their demeanor to win disciiples, they only used the Truth of the Lord.  That might sound harsh...but it's the Word of the LORD that brings change, not us, it is the Holy Spirit that does that.  If we are living in Christ, there is nothing legalistic about that, period.

And it is an "obligation and declaration"....the verse you even posted speaks to this:  

 “I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service, and be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. Ro.12:1-2.

We ARE to be heavenly minded.....otherwise how else?

JB, Of course you would.

I wonder how many would use the statement if the following were understood:

Earthy minded=Worldly minded

Heavenly minded=godly minded

Would one ever say that one who is "Godly minded is of no earthly good?"

To be earthly good one must be godly minded or the only good (using the word loosely) one can bring is temporal.

I am thoroughly disgusted and worn out by the dispassionate reactions....i've heard pharisee...thrown into the mix.  It's  quite disgusting.  The only person I've heard is Tammy.  Have none of you read the Bible????  Seriously.....I think I'll be leaving, because all any of you want is to believe anything and everything that has absolutely nothing that God wants, it's what you want.  Very disheartening for me.  You shut people down when they follow HIS WORD and have conversations about it.  You make it clear that you have a total control over what people say and speak.  You won't allow the value of discussion.  I am not mad, just that I feel you've lost the light of Jesus, no one talks anymore....only people who are in agreement with your way.  

My apologies, but I LOVE THE LORD WITH ALL MY HEART, and you will never shut my mouth....Look at the book of Jeremiah!  

Since none of the replies given here but the one are what you were wanting to hear, then keep asking, seeking, knocking, and please remember that we’re still learning and perhaps you’re farther along in your understanding of the truth than we. 

I guess I’m a little confused with this response Watchman, are you responding to me or all? I don’t see where anyone is trying to shut anyone up. We must remember that there are several different convictions here on this forum, that’s why we have so many different religions, churches, etc. I know my views are somewhat different than most of you, but I don’t fly off the handle when someone thinks I’m off my rocker, I respect your views and all others, I’m not ashamed of mine and I know that most here doesn’t believe in speaking in tongues, laying hands on the sick and seeing them recover, and no one can change my mind, because I’ve experienced it, and the bible supports it. So don’t take it so hard, we all Love the Lord, we all believe we are going to heaven when we die, there will no sin enter there, because we are in Christ Jesus, who is made unto us Wisdom, Righteousness, Sanctification, and Redemption. 1Cor.1:30.

I’d like to ask a question, have you ever heard of the two sides of redemption? We have a Legal side and a Vital side. Can explain if necessary.



I am really confused and troubled by your response and attitude ...

It's OK for you to accuse people of ...

... never having read the Bible and of being dispassionate. 

... shutting down people when they follow His Word.

... being controlling and not allowing discussion.

... being only interested in hearing people who agree with them.

... in your opinion having lost the light of Jesus.

Your right to judge would appear to be based on your views (beliefs) and if someone does not agree with you they must not have read the Bible ... must not be following His Word, because you are ... are controlling, yet your post stands ... and must have lost the light because they do not agree with you (and I am sure you will say, not with me, but with His Word) ... Could it be that you are only truly interested in hearing from those who agree with you? 

You then introduce the concept of speaking out like Jeremiah ...

I have appreciated our discussions over the course of time and hope you do not leave, but this post of yours here smacks of hypocrisy on your part. I do not like to speak in such a manner, but fear you will hear no other and may not hear this either, though it is being offered with the desire to help, yet I fear it will not be taken that way.


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