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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Ready to switch from blue to white collar jobs,have been upset with Christ and God,trying to reunite.

I am now 43 years old and I am supposed to be working at least another 22 yrs before retirement.Well since I was 16 yrs of age back in the summer of 1991 I have done blue collar work.That hard physical work,lots of standing,lifting,moving things around cleaning and lots of sweating.I am so tired of that,I mean I do work weekends at LA Fitness janitor,but thats still hard physical work. I want a full time white collar job making at least thousands of dollars either weekly,or bi weekly.I want to live in a better neighborhood,better apartment with a washer and dryer,living room,bedroom,kitchen,then I can add computer,cable tv and a maid. I currently stay in an apartment formerly a motel,with just a bathroom and one room with a sink. I am just making $ 200 some every two weeks,and I want to take a vacation havent been out of Florida since arriving a decade ago. To achieve this lifestyle I need a much better paying job,I am aware that white collar jobs pay more.I have prayed to Jesus and God about this,but they havent blessed me yet,I mean I do NOT want to spend another 22 yrs doing some hard physical job in which my strength will decrease as I get older. If Jesus and God cant bless me with a better lifestyle I told them Id trade it all in to be in heaven with them.Tired of this fallen broken world ruined by many people and Satan. Just feel alone,loads of responsibilities,with little to no help. 

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We are made up of 3 parts, Spirit, Soul, and Body, when you understand the significance of each I believe your questions, or your responses will be somewhat different.

My prayer for you, Eph.3:16-23 KJV

If you are interested, I would be happy to explain.



Hi Daniel,

What sort of training/schooling have you done to equip and prepare yourself for the type of job you want?


Hello Carla, Good response, however makes one wonder if they really want help doesn’t it?


Oh yes. Have to be willing to do the hard work.

Hi Daniel, God bless you! I've been thinking about your post for a few days. I went back to night school. I worked full time and then went to school at night. Sometimes for four hours. It was hard. I remember almost falling asleep while driving home. Sometimes I would stop at a restaurant and sit for a few minutes. I'd phone home and let my husband know that I was safe. What is it you enjoy doing? I discovered I enjoy the law and took paralegal classes. It has to be more than just about the money, but I know the money helps. God has given you talents. Search deep inside. What are your strengths, what do you enjoy? Then determine how you are going to get there. There are grants out there. My sister took classes. She's single and well long story. Her husband took everything they had and left her for another woman. My sister was devastated. I can remember praying with her. Gary (my husband) asked what the call was about. To this day I don't know what it was. She was hysterical, and I couldn't understand her words. Only God can calm someone down when they're like that. You are not alone. Other people know what it is to wish for more and to crash and burn.

Anyway, school was very hard. The teachers don't bother to read your papers so much unless your papers say something that is different than what everyone else is saying. If you want something more than a C, you have to learn to not follow the crowd. Be strong and an independent thinker. Make sure your grades are good.

You also have to consider the time involved. The journey is easier when you can see the destination. You have to look at where you want to go and what are you going to do to get there. Also set intermediate goals.

Share all of this with God. You can talk to Him. He knows what you need. Our God isn't a fair-weather God. He's always there with you.

A little humor. I took an environmental law class, four hours at night. I thought it would be interesting, and I need so many credits. Pretty much everyone in the class worked full-time during the day. So we would get to the class, and it was like watching grass grow. One evening the instructor pulled out a video about the tropical rain forest. It had the sound of rain and running water, birds and the wind blowing. When the video was over and turned on the lights, we were all sleeping. LOL

God bless,


I have a Daniel LIONS DEN) also
I’ve raised three kids broke alone no school and unemployed.always knowing I could do better they deserve better.but We were thankful for what we had.just be HIS time ..wait on the LORD..See,enjoy the riches of GOD..THEN them BLESSINGS pour in ABOVE ABUNDANT AND BEYOND.and pay your tides ...hahahaha

Gee....Sorry....but.... while I feel for you, I'm thinking that you don't understand the LORD at all.  You seem to bee making the bids....have you read the Bible?  You don't make the rules, it's truly not about you.


I found this article..  it's really well written.  I know it's long, but I hope you take the time to read it and let the truth of the message sink in.

All Things Are Possible’?

  • Aaron Berry Contributing Writer

  • You’ve seen it cross-stitched on pillows and hung on walls. You’ve heard it recited before the Regional Championship and whispered before a big job interview: “With God all things are possible!”

This phrase, found in Matthew 19:26, speaks of God’s omnipotence—his absolute power to what he pleases. It’s a theme that is echoed all throughout Scripture. When Sarah and Abraham doubted God’s promise to give them a son, God said, “Is anything too hard for the LORD?” (Gen 18:14). When God displayed his absolute sovereignty to Job in his distress, Job replied, “I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted” (Job 42:2). Jesus himself, when he prayed to his Father in the garden before he was crucified, cried out, “Abba, Father, all things are possible for you. Remove this cup from me” (Mark 14:36). This phrase, “with God all things are possible,” proclaims the absolute sovereignty and uncontested power of God.

I fear, however, that we have hijacked this profound phrase in Scripture and have turned it into a slogan for the power of positive thinking. So, before we discuss what the meaning of this promise is, we should clarify what it does not mean.

"with God all things are possible" is not a good luck charm

Here’s how we typically interpret this phrase: we transform “with God all things are possible” into “since God is with me, all things are possible…for me.” In other words, since God is on my side, I can accomplish anything I want to do. We claim God’s power as a lucky rabbit’s foot that gives us the ability to chase any dream or accomplish any task we want.

But this couldn’t be further from the truth. God is not at our bidding—we are at his. Although it is true that God is always with his children and gives them strength, he does not guarantee that we will succeed in every venture. Sometimes, it is God’s will for us to miss out on that job opportunity or lose that state championship. Does that mean that God really isn’t all powerful? Does that mean that God somehow failed you? Not at all. When we hijack this phrase, we set ourselves up for frustration, doubt, and sorrow. God is all-powerful, but he does not give us the right to claim that power for whatever we want. When Jesus prayed to his Father in the garden before he was taken to the cross, “all things are possible for you,” he concluded by saying, “Yet not what I will, but what you will.” The reality of the Father’s absolute power compelled Jesus to submit to the Father’s will, not to hijack that power to accomplish his own will.

If Jesus himself responded to his Father’s power this way, shouldn’t we respond in the same way?

Context, Context, Context

So, if the promise “with God all things are possible” is not meant to be a good luck charm for my dreams and ambitions, what does it actually mean? To answer that question, we must go to the passage in which the phrase is found, since best safeguard against the misuse of Scripture is to understand Scripture within its given context. So, in order to better understand this phrase, we must go to Matthew 19. Matthew 19:16–30 is the story of the rich young ruler who came to Jesus asking what he must do to have eternal life (v. 16). Jesus responds by saying that he must not only follow all the commandments, but also give up all his possessions to the poor and follow him (vv. 17-22). Far from preaching a works-bases salvation, Jesus was exposing the young man’s treasures that were keeping him from a devotion to Christ. Upon hearing this radical command, the rich young ruler goes away “sorrowful, for he had great possessions” (v. 22).

Jesus then turns to his disciples and tells them that “it is easier for a camel to go through an eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God” (v. 24). The disciples were astonished by this, because in their way of thinking, rich people had the best chance of getting into heaven—they had every advantage. The conclusion of the disciples was, if a rich person can’t get saved, “who then can be saved?” They thought that if the rich didn’t have a chance, then neither did anyone else. It’s at this point that Jesus responds, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

We see that, within its original context, the phrase “with God all things are possible” was applied to the issue of salvation. Humanity is completely unable to achieve salvation through personal effort—only God can save, because “all things are possible” for God. It is the ultimate example of man’s will contrasted to God’s will. The rich young ruler did everything he could to earn eternal life, but it wasn’t good enough. It is only through God’s grace that one can receive eternal life.

So what does “with God all things are possible” mean in its original context? It means “only God can save sinners and give them eternal life.” No human being can hijack this power, in salvation or in any other matter. What then should be our response? Humility, submission, and trust.

God does what he pleases. He acts according to his will, not mine or yours. We misunderstand this phrase when we act like it is a guarantee of success for any task we are facing. We, like the rich young ruler, think that we have complete control over our lives if God is with us. Instead, we must realize that, if God is indeed with us, it is he alone who has complete control over our lives.

Because all things are possible with God, we must submit to him and yield ourselves to his sovereign plan, trusting him to do what is best for us, even when it included failure.  

But what about “I can do all things through Christ”?

During this discussion, you might have thought about another passage of Scripture that seems to contradict what I’m saying. Didn’t Paul himself say, “I can do all things through him who strengthens me” (Phil 4:13)? Isn’t this an example of someone claiming God’s power to achieve any dream one wants?

Again, the context provides the clarity. When Paul says, “I can do all things,” what are the “things” he is referring to? Philippians 4:11–12 provide the answer: “Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through he who strengthens me.”

Paul isn’t saying that God gives him the power to do anything he wants to do; he is saying that Christ strengthens him to be content in any circumstance, in times of “plenty and hunger, abundance and need.” Paul wasn’t hijacking God’s power to escape poverty or hunger, he relied on God’s power to be satisfied with Christ during times of poverty and hunger.


We must rejoice in the glorious reality that “with God all things are possible,” but we must never expect God to use his power to do our every bidding. He is sovereign over your salvation, your future, your career, your every breath. All things are possible for him, and he uses that ability to accomplish his own will. Yes, it is frustrating when we don’t know what God’s will is. We want the assurance that we will succeed in everything we do. We wish that God bent to our every whim.

But this would be a disaster. If God used his power to accomplish my will, my life would end in disaster. I don’t know what is best for me, but God does. I must trust him to accomplish his will for my life, and I can be confident that he will do exactly that—because “with God all things are possible.”

Carla,a true point everything God says is true,I know that Jesus and God are better than I am,but they are the only ones that are. I do believe and keep faith in God,trying to let the Holy Spirit win over flesh although the flesh does get the better of us humans at times our emotions do too.We are imperfect,Christ and God are perfect.But I did read what you sent and agree,its foolish to argue with Christ and God our true masters.

I wonder if anyone has read 1 John 5:14 (KJV)
14  And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:
15  And if we know that he hear us,
whatsoever we askwe know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.

One must remember, that Faith can never appropriate anything, that God hasn't already provided.

I might add, one must also know WHO OR WHAT  "CHRIST" IS.OR MEANS.

Hi JB,

The article I posted talks about 'according to His will'

Christ means 'Messiah' or 'Anointed One'  'Chosen One'.


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