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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Hello brothers and sisters in Christ. I am a new believer. I let Jesus into my heart only about 2 months ago and my heart has changed in so many ways I never thought possible! I am becoming braver, stronger, more honest and patient and kind every day thanks to the work the Holy Spirit is doing in me! I am so grateful for the gift Jesus has given to me, and to all mankind who choose to accept it, I am so full of love for Jesus and my fellow man. I know that Christ died to pay the price for my sins, but I cannot leave it at that. Because of my love for my Lord, I just want to devote my life to doing His will. I want to repent from every sin! I want to love the way Jesus taught us to love, with patience, and sacrifice and steadfast hope.

My question is this: I had lived all my life as a liar. I never had a lot of self confidence and so I just made up random stories when talking to people because I wanted to be liked. I have turned away from a lifestyle of lying and I have come clean to all those close to me about this awful lifestyle I have lived by. The problem is, every once in a while when I am in a new social situation and I feeling very socially anxious, a lie accidentally pops out. It’s a habit I have had for so long. When I meet someone new and they tell me how much they love hunting for example, I will lie and say “Me too!” And go on to make up some tall tail about the buck I shot last year. If it is someone I see a few more times I am able to come clean and apologize for telling the tale, but if it’s a stranger - someone I chatted with online at the supermarket and don’t see again, I never come clean.

I am doing my best and I lie less and less, but what happens if I stumble in sin? I am doomed to damnation? I certainly can’t ask God to forgive the same habit over and over again like this. Has anyone else struggled to overcome a difficult habit and was anyone able to completely turn from all so. As I am trying to?

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this!
God Bless!


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Hello dear Elyzabet, 

What is happening to us when we stumble as born again Christians is the nature of our flesh. We are sinners. But, when we accept Jesus we accept the Holy Spirit into our lives as well. The Holy Spirit will convict us of our sins. Conviction is NOT condemnation. The Holy Spirit wants us to recognize our weakness for sin and repent (change) our ways completely. Therefore, the journey that you are on is one of repentance and acceptance. 

By staying close to God and his word for us the Bible we become stronger and stronger. Even those of us who have been on this journey longer are still convicted by the fact that sin is a struggle. But, the Holy Spirit is our source of guidance and strength. That is why Jesus gave us him. 

Stay close to the Lord on your walk with him. Hold his hand and remind yourself of who you are in Christ when those moments happen. Don't beat on yourself. Acknowledge what you have done to God. Seek his help to not continue and the more you practice being who God made you to be the better it will get. Prayer is our best weapon against the weakness we experience.

Amen Journeyman! 

Thank you, Journeyman, for sharing you wisdom. I had picked up the idea that when I was baptized, my sin would be buried never to tug at me at me again and was fearful when that wasn’t the case. It is good news to hear that overcoming sin is a struggle for for many and part of the journey. I feel very encouraged by your words! Thank you and God Bless!
Hello dear,
I too wasn't a born christian. I came in christianity just few years ago. And yes i too had something that was so so addicted and it was something very shameful which i can't say here. And after being in chritianity,i promised my Lord that i won't do it again but i did and again i promised and again i broke the promise. And it had went for so much but my Lord forgave me everytime because He knew that i love Him and i will stop one day and i did stop now and I don't do it now even though it was so hard to stop. He believed me. And so did i that He is gonna help me to overcome my addiction. So believe God. He will you in every path of your life. Love God. Love You God. Amen..
Matthew 18:21 Then Peter came to Jesus and asked him, "Lord, how often do I have to forgive a believer who wrongs me? Seven times?"
Matthew 18:22 Jesus answered him, "I tell you, not just seven times, but seventy times seven.
Note that this is in a day. To me it means that you shall be forgiven until you become perfect in that aspect.
Thank you Colby, Ananya, and Steven King for your replies! Ananya, thank you so much for sharing your struggle with a sin! I have great hope I too will be able to overcome mine as well! I will tell you, Stephen, I remember when I read that verse, I found it very comforting and then I thought to myself “Surely I have sinned 7,700 times!” Today was a truely blessed Sunday for me! At worship I went to the alter to pray and my husband came also to pray with me. I feel as though I have been under attack. From the day I first found Jesus, I have had these nagging thoughts placed into my head that’s i am not worthy. When I was baptized through the Holy Spirit, I felt the joy and he love and the courage come into my heart, and then more nagging thoughts “I am not worthy. How could God have given someone like me the gift of the Holy Spirit? Am I lying to myself that Jesus accepts me as I am? A sinner, trying to follow Christ, but sometimes failing?” Our pastor who I love dearly came and prayed over us. He explained that Satan and the evil forces in this world don’t like it one bit when someone turns away from them and walks instead towards Jesus and they attack feeding the mind lies and doubts. He encouraged me to stand strong with the Lord. Shove those doubts and demons away, and keep holding strong to the faith. I feel much stronger today now that’s I understand where these worries are coming from, and in the past week I have made so much progress. The Lord has given me the confidence to speak the truth and be who I am even in front of new people. I slipped once with my husband about the price of something I wanted to get the kids when I asked if I could order it, but came clean right away.

Thank you for reaching out and offering encouragement!!
God Bless you guys!!

we will all sin, we still have our fleshy nature to battle. once saved always saved. 


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