I didn't know what to do,where to go I was panickstrricken, and scared out of my mind. Now she is in heaven and I still have all this on my back,PLUS NO HELP FROM MY FAMILY What kind of help is out there Don Haines
Brother, I'm sorry for your loss. I pray the Lord gives you the strength through this time & guides you.
Hi Tammy
I hope God will guide me and give me strength.My wife and I have never gone anywhere without holding till now and it is very very hard. and we need to be with other. Thats what love is all about and never arguewe always work things out,then we kiss and make up the right way
Thank you for listing to my story Don Haines
Hi Don, so sorry for your loss after 59 years, I understand it must be very hard for you. Can you please tell us where you are in your walk with God? That would give us a better understanding of where to start and how we can help you. We are here for you and will certainly do our best to help you out.
God Bless
My wife of 59years and2months died in April.In the 59years we were married we were never separated,not even a day.We thought that being married that God would not separateus
Now that has happened I don,T know if we will be able it until I get to heaven
As far God and I are concerned , He is my everything, I trust him with with my life And he is my saviorand redeemer and I love him more than anything and I also have been saved by hi good graces,so I know i will be in heaven when the time comes which i hope will be very soonIf you want mure i can give it to you Don Haines
Hi Don,
I'm sure it must be tough on you, but know that you are still useful and have a purpose. My feeling is that you should now just focus on your relationship with God, read and study the bible. I thank God that He is with you during this difficult time.
God Bless you.
Hi Dave I have the perfect way to stop all of madness over my Love In heaven and me in Georgia.I just want to die, that all just let me go to heaven and be with my love. Let know what everone thinks of my idea
Thank you for the help Don Haines
Your wife, who we trust is in heaven, understands God's perfect will in a unique new way since she in now in His presence. I can assure you that with that new found knowledge of His purpose and plan she would not want you to join her one day sooner than the appropriate time.
You will honor her most by living for her in the here and now.
Lord Bless,
the net coordinator
Good Sat morning, I just have one question.Why would I not want to join her Wehave done everything together.I would love to see what she is doing in heaven, unless she is doing something she shouldn't be doing.But I trust in what ever she is doing. T think that is what we call thru love. But tell me what do yu think she is doing right now in heaven
Don Hainen from Georgia PS let me know what yo think she is doing
I could give you various Scripture that reveal the limited knowledge we have regarding life after physical death, yet alive in His presence ... but that is not really the question here. You want to either be there or have her back here. Why after so many years of marriage does one go and the other stay behind for a while is beyond our understanding.
One could question God's love, but He has fully demonstrated His love by dying on the cross and providing a path to new life in Him, a life we do not deserve and cannot earn. One of the greatest struggles of man is understanding that we were created in God's image and that God was not created in ours. His ways and our ways are vastly different, yet while we are able to grow in Christ-likeness we still struggle with the sinful flesh until the day we are released from it.
The next comment will sound harsh, but is only meant to be the truth ... God does not owe us answer. My wife of 40 years had brain cancer last year. The doctors operated and she is still alive, yet I have no promises of another day for her or me in this earthly flesh. My hope is in Him and yet, by His sovereign will and with Him having full knowledge of all things He has chosen to allow your wife to go home and leaving you here for a while longer.
I see no one can answer my question yet. All I want to know what does god teach in heaven and why will I honor her by not knowing. I live for my wife every day of my married life..S why can't someone tell me why i should not know what god teaches.As her spouse I think I have a right to know what is being taught to my wife
Don Haines PS I'am not trying to be rude, I just want to know
You know everything sounds good on paperMy wife just turned 79 and we just made59years of marriage.Then god look her back and left at hume clearing everything out.
If god wanted her so bad and wehave never been apart,what that do to both of usNow all I can do is cry and read the bible.Why didn't he just take both of us.As it stands now he has her in heaven and me a very bitter man It just don't make any senseNow I have to till lord knows when I will be called or how many years I will have to wait to see my love.Thank you Don Haines
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