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Brothers and Sisters please help me. I'm starting not to believe in God. I don't know, he always don't answer my prayers! Yes, I'm a bad person. But he don't help me?!

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There are several things we need to understand when we come to God in prayer. First, we need to know that we are His. The only prayer God hears from anyone who isn't His is the prayer of one seeking forgiveness. Other than that, all other prayers fall on deaf ears.

We must have a right heart when we pray. Are there any unconfessed sins that you harbor in your heart? Are there any sins you choose not to repent of? Do you hold any unforgiveness in your heart against someone? 

We must pray without ceasing.

You must be seeking Him with the right motives as it says in James 4:3. 

Another thing is that when you pray, are you also seeking Him in all areas of your life? Are you in His Word looking to grow in Him or are you just praying a prayer hoping He'll pull this magic rabbit out of the hat. Or, are you also working towards this prayer request? Faith must be exercised on our part when we go to Him with our prayers & petitions. 

When we go to Him in prayer, we also need to realize that what we feel isn't always what is true. Just because you aren't seeing the results you may want doesn't mean you're not receiving the result He knows you need. We may never fully comprehend the answers but knowing He loves us helps us understand that He has our best interests invested. We must accept what He bring to our lives. 

You are in my prayers.

I will. Thank you for giving me an answer to not lose faith in Him. Thank you Eric. God bless you, ill just wait the right and exact day that God will answer me.
Thank you so much for giving me an answer. God didnt answer my prayer yet but i know he will do someday. Ill wait that day, thanka for englighten my mind and my heart. ☺

Just continue to lean on Him

Yes dear He helps you everyday more then you may realize. He does answer prayers it may not be suddenly or it may not be the answer you were looking for but He does answer. just keep your faith even when your feeling down because that is when you really need to hold on to your faith so you will become stronger. try to do the things you know God would approve and stay faithful to HIm and He will Pull you through this hard time your going through. Hold on to Him and He will hold on to you! I pray for you right now that you will be able to be strong and trust in God always through the hard times and the good times. I pray you keep trusting and believing in God always.  In Jesus Name I pray Amen. 


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