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I've heard people say they don't understand the Bible so they stop reading. I've responded to that by pointing out the NIV being easier to understand. However I came across something that has me rethinking this.

The most glaring is this:

In Isaiah 9:3, the KJB says:
Thou hast multiplied the nation, and not increased the joy ...
The NIV says:
You have enlarged the nation and increased their joy...

As the article says, it can't be both. Do you use other versions? If so, have you ever noticed such differences?

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In short, a translation is done by a team of translators working together and focusing on the text being translated. There are certain rules used for translating languages that they will follow in order to get at the truest meaning possible and seek to bring the clearest rendering of that meaning into the new language. Whereas a paraphrase is usually one person who reads it and basically gives his/her opinion/rendering about the text. The Message and The Living Bible are two popular paraphrases. I like one and can't stand the other ...

Oh OK. I understand now. Thanks.

I don't like MSG or AMP. My friend uses AMP a lot in her devotionals. "Too" wordy.

I haven't checked my NIV but did check the one I keep at church and it's NKJV.

The NASB is what Kay Arthur uses. I've read that the writers of this version went back to the original or as original as they have & translated it much better in this version.

The NASB is often difficult to read because it tries to stay as close to word for word as possible in the translation. It is necessary to make certain adjustments because of how different languages construct sentences.

What is the difference in the 1984 NIV translation & the newer ones? Forgive me if you've already answered that in this discussion. Just copy & paste it if you have. Why did it change? Was it because of the publisher or something? 

The publisher attempted to change the wording in English to present a more gender neutral version in the TNIV that was shot down quickly by most who profess to be Christians. This included how they depicted God. Now we know that God has no gender, but the original language uses male words and calls God Father. The same publisher has published a second version following the TNIV that softened some of those original changes, but their approach is still to make certain changes implying that these changes bring the Word up to date in our current culture (The last part is my take on their view). The Word has stood the test of time and does not need a rewritting ... yes, we may need it brought into understandable language, but that is different from attempting to make it cultural relevant.


So, the TNIV is the one you read then when you read the NIV?

No. I like the 1984 version. The TNIV was the first one that bombed and was followed by a softer version than the TNIV, but still not to my liking with the changes that have been made.

Where do you find these versions? I'm guessing they're not in the affordable section. LOL

Here are my thoughts. Whose to say that the KJV is the perfect & correct translation? What if others have went back to the original & translated it more accurately since? So, if the KJV isn't the exact translation, it too could have taken away or added to the original. So, I guess we would have to know what the original said exactly to know if we were adding or taking away or translating properly. 


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