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I need some advice….I am married to a man that believes in God but due to his experiences in life he has no faith in Him. I know in my heart and soul that this man and I are spiritually connected, brought into each others life by God, he doesn't want me to talk to him about God, and claims that something other than God has control of his death, how do I handle this situation?

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You continue to walk in the Light & live the Truth in front of him. You don't bring up the topic of God because it will make them more rebellious. You handle every situation as the Lord leads you to. You are still to be a Biblical wife - submissive. He will see the Spirit in you & desire to know what it is. 

Nevertheless, each person should live as a believer in whatever situation the Lord has assigned to them, just as God has called them. This is the rule I lay down in all the churches. 1 Co 7:17

Thank you for the words of inspriration. I try to leave things to God, I find it harder for the ppl closer to me. God bless.

I understand. I know at times you want to beat them over the head with the truth & can't figure out why they don't get it but God timing is way better than ours & His ways aren't our ways. I'll be praying for you & your husband.

It is a great thing when God opens your eyes to what is really going on. I have been in prayer to God deeper for the first time in a while the last few days. And with His help I came to realize what was really affecting the both of us. I know that Satan is trying to oppress me through my husband, and God is letting it happen as another test for our relationship and the two of us. All, that i need to do is keep from letting all of these situations affect me spiritual with my prayers, trust and faith in God. Sometimes the forest gets in the way of the trees. God Bless!

All, that i need to do is keep from letting all of these situations affect me spiritual with my prayers, trust and faith in God. - Amen

I agree with Tammy.  Keep praying for him.  This may be the reason that you are married to him because God knew this man needed a prayer warrior in his life.  Also, submit. 

Learn to bow in submission, so God can hit him.  ;)

Hi Dana,

We can find some great advice in God's Word.

II Peter 3:1-5, " (1) Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands, that even if some do not obey the word, they without a word, may be won by the conduct of their wives,

(2) when they observe your chaste conduct accompanied by fear.

(3) Do not let your adornment be merely outward - arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel -

(4) rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God.

(5) For in this manner, in former times, the holy women who trusted in God also adorned themselves, being submissive to their own husbands. 

There is a lot of meaning and  depth in this passage.

I'll be praying for you both.

Grace and Peace.

Thank You for your reply. At this point i have had some very deep conversations with God. I have been given some level of insight on my particular delima with my husband. This all came to light after an incident that occurred between us here recently.  After being made aware that Satan is trying to oppress my through him, I also discovered this infaliable love I have for the man. I know in my heart and soul both that this man was given to me by God,  that this man is a christian because I have seen it and in more than one way. One week after the beginning of our relationship 5 yrs ago he gave me a dog tag, It has the prayer of strength and the prayer of salvation on it. I still wear it to this day. I have not lost faith in him and I won't. I know that through me he will see the light eventually, I know what the powers of a praying wife can accomplish. Part of my conversation with God this week has just reminded me of my duties and responsibilities as a christian.  It also gave me insight to just how hard of  fight i have on my hands, but with God's grace and guidance I will make it through it. Another trial for the big tribulation. God Bless!

Amen Dana. There is a book entitled The Power of a Praying Wife by  Stormie Omartian. I think you would really enjoy this book if you was able to purchase it. 

Thanks  Tammy, I have read that book several times. It was a women's bible study for a group i was apart of. I still have that book. I look back into it from time to time, but right now I don't have immediate access to it, it's packed up. Probably wouldn't hurt to  dig it and the notebook out. i have had a hard time trying to define what i felt like when that incident between he and i occurred. Last night I was praying and it came to me that the way he made me feel that day was that my heart is in agony and i feel like this agony is trying to suck the life right out of me. Even though he never said that he wanted me to give up God for him, he sure has made me feel like it. This morning he apologized for how he made me feel. He doesn't exactly know how i feel, but he's seen me in tears since that day. And it wasn't what he said, it was what i felt when he said it. Sort of like he said one thing, but his tone and expression meant another. God Bless! 


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