All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Greetings all,

Our parent ministry,, is wanting to put together a brief promo to share with testimonies from people who have been touched by the Lord through one of AAG's numerous ministries.  We are looking for salvation accounts or personal growth accounts directly related to your experience with AAG (including TheNET).  If this is something you would be interested in sharing let me know. We are wanting to record these and will likely use the Hangouts On Air to accomplish this. I would be the one with you and we can work on the details in advance if interested.

Please prayerfully consider this and let me know if you are interested.

Lord Bless,


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LT, I had the privilege of hearing part of the discussion tonight, I must have gotten in late, when you signed off it was 9:13 here in Ks. You must have started in an earlier time zone than I.

Also I didn’t know how to post anything, or to try to see if the mic’s on my ear buds actually work. Maybe someday we can talk by phone if it would be permissible with you. My cell phone is *********** in case you want to, however if I’m on a machine during the day, I might not be able to hear.

Thanks for allowing me to sit in.  

God bless and have a good night.

I copied and removed your number. I would love to and look forward to talking to you :-) I will give you a call for sure in a day or two.

The times I use are EST because I am in Florida. Sorry for any confusion on that. We could set up a time in the near future to test your microphone out and familiarize you with the chat box, etc ...

Lord Bless,


looking forward to it. thanks

Hi LT,

I don't know if this is still going on, but I can give a short testimony of the importance of this ministry to me if AAG could still use it. 


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