Was watching a religious discovery documentary yesterday. It was showing the trail that archeologists followed that led them to an ancient city and they found a sealed container with scrolls in them that were hidden during the time of Constantine. In this they found scrolls by Mary Magdalene in which Mary said Christ told her about the afterlife. She describes it as our souls eternally moving on, or something to that effect...like we wander.
I wonder about the other scriptures they claim to find at times, but on this particular one something stood out to me.
Why would Christ tell Mary something in complete opposition to what He told others? He wouldn't. Therefore, this is one set of scrolls I could not see as being true.
John 14:2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
Luke 23:43 Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”
I know many wonder about these so-called lost scrolls, as I have. But after this I began to wonder if all of them could be suspect. I did read some of Solomon's, but didn't find much of it noteworthy. And would God leave us in a world where no one knew the scriptures? So wouldn't He have made sure the scriptures made it through...ergo our modern day Bible.
I don't know anything about these scrolls, but what you're saying reminds me of the book 'Davinci Code'. People have tried to say that Jesus and Mary Magdalene had a love affair, and Jesus didn't die but went off and got married to Mary. ...Conspiracy Theorists.
If Jesus didn't die then we have no reason for hope. That's just what the enemy of our souls wants us to believe.
I have heard it said that the enemy will have a cheap imitation for everything that is good, real and true.
A quick response due to time constraints. We can look at two points in history to discern the validity of what we call the Bible today being complete without books missing.
1) We have many writings that were produced by what is commonly called the early church fathers. In these writings we have all of the books found in the Bible referred to over and over. We see them recognizing them as God's Word carrying God's authority. Now it is true that we find them from time to time referring to other writings, but these are rare in comparison and are not given the same respect as what is viewed as God's Word.
2) When the council gathered to determine what was to be included in the cannon of as God's Word and what was to be excluded they did not come together and simply vote one in and one out. That was not their purpose. By this time (early 300s) the church was facing, as it does today and every generation, an attempt by some to introduce heresy. There were people trying to introduce other books into the life of the church and seeking to give the other books equal status to God's Word. While in a technical sense they did decide what was in and what was out, what they actually did was affirm the books that the church was, and had been , using all along. In other words they did not debate whether Matthew was in or out, but rather affirmed that the church had always and still recognized that Matthew is God's Word (they did debate one book heavily, possibly two as I am working from memory). The gathering was with over 300 members (don't remember the exact number) and you will hear today that they did not agree on the finished product. History tells us that there were only 2 (the number two) dissenters. Only 2 and they call that division .....
Could you imagine if the council had not been called and the Bible in essence sealed what we would have today? How many books would have been added over the years? If we think people are confused now, just imagine if every organization included their own books into the Bible claiming the same authority from God (not I said claiming, not that they would have it).
To your last comment ... modern day Bible. While it is true that we have new translations popping up every so often, we recognize that if they follow proper protocol for translation they are producing a new translation from the Bible we have been trusting all along. So, we really don't have a modern Bible, but the Bible with modern translations coming forth.
Lord Bless,
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